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<br /> 9�-- 10'�1461
<br /> TOOB'I'�R WI'PH a11 the improvcmenu naw on c�rcafur croctod an the PropertY.and�ll eaxments�ePPurtenancea�md
<br /> fixwces nnw or haeafkr a p�ct ot tho proputy.AU ropl�cunents and�dditions st►iU nlso bo covuocf by thi�Securlty Instrumai�
<br /> AU of the faegoing fs rcfenod w ln thi�Socuriry Insuumcnt a9 Ihc "Aropotty."
<br /> BOTtItOWHR COY�NAN t S tiuit Borrowa i�Wwfully rni�od of tho estato hueby conveyrd and has tho right to grent end
<br /> c�nvay tho Propaty md thac�he Property i�unencumbaed.exccpt for e�cumbrancea of rocord. Bamwer wamnts end wW
<br /> dcfend ge�py the dUe to tha Propaty�g+tinst all c4ims antl dananda.aubjoct to any encumbrana,4 of rocord.
<br /> TFllS SBCURTTY 1NSTRUI►�3Nf cambines unlform covaianta for natk�nal uso md nan•unifam cuvcnants with limiced
<br /> v�daoan�by juriadktkn to consNtute e unifocm eecur(ty inatcuma►t covering real property.
<br /> UNIFORIuY COVBNANTS.Barower aad I.axkr covenaut Nd�groo as folbwa:
<br /> 1.P��ment ot PriecipN�nd Intereat�Prepsyment and�te ClwrRes. Horrowu shali prompdy pay whcn due thc -
<br /> princ�p�l of and Intaaa an the debt eviduical by tho Note end eny propayment and late charga due under the Nab.
<br /> 2.Fund�for Tuca and IeaurAnce. Subjxt ta applicabb law or w a writtca w�tva by l�r.�ndec. Borrowar shell piy to
<br /> L,a�der oa the day monthlY paymaus ero dua undu tho Note.until tha Nou is paid In fuU.i sum(°Funds")for:(a)yearly taues
<br /> and asse,�rn�eats which may auain pdority over this Socuriry Ins�umeru es a Ilen on the Proprrty;(b)yearly Ie�schold payments
<br /> a grcwnd rents oa tha Propaty.if any�(c)Yearly h�rxd or prope��ty insaranoe premiunas�Cd)YearlY �1ood insurance premlums.3f
<br /> �►Y;(�)Y��Y��S�Be insurance pc�miums,{f any;and(� �ny sums payAbk by Bom�wa tn Lcader.in accordance wlth the
<br /> pmvisions of�arag�aph S,In lieu of the p�yment of moKgage insuranoe premiums.'Ihese items ene callod"F.�cx+ow Icems."
<br /> I.ends�mty.u any time,colkct�ad hoW Fl�da in�a ama�u►t not to excood tho mulmum amoitnt a lendu for A fedaally rebarrstD
<br /> uwng�ga loan may nquin for Bamw�er's esaow aoeouat undec the federal Real Esmte Seulement Procedures Act of 19'74 as
<br /> amended f�+om tirne to dme,12 U.S.C.Secdon 2601 et scQ. ("RBSPA"),w►less anotNa l�w Ihat�pplks to tbe Fuads sets a lesser
<br /> amo�n�If so,L,ender may�at aay tLne.coiloct aRd 6old Fwds in an amount not W excad the lesser�unoun� Lender may
<br /> esdrt�e the�nt of Fw�due oa the basis of curtent dr�and reasonable tstimates of eapazdipir+p of fuwre F.�crow Items or
<br /> od�wLse io aocor�d�nce with eppik;abb Iaw.
<br /> " 'If�e Funds stuill bo held in ea iasdtudai wlasc deposits an insured by a federtl aBertcY,lnsdumencality,or entity(including
<br /> ` Ltuda.if L.ender Is such m ir�stltudon)or in�ny F�ederal Hane I.oan Bank.I.uukr shaU�►ly the Fands W pay the Bscrow
<br /> Items.La�der may uoc cl�arge Barowa fa holding md applying the Fupds.w,ually analy�ing dw eaa�ow account,a va3fY�8
<br /> t�w BxroM Ieans,unlas I�ender pays Sarnwa intaesi on the Funds and applkabk law pamits Lender to malce sor,h e ch�rge.
<br /> � Howeva,L.ender may iequL�e Bono�b qy a onc-time ct�rge for aa indq�enda�t real atmNe tau repocting savbe used by
<br /> I.e�la in oo�u�ecti�on Mith this lan�unkxs applicabb law pmvldes otl�awLve.Unkst an agreemuu Is m�da a applic�bk law
<br /> � requi[es iataest to be paid,I.ender shell not be requind to psy Ba�mwa eny intarst a aminga aa the Fwndv. Barowtit�nd
<br /> . i Le',�der"�aY�roe in writing,howeva�that intaest shill ba p�id on the Funds.Lenda ahatl give a Bamwa.witlwut ciurcge.an
<br /> '� aanual acooundqg of the Fbnds,ahowing aedits and deb�t�Lo die Fw�ds and the p�ose�a whkh eacd debit to the Funds wuv
<br /> , � made,Ti�e fitmds are pbdgod as addidonal soc�airy fa all sums sxund by this Sociuity Iast�umcnt
<br /> ', If th:.:�u�Gs�;,td by:.�x�d,,:.Mc:tid ih;.�x�tt�:to�he2d by ap�,rl�b:c L�,Lc��x:.:s:1!�atust ta Basrac:xs foz
<br /> -l the eaass F�snds in aaoc+rluice with the roqniremeets of applic�ble law.If the a�nount of the Fundi held by Lerder u aay dme is �
<br /> ._� not su�'icknt q pay the Bxxow Itans wtKn due.L�ender mey so nodfy Borrowa in wridng.�nd.in such cx�e Bomnrva shsll P�►Y
<br /> ' a+L�du tho enw�u�t neassary to maka up the deficiency. Borrower shall make up the defidcncy �n ao mora than twelve
<br /> "�' monthlY PQY��•a�t I,ender's sok dbcc�etlon.
<br /> �� UP�P4Y�t in fiill of all sum�sxurod by this SeCUrity Inswment,Lendex shall promptly refund w B�icrowa any FUnds
<br /> !x]d by La�da. If.�pengcaph 21,I,enckr shW acqui�e a s�ll the Proputy,I.ender, Prbr b �he qcquisidon a sak of the
<br /> , • . proQaty�slnll apply riy Funds held by T.ender at the time of ocyuisitlon or sak as a credit agtinst the aums securod by this
<br /> ' Sxurlty lnmumeat
<br />'�� 3.Applicstio�M'Pa3naenta. Unieas applicabk law provldes otherwise�all paynxnts noeaved by L.ender uader paragr�phs
<br /> '' 1 aad 2 ehall be applkd: flrst,w anY D�Y�t charg�s due unda the Note;seoond to am�uncs p�yable under para�h 2;
<br /> thiN.to 3nt�aat due;faicrtd,to princips�l due;and last,to any latecharges due undu the Nota.
<br /> a�� 4.Ch�r�es:Liem, Borrower sh�ll pry �ll taxes. assessmaits�cturgat, �aes and impositians �trllwtebb w the Propaiy
<br /> which may atnin qiaity ovu this Sxuriry Instrument,and leaxhotd paymans or ground rnnts.if any.Barowa shall pay tbe�e
<br /> � oblig�tions In the marma provided in pt�rragraph 2.or if not p�id in that manner,Bomc�wer sholl pty dkm on eirtie dic�xdy to the
<br /> � persoa oaed paymwt Sarower shall prompdy fumish w L�encter Nl notices of amouuts to be paid under this p�ragraph.It
<br /> j Bomowx m�lces dxse pRymaits diroctly.Barower shall promptly fi�mish to I.endar receipls evlda�ci�ag the paymertts.
<br /> ' Barowa shall P�P�Y dtccharge any lien which has priaity ovu thfs Securiry Instr�ment unkts Bon�owtxt(a)agooes in
<br /> i writing W the payiawt of the obligatlon secunG by the tien in a R�enner acceplabb ta Lenda;(b)contests in good faitfi tha lien
<br /> ; by. a defaida ag�inst ento�ce+nr�nt of the lien in, iegel pnoaodings which in the Leada's opinion opuato to preve,nt the
<br /> � atfoc+cement of the lien;or(c)secnces fmm ifie holder of the Ifen an agroement sadsfectory to T.uida subor�dinating the Iiei►to
<br /> I thts SeciuIty InsuumenG If Lendu detamLxs that eny part of t6e Prope�ty is sabject to a lica wt�Ch may attain prjoriry ova ihis
<br /> , Securlty Ins�at,Laukr may give Bcxrower a notice ida�tifytng the lien.Bomnwer ahcUi satisFy the lien or teke one or more _
<br /> of the actions sei forth ebove within 10 days of the giving of nodx.
<br /> For�n�02i O/DO
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