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<br /> 97� 1�7i�s
<br /> PeY���Y no longer be rcquirod,at the opdon of l,cndcr.if mo�tgege insurance coverago(In Ihe amount�nd fa Uu p�rlod
<br /> that Lender requir+:9)provided by en insuoer y�proved by Y.cndu again bocanes availabk�nd is abtainod.Bormwcr�all psy t1b
<br /> premiums roquind to maintain mort8�8e insnrar�ce in effoct,or ta prov�do a bss r�aave,wtil tho requiremeni for moctg+ge
<br /> insucence ends in eccoManco wtth any wrluen agroement betwcen Aamwex and I.ender a eppllcabk Isw.
<br /> 9.Yaspec�k►n. L,a�i�a iLV pgcnt may m�il:e rcasonable enMes upcm and inRpecdons of tha YroAcny I,emdu shall B�Ya ,
<br /> Barowa notice at tha tirtw ot or priot w an inspectlon spocifYing rea9oaabk causo for the inspxtion.
<br /> 10.Candemnation. 'Tfie proceods of any award a cWm fix damagea. diroet a coaxquential� in connoeti�on with aey —
<br /> �ondannedoa or othec teking of eny psut of tho PropercY.a for convayance in liw af condemnWion,are heceby agstgned md
<br /> sball be paid tn I.entler.
<br /> In tho oveat of a total t�king of tho Property.tha proceeds ahall be appliod w the auma eacured by this Socurity 1nsWma►s.
<br /> whether a not�hen due,with any eacess p�Sd w Ho�rnwe�•In Wo�va�t of�p�rtlal nkLiB of tho Prope,ttty in which thc fair marica
<br /> val�a of tho PropatY tmmedbtely tsefore the W�Li�i�oqu�l w or gre�ter Ihm the anaunt o[�he�um�socurod by thb Soc�uity
<br /> Inswmait immedWely befom tho t�king,un{ess Barowu and L�der dherwUe apec in wridn��tho ewn� �ocurod by thi�
<br /> Sacurity Inatcuma►t ehsil be roducod by tho�nwuot of the pnxeods multiplbd by Ihe foibwing frnctlar(�)�ho toul�rraunt of
<br /> tha suma aocured immediakly be[oro tha uk1nQ, divided by N)�fair m�rlcet valua of tho PropenY Immodiately betora Ihe
<br /> ukin�,/1ny b�l�nce�h�ll bo p�id w Borrowu.In tha avent o[a p�rti�l ukin�of the Pr�operty In which�hc f�ir maricet v�lue of�ho
<br /> ��Y ���Y befoto 1he taking b le� ttun Ihe mwunt of tho sums rocurod immedi�Mely bef���1kd to thc'
<br /> Bortower and L,�aukr othe:wlte�oe in wtfdng a un{eas applk�bb 1xw a�itierwir�a prov{das��hc Procads
<br /> euma socurod by thb Securiry Inewmait whetlxr or not U�e sumr ao ti�ai due.
<br /> If the PmpatY i�ab�ndaied by Barowu,or If.after notice by Lenda w Bomox�a Uw the condemnor offas to meke an
<br /> awxd or seqlo a cWm fa dma�W.Bormwu fails w res�wnd m Lendu within 30 days afta tha dete U�c notice 1s Siven�L�ender
<br /> is auttwrizod w wllxt uid�pply tha proceed��et Itg optlon,either to restantbn ar repir of the Pr�atY or w the suma eocured
<br /> by thja Socurlty Instroma►t.whetha or not U�duo. i shW not extend or posi�one
<br /> Unieas I.eader aad B�srower othawLsa egreo in wrltin8,anY 8PP�of proceedt W P�P�
<br /> tha due date of the monthly p�yma�ts refesod w in paragcapha 1 ond 2 or changa�he amount of such pyma�ts.
<br /> 11.Borrm►er Not R�k�uedi Fa�*��By Le�der Not�VYdver. Bxtension of tha dme fa payrner►t a modification
<br /> of�moc�zadon of the sum�exurod by this Sec�ulry Instrument�anud by Landa to ay successor in inuxest of Borrowa alull
<br /> not o�er�te to relet9e the li�bility of tbe origiml Borrower or Borrowu's successors in intaest.Lender shsl!not bo re4ui�d�°
<br /> oonrnaKx Peocee4tn8s�g�insC anY�'�;aie�t�,eatu�Lc�ic��slss�for�;ar-..nt or Qt��m�!ify amaNvatloc►oF
<br /> d�e w��ecu�ed by thls SeCUrity Inshuma�t by reason of any dunand made bY the arlBinal Borrowa or Bormacr's aucressors
<br /> i�inlaest.My forbeannce by I�da in exercLcing any right ar remedY shell not be t waiva of a procluda thc exaGise of r►y
<br /> ri�ht a remody.
<br /> 12.Snccaeon and Aeri�os Eound:Joint�nd Severat Liwbiliqi Caai=nen. 11a cuvensats end agrc�ent� af ttds
<br /> Security Inatcument shell biad ead beneflt the soce�asors aad assigns of Lend�r a4d Hortowet. subjxt w the povisions of
<br /> �k 2?. BQrm::�'s t��!�n�!� � *„A*mnerts �eh�ll be,joint and sevail. My Bamwar Nho co-signs Ghis Sacudty
<br /> In�aument but does not exxuta thn Nata: (�is co-signin8 tlds 3ecurtty�nsavmeat only to moctgage.Sr�nt end oouvay tkuc
<br /> Banawer's inta�est in tha Yropaty undcr the t�enns of this Security Ins�cumeat;(b) i�not persoaally obligetod to pay the sums
<br /> sxurod by this Socurity Ina�umen�and(c)agras that Lende�and�ny oU�a Bomowa msy agrx to eata�d,modjfY.torl�r or
<br /> m�te any a000mmodWass wlth ngard to the tarma of tt►is Scc�ulry Instrument a ihe Note withaut tt�at Barower's consemG
<br /> 13.i.ou Ch�r�a. It the ban securod by this Securlty Instiument is eubJect w�law which sets maximum laan cher�es.
<br /> �nd thAt law is finally iat�cipreted so that ttie intaest or other loan charges collected or to be ooUecteE in canaection with the los�
<br /> • �xcood the pamittod Wnits�tl�n:(a)any sacd lo�a charge shull be reducod by tNe amount nocessary to reduce tho chnrge to the
<br /> permitkd limi�and(b)�Y u�m�+aZtesdY wlloctal from Borcower whieh exceoded per►nitted Wnits wfll be refundod 4�Boztower.
<br /> L,q�der miy clwoae to rayte thls refand by rulucjag the principnl owed unda tt�e Nooe or by mddng s djrect paymait to
<br /> Bomawa. 1f a refund roduces pclnclPal,the reducdon wlll be on�tod as a pa�tial PrepaYme�t wid�out anY P�Y�t charge
<br /> onber the Note.
<br /> 1�.Notica. Aay notka to Borrowu pmvlded for in this SecurIty Instrument shtU ba glven by delivaing it a by msiUng it
<br /> by first cla�s mW unlas �pplic�bla law requires use of another method.'Itie nake siull be dlreccod to the Propaty Address a
<br /> any btha addreas Bomowa deaignates by nodce w Lenda.My nwke to Lender shall be givu�by first cl�w mail w I.enckr'e
<br /> address atstod herein ar sny oiher eddnss Luider designates by notice to Harowa.Any nodce provided fac in this Security
<br /> Insuuma�c ah�U be damed to have been gtven to Borrower nr Lender wheri given as providod in this paragraph.
<br /> 1S.Governina Law;Severnbility. This Security Instrument shall be govemed by foderal law and thc law of the
<br /> ju�isdicdon in which the Froperty is locatod.It►tha event that any provision or c[ausa of this Sec�uity Insuument or the Nota
<br /> conflicts with applicabfe law. such confltct shall not effect othu provisions of this Sxurity Instrument or tbe Note whkh can be
<br /> given effect without the conflicdng provision.To ihis end the pmvLsions of this Se��uity Insnument end the Note ace doclared to
<br /> be scvaabk.
<br /> - Form 302i OlDO
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