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<br /> '��i.",� • 16.Borro�ve�'e Copy. Bocrowcr shall ba A�ver�ono confonncd copy of U�c Notc end of thi.s Securtty Inswmcn� _
<br /> _�� 17.`i rander of tbe 1'mpert�!ur w Beae(kf�l Iute�r�ct ta Dorrower. lf nA or any P1rt of the Property or any intcrest in it Is
<br /> - eo{d or tnnsfarod(or iF�bc�eC�cial inu�fcst in Horcawcr I9 eoW or tnnskrrod�nd Borrowu is not a naturalperaon) without
<br /> `�.� I,etida'e prior wriq,ea conxnt,Lcndu rtu�y.at ita aptiab requiro immodlua paymcnt!n full ot all�tume eocur�od by this Sxurity
<br />--- — Inswmcn� Howavcr,thia opdan sh�ll not ba oxcrci�od by l.cndcr if cxcrcix i+prahibltccf by fcdcral taw a9 uf tho dato of thi�
<br /> - Socutity In�wmcnt. -
<br />_ :hr�.' If I..cntic,�oasrci�ca thfeopUon.l.cndcr sh�ll givo Barowu notko�f�ccck,��Uon.71�o nolka ntudi pmvido aperlod af not kss
<br />.,.,�,� Ih�n 30 dNye from tt�o data Iho notka i.r dellvcrcd or sruibd wl�hiR which Bixmwcr muRt p�y all sums socurod by�iia Socurity
<br />.r f�.• inswma�t. if Barowcr fails to pay thcse wna peior uo Ua axDlnNon af thi�perlod,l,cndcr may invoka�y rcmodica permiuod
<br /> �s.aa,� by thie Socutity lnprumcttt wilhcwt(urthcr nodrA adeaamd on Borrower.
<br /> -_= lt.Borrower'� Ri�ht to Re�te. U 8o�rower moet� ceru�in conditiona, Borrnwer ahpll have tho right w havo
<br /> cnfo►cemem of tl!l� Socurity lnwvn�t dlxontinuod u any tima prior to the culiea at: (a) S days (ur such othar podod as
<br />`�� �p p l k,�b k V w m�y x p o city far roinsu�tement)befcxe ada af tho Propertypursuant w eny power of salo contaic�od in this Secur[t y
<br /> -`�"''� Inswma��a(b)enuy o f�jud�mcnt cnforcing this S�curity Inswmcn�'I h oso condldons ere that Borrowu:(a)paya L cn dcr a l l
<br /> -- aum�whfch�hen would be duo under thls Socuriry Inswment w�d the Note�u if no accoleredon had occurccd; (b)cures any
<br />�=''�� dofault of�►y oth� wvaants or agreemenu�(c) pYs�ll expenses incurrod in enforcing this Securiry Instrurtwnt,including.but
<br /> �V:;�;� not limjtod a�rea�oc�bks wwn�eys'fues:erjd(d)takes such acdon As Londor may reasc►nably rcquim[o assure dwt the lien of this
<br /> '�►__,�^'`';� Socurity Inatcumait,. L�ende,r�a dghu in the Ptopaty a n d Bomowu's o b II g a Bon W p a Y t h e s n m s secured b y thls Socurtty
<br />�- Instrument ahell condnua unchAnged. Upon ninsuternent by Bcxrowu, thLa Sxurlty Instrument and the obllgations sxured
<br />`=v�-�� heneby shaq rem�.� fully ef[ocdve av if no sccaleradon had occu�r�id.However.this rig ht to roinstau shaU not apply in the case of
<br /> �...�_ 17.
<br /> ���sw �19�5 o�N ei�:�DRe of Lan Servker. 'R�e Noto or a partlal interest in the Nose (together with thl� Securlty
<br /> Instrument)may be sold one or more tLnes wlthout prla nodco to Borrower.A sale may result in a chauge in the endty(known
<br /> ag tha"L,oan Sorvicer")that oollects monthlypayments due undu the Note and thls Sxurlty IAStmment Thera elso may be one or
<br /> mae chu�ga of the L.oan Servker anrelatod to a a�le of the Note.If them is a change af the Loan Seivicer,Borrower wIU be
<br /> -._-= givu►wriuen nudce of the change in eccocefance wiUi puagraph 14 above andapplicabk law.The nodce wW stete the name and
<br /> address of the new I.oan Servlcer and the address to which payments should be made.'I1►e notice wiU also contain any other
<br />-� informatlot�raluired bY ePPlic�bk law.
<br /> TA.H��ardous Subat�ace�. Barower shall not causa a peraut the presence. use, disposal� stornge, or reler�e of eny
<br /> I-Li�a�-d�us�ut;t�s�aa cr£SS stx Pr��*.;.Pnr!�+wPS nhnit noc dn,nor aUow anyone else to do.unYthinB affa:dng the Propaty
<br /> that is in violatian of rny finvir4nmentel la►w.Tha pr+eadin8 two sentences shail not apply w the p�no�rnal resid�dal uses
<br /> Pmpaty of�nall qus►titks of Hazardoas Substance_s that are genualiy iticogtiizod to be aPPsnP
<br /> and to mainunsnce of tho A�opaty.
<br /> Bormwa shtll prompdY give Lender writiea n°dce of any invastigadon. claim.demand, lawsuit a other action bp eny
<br /> govanmenW or regulawiy aBencY or Prlvato PastY Nvolving Ihe Property end any Ha�rdous Substance a�EnvjroamenW Law
<br /> of which Barowa t�a4 acwal knowledgo.If Borrower kams.a is nwlffod by any governmental a regulatory authorIty,dut any
<br /> ruaoval or otha remodiarion of any Ha7srdous Substance affecting the ProPertY is nece.csuY.Borrowu shall promptly tska all
<br /> - - ne0tss�y ieme�ifi actions in uax►rtiwuwC wiu�E+rvuwuur+�ial Ixw.
<br /> As used in this pe�graph 20."Hazerdous Substanr.es" are those substences defined as male or hazardous substancas by
<br /> gnviconmenpil Laiv and the followtng substuioes: gasoliiui,keroserw. oWer flammable or toxic petmleum products. toxic
<br /> � pesdcides and habicides�volsdle soivents�rrwterlils containing asbestos or fom�aldehyde.and radioncdve matcilals.Aa nsod in
<br /> �his pmra�raph 2p,"Environme,ntal Lsw"means federal laws and laws of the jurisdicdon whei+e tho Property is located that relata
<br /> to halth.satety a envIronmenW protection.
<br /> NON-UNIPORM COVt3r'ANI'S•Bomawa and Lend�fwthcr�°venant end agroe ag follows:
<br /> ' Zi.Accekr�tbn;Remedies.Lender shalt gire notke to Borro�ver prior to accekraHos toUowing Borrower's breach ot
<br /> any ooveo�nt a A�ent tu this Secnrit3'Issuument (but aot prbr to acalerittfon nnder para=np6 17 ualess
<br /> applkabte 4�w provtdes ot6enrise).T6e notioe ahaU specifj:(x)tAe defaultt(6)t6e�ction required to cure the de�ault;(c)
<br /> a date,not lese than 30 daya tran thc dxte the not{oe fs�tven to Borrower,by w6kL tbe detault muat be curcd;and(d)
<br /> t6st hilure ta cure t6e dehult on or before the date epecifkd ie the notice mAy resuk fe anxleration of the sums ucured
<br /> by thie Securit�Inalrument and Bnk oi the Property.The notke s6aU turtha iefora�Borrower of the rla6t to r�tate
<br /> �ner aceekration And the rf�ht to bring�corrt action to assert tbe non�exlshna of a detAUlt or any other defenae ot
<br /> Borrower to aaelenitjoe and sak.If the dehauk�not cured on or before the date specitied in the noNce.Lender,�t ib
<br /> ?-� optbn�may requfre tmmediate ps�nnent in tull o�all aums secured by t6is Security IosKument witfiout turther d�mRnd
<br /> — and may invoke tbe power ot as�k snd any ot6a temedias permitted by applicAbk law.Lcader ahAll be entitkd to collect
<br /> Ap p�peoaq fnarred In purauin�the remediea p�rovided in thts paragrap6 21,including,but not timited to,re�sonabk
<br /> _--== attorneys'feee md casts o�titk evideace.
<br /> �-W� It the power af aak Ev invoked, 7Yustee sha�l record a notioe of detault in esich county in w6kh any part of the
<br />--�.�� Property b bcated�nd e6a11 msii rnpies ot suc6 nodoe in the manner prescribed by applicabk Ww to Borrowu and to t6e
<br /> -;;p�'� other persons prescribed by npplicabk law.Atter t6e time required by appikabk Inw,'IYustee s6AU give pub{ic notioe of
<br /> ;:��•.;� sale to the ptseons ind ta t6e mtnner prescr:btd by applkabk law.Truata,wit6out demrnd oa Borrower.shAll sell rtie
<br /> __, -�� property at pu6lic�uction to the htghest bldder s��the time and place and under the terma designated in the noNa o'
<br /> .�o��
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