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<br /> • S.Hozard oe property Insurance. Bocrower shaU kcep Ihe Lr►provements now exisdng or hereatter erecced on Ihe Property
<br /> insured egainst bss by fire.hazarde included w(thin the teim"eatettded covuage"and eny other hazards,including floods�r
<br /> flondiug,for which L,encler rcqulres tnsurance.This insura►►ce shall bc maintained in the amounts and for the perlods t1�ac L.ender
<br /> requirq.'11�e insurgnce carrlu providing the insurance sheil 1x chostn by Bocrowcr subject w Lender's approval which s}�all not
<br /> be unreasonably withheld. If Borrower feils to rnaintal►► co�era8a de�rib�d abovc, Lendu may. ac Lender�s option, obtein
<br /> coverage to�xouct Lendu's r�ghts in the Property in eccordanca vv�th p3ragraph 7.
<br /> All insnrance policies and renewels shall be acceptabb to Lei►der and shall include a standar e��du all receipts o paid
<br /> bave tue right to hold the pollcies and nnewals.If Lcndu ra►uires.Bon+nwer st�ll pron►PUY SI
<br /> premiums ead nnewnl notkes.In 1�►e evcnt of loss.Borrower sha11 Bivc prompt notice co the insurance cazrie�a�d Lendu.L�ender _
<br /> may make proof af loss if not made pmmptly by Borrower. lled w res6orati�on or repair of the
<br /> Unkss I�a�dr.r and Borrower mherwlse agree�n wrldng�inswance procads sl�all be aPP
<br /> • ProprrtY dams8od,if the reswrabton a n�air is xaamically feastble and Lender's securlty Is not lessened.If the restoracion or
<br /> re�air is�wt economicaUy feasibb or Leader's aecutity would bo itssa�od.the jnsnrance procceds shall bo aPplkd co the au�ns
<br /> aocurod by this Security Instrument, whether or not ttkn due. with eny eaass Wid to Barowu. If Borrowa abendona the
<br /> propaty,or dots not answer withlr�30 days p nWkt fcan Lender thu tho insariuice carrk,r has offend ��sums Eocurod
<br /> Lendet may ce�lla;t Iho insurer�ca ixacccds.[.cttttcr msty uae 1ho proc�seds 6o re�ui r cx restore tha PcopertY -
<br /> by thls Security inatrumetn,whcthor or rtot Ihen duo.Tfia 3Q-d�y period wtll begin when tho notka ia given.
<br /> Unlcn,s Lenda md Borruwu otherwiso�groa in wriUnB.nY�PPliation of procoods u�pdncipol eh�ll not oala�d or postpono
<br /> tho duo duo of iho monthly pnymcr►ta rofcrraf w in pwra�r�phs 1 uid 2 or chrngo tha amount of tha prymtnte.iP under paragnph
<br /> 21 tho Prnperty ia�cqufrod by l.ender.Bortower'a dght to�ny insuruico pollcEe�md Pracooda reaulUng[rom dam�8o w tho
<br /> p�penY p�(or a �1io�cquisitlnn ah�ll pw to Lender to tho extent of the sum�secured by Ihis SocurEty Inetrumeni immcdiucly
<br /> priar to the acqufaition.
<br /> . 6.Occupa�cy�P�'ese*vatba,lN�inteoanre�ad Protertlon ottl�e Propertyi Borrower'� Lo�a App1{catbn;Lauholds.
<br /> Barower shall occupy,esubliah.and ux tha PropertY a+Barowa's�rLticipal residcr�cc withln sixty days�fter the exceutbn of
<br /> thL9 Security Instrument aad shall contlnue to occupy the Peoperty a4 Borrower's pdncipal residence for at k�st one year afta the
<br /> data of occupency. unless Lenda otlkrwIsa egroes in wridag,which consent shaU not be unreagonably withheld. or wless
<br /> wcicuwding tu�w���i.^t�lsicli rst�;�BQrr�w�r'!cnntml.Borrowu shall not destroY,d��Be a impair ttie Propaty�
<br /> �llow the Prope�ty w deteriorate� or commit waSte on tha Propaty. Sarowa shall be in default if any fo�cfeiwre action a
<br /> procooding,whether civil or ccLninai,La be8un that in Lenda's gaod feith judgment couW result in forfeiwre of the Pmpe,�ty or
<br /> otherwite matalally impair the lien cneated by this Socurtty Inswment or Lender's seauity intuest Boirowu may cnre such a
<br /> default and reinstate�es pmvided in pare�h 18�by causing the action or procadinB to ba dlsmissed with a rullt�g that, v►
<br /> I,cnder's good faith dete,nnination.procludes forfeiwre of�Sorrower's intuest ia the Proputy a otha met�sisl Lnpai�mait af
<br /> the lien created bv this SxurIty Insuument or L,euda's security inter�t Bomuwu ehaU also be in defeult if Borrowa.during tbe
<br /> Ioen sg�plicatbn process,Save mauxlal.ly feilse or inacc�r+te intonnation or statemcnts w�ader(a feilod oo proviuc L.e��der wiih
<br /> y�ny m�te,ria( infonnation) in connection whh ihe loan evldenced by the Note. �ncluding,but not limitod w,re�resent�lians
<br /> . concerning Bormwa's occupancy of the Propeety as a principal residence.If this Securtty Insuument is on a kasehold.8orrowu
<br /> st�all comply with ell the provisbns of the kase.If Borrowa acquires fce 6tk to the Propaty,the leasehold and the foe tftk shall
<br /> , not mage unkss Lender agcees to tho cnergcr�n wrldng.
<br /> 7.Proteetbn of Lender's Ris6ts ia the Property. 1f Borrowu feils to puForm the covenants and a�eemerus contai�d �n
<br /> � this 5xurlty Instrument,or there is a leS,el Pc�cad�nB d�at may significantly affect Len�er's rights in the Propaty (such as a
<br /> 'proceoding in barilr,c�ptcy.probau.for condemnatton or forfdture or to enforce laws or rcguladons).thw La�du may do and pay
<br /> for whatavu Is necessary to protect the value of the Pmpe.rty and L.ende+''s r3ghts in the Propeity.Lend^.x's acdons may inclnde
<br /> paying aay sums secured by a llen which has pdority ova this SecurIty Insirument, appeadng in court, WyinB na9o�abk
<br /> ' atta+kys' fees and enuring on the Pmperty w make repaire. Although L.ender may take acdon ander tt►is pategicaph 7,Lender
<br /> does not havo w do so.
<br /> ; My amovnts disbursed by L�der under this paragraph 7 shall bocame additioael debt of Borrowa secured by this Saurity
<br /> Inst�ment Unless Borcower and Lender agree to other tams of payment,these amounta shall bear interest irom the date of
<br /> disbursement at the Note rau and shall be payable.w[th int�emst,upon notia from Lenda w Borrower requesdng paymen�
<br /> � a.Mortga�e Insuraece. If I.endu roquired mortgege insnrance as a condition of making ihe loan secured by dtis Security
<br /> Instrument, Borrowu shall pay the premiums required c�o maintain the mortgage insurance in effect If,for any re�son, the
<br /> mortgege insurance coveraBe required by Lender lapses or ceases to be in effect,Bocrower shall pay the premtums required t�
<br /> obtaln covuage su6stend�elly equivelent to the mortgage insurance previously in effect, at a cost substandally oquivaleat to the
<br /> cost to Borrower of thu moctgage insurenct�pcevIously in effect, frem an alternate mortgage insurer approved by Lender_ If
<br /> substantially cquivalent mortgage insurance coverage is not available,Borrower shall pay co Lender each month a sum equal to
<br />- one-twolfth of the yearly mortgage insw�ance prert►tum being pald by Borrower when the insuranca ce�verage lapsed or ceased w
<br />-- be in effect Lender will eccept, use and retain these payments av a loss reserve tn 13eu of mortgage insurance. L.oss n,�erve
<br /> Farm 302i 0/00
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