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<br /> 7�GGfHBR WITH ell tt�e lmprovements now oe hcrcattcr ucetod on tl►e PropertY,and eA easement�. �ppurtenanccs��nd
<br /> fixwces now a herestux a part of Ua�xopertY•All rePleceme+►ts s�nd�ddldone ah�il aleo be covucd by�his Security Insavmcn�.
<br /> All of tha foregoing is referrcd w in Ihi.S Securiry Instrumcnt aa tho"PropertY•" =
<br /> BOItROWBR COVENAIVTS tlut Borrower is lawlully seised of tho estate hercby conveyed a��d has thc dght to grnnt and �-� -
<br /> eonvoy the Proper►y end thut ih� A'olxrtY is w►u►cumbeted, except for eneumbcanas of recocd. Borrowu warrsnts and will `-
<br /> �f�g�rapy the dtk to the prope�tY against aU claims and demends.subje�t to any encumbrances of record. __
<br /> THIS SECURITY INSTRUNIDMT wmbines uniform covenants for nadonal use and non•uniform covenants wlth Wnited
<br /> variadonsby jurisdlctiop to constltute a wifom�saurity inshument covering real propaty.
<br /> UPTIf'�ORM COVENANTS.Barowa end Lender covenant and agroe as foltows: when due thc -
<br /> 1.i'�yment of Princfpal�n�l Ieterat;Prep�yment and L�te Char`es.t d���������Nate. ¢
<br /> principal of and interest on the debt ovidenced by the N�te and any prcpaY� 8 �
<br /> 2.Fimda tar Taxes nnd Inaunnce. Subject to applicabk!aw ar W a wrltun waivar�y L.endes.Horrowar shall pny to
<br /> Lender on tha day monihiy paymenus are due under the Nou,untillhe Note is p�id in fu11,a sum t"Flinds")for: (u)yca�'ly taxes
<br /> and a�cmze,�s which may attein pdodty over thls Securlty Insstcuument as a lien on the Property; (b)Yearly kasehald payments
<br /> or ground renls on the Froperty�if enY;(c) Yearly hbzard or proputy insurance premiums�(d)Yeady tlood inswrance praniums.if
<br /> anY�(e}yaariy moctgage ins�a premium�,if enY:and(�a►►Y sums PaYabk by Borrower w Lender,in accordsnce wtth the _
<br /> provlsions of pa�agrsph 8. in tieu of the payment af mortgege insurance premiums.'I�ese items aro caticd "Sscmw Items."
<br /> Lender may.u any dme.colkct and twld Funds in an an'�onnt not w wccood the ma�ci�num amount a knda'for a fakr�Uy relaud
<br /> moctgaga lo�n rtwy r�uire fa Bortower's escrow account under tha feder�i Real Esleto Snplement Pmsedures Act of 1974 aa
<br /> amended trom timo a dmo, 12 U.S.C.Sectbn 2601 er seq. („RBSPA"),unktf WWtha law lh�t�PPiks a t�1�Funds tW A kssC�
<br /> runounL If ao,L.ender may� u any timo� collect md hold FunQs in an arnount not to oxcood tho kseer �unount. lreadei may
<br /> oa�matA the Mnount oi Funds duo on tho buta�f current dw�nd reuon�bb c�Umue�.�af oxpendiwrer nt future Eecrow It�ns ot
<br /> o�herNri90 in�ocordmco with�pplk�bla I�w.
<br /> 'IT�a Fynd�a}ud!bo held In an insdwtbn whoso deposila�ro in�ured by r fedoral�gencY�inavurnrnWity.or c+►Uty(including
<br /> I.ender.U Laidu ia euch u�insdwdon)or in my Foder�]Hane l.oan Butk. Lender eh�ll�pply tha Fw�d�w p�y the&crow
<br /> Itam. Lpider ms�y not chargo Bexrowa fa holdh�g md�pplying �ho Funds,�nnwlly analysing tho c�crow accoun�.ar vaitying
<br /> - s�se E�o::• Ua�s!.�!ntr.,a�L.e.nder Q�ys Borrowcr interest on tho Fw�ds end applic�bb Isw pamiu I.endu to m�1ce such a ch�rge.
<br /> Howeva,I.aKler may ccQuire Barowa to pay a one-time eNuge for en indeper�dent real esWe ta cepor�in8 sen'«;c wa►�i'
<br /> ' I.endu!n cainoctbn wEth Ihis ldn. unless aPPlicabk law pmvides othecwise.Unlats an�ament is mada or applicabk law
<br /> � raquires intaest w be paid.I�enda stnU not bo roquined W pey Barowu any inta+eat or earninga on the Funds.Borrowa and
<br /> I,p�de=may�ee in wridng,howevu,U�at interest shall be paid on the Funds.I.endu shall give to Borrower.without charge.an
<br /> � annual�ocowdng of the F�nds.ahowing credita end debits to the Funds and the p�u�puse tor which each debit W the Funds was
<br /> made.'11ie Flncis are plalged a4 sdditional security fa all sums aecurod by this Socurtry Instntment
<br /> .t L u�ra�ttaS3 by L�sd���1 ti:c�saunts��mitte�t�be he1Q by t�;!li�ahk inw,trnder shall�ccount to Bomowa fa _
<br /> ! the wccas Punds in accordance with the requirements of applicable law.If the amount of the�nds held by Ler►da at any dme is
<br /> -� not sufC�cir.nt to pay the Sscrow Ittms when due.Lender may so notiE'Y Bamwa in writing�and,in auch case Borrowa shall puY
<br /> �o Lend�r tt�e amotu�t necess�ry w meke up the defleiency.Sozrowa shall make up the deHekncy in no more d�an hvelve
<br /> � monthlY PgY��•at Lendu's sok diaccedon. nf�nd to Borrowa eny Funds
<br /> -, UPon p�YR►art in full of�Il sums securod by thls Security Instrument,Lenda shall PmmPaY
<br /> ' held by L�nder.If.under peragnph 21, Lenda shall acquine or se11 the Propert9,Lendc�,Prkr w the acquisidon a sak of the
<br /> ', • propeiry, stull apply any Funds he2d by Lender at the dme of acquisidon or sale as a cralit ngeinst the siuns secured by ihis
<br /> Socurity Instwneat
<br /> �.Applkstloa of Paymmt�. Un�ss eppUcabk law prov[des ottKrwLso,a11 paYmenb recetved by I.ender m�der paragraphs
<br /> 1 end 2 ehall ba applied:fust. w anY P�Yment charges dna under the Nota;socond.w amounts payabk undu paragr�ph 2;
<br /> third.to inunst due;fourth,W PiinciP�l due+and last,to any late charges duc under the Note.
<br /> 4.Cht�r�esi L�• Bocrowa slull pay all taxes. assessments. charBes. fines tu►d impostdons auributable W the Pmperty
<br /> widch may auain priodtY over this Sxurity Instmment,and leasehold payments or ground rents, if any.Borrowu shall pay thcse
<br /> obUgadons�the manner providod in paragraph 2.or if not paid in that manner.Borrower sball pay them on time directly to the
<br /> . person owed paymenG Borrower shall pmmptly fumish to Lender aU notiCCes of emounts w ba paid undu this paragraph. If
<br /> Bomower mkes these paymeaits direcQy.Borrower shall promptly furnish to Lender receipts evidencing the�ayments.
<br /> Barowa shall pmmptly discharge any llen which ha4 prbriry ovu this Security Inswment mless$orrower.(a) agroes in
<br /> writing oo the payment of tha obltgation secured by the llen in a marmer acceptable w L.ender,(b)contests in good feith tho lien
<br /> � by, or defa�ds againsc enforce.ment of the licc� in, legal prooeodings which in the Lenfla's opinion operau t,o prcvent the
<br /> enforoement of the llen;or(c) aocures from the holder of tho lien an agceerncnt sadsfactory to Lcnder subordinating the Het�w
<br />— lhls Security InslrumenG If Lender detecmineg that any pact of the Property is subject W a lien which may attain priority over this
<br /> - gxurity iiuuument,Lendcr may g'sve Sorrowa a notice idendfying the llen.Bomower shall satisfy the lien or take one or more __.
<br />� of che acao�sec forch above wiU�in 10 days of�he giving of noace. Form 303! ��oo
<br />�
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