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<br /> _ Unlaae l.onder �nd Hnrrc�wer ��thcrwlnn�Qron in writin�, eny �pp{i`+ti�� �!p�tx� ta p�Inci�l Nh�ll n�t oxtand ��r
<br /> ■ p�x+tpane the d�x�d�te ot tho m�s»thly �ymentn roterred to in�ar�Qreph� wnd 2 ur chanYd tha amnunt ut tha�ymoritn.
<br />= It under p�r��raph 19 tho 1'mperty in acqutred by I.ender, }3t�rrs�we�'n ripht tc► any inxur�nca �x�Hcir,� �nd �rrx;aoda
<br /> resultinj tr��m dam��e ca tha I'rnparty priar ta the acquinitiun nhdl pu+n to I.ondcr tn thc oxtcnt at iho eum� eeoured hy
<br /> thie Seuurlty Inatrument immali�toly�xior t��the Ncqtdeittan.
<br /> 6. Pre�orv�t�on Nnd M�inton�nce ut 1'mperey; I.e�Rehaldr Condorninium�; }'lanned Unit povolopmant�.
<br /> Batrower ehall keap the i'raperty in �aod repair ane!nliwll not cc�mmit westo nr pormit impairmont or doterlorstion of
<br />'- tho!'raperty� und ahalt cui��ply with thu p�•uvieiona ut pny le�n it thie I3ax1 ul Truet in on a leanohold. !t thle l�ood of �
<br /> Trunt ie an a untt in a condomin{um or a planned unit devolapmont, Borrower eh�ll poriorm sll of &rrowor's
<br /> obli�atIone under the decluatfon or covenenta creatin�ar�overnin�t�e condaminium or planned unIt dovelopment,the
<br />- by-lawe�cl re�ulatiune of thocoriduminium or pl�nued unit dnvolopment,end conatituont dacumc„ia. •
<br /> 7. Protectioa oi I.eader't Seaarity. If Horraaer feile to pert�rm the covenanta erid agroementa �ontainod In thia
<br /> Deed of Truat, ar ii eny ,�otion ar procoedin�Is commenced whlch matorIally atieate T.ender's inwrest in the Property,
<br /> then Londor, at Landar's option. upon not�co to I3orrower, may makb euah appearanas, diebursa such sums,includtng
<br /> teaeonable nttornoys'ixs,and take auah aotion as ie nece�asary to protent Lender's interest.If I.ender required mortgage
<br /> insurance as a condition oi miking the loan secured by this Doed of Trust,Borrpwer ahall pay the premiume requirod to
<br /> meintaia suah Insurnnce in eitect until auah tlme es the requiremont for auch insuranco terminaus in accordance wIth
<br /> Borrower'8 and Lender's wrltten agrament or applicable law. Any amounta diabursed by Lender pursuant to thle
<br /> puagraph 7� wtth itttetest tlteroon, at the applicable contract rate, shall become additional indebtedness of Borrower
<br /> secured by this Doed of Truet, Unless Bonower and Lender agtee to other terrres of pa�yment. such amounts sh�ll be
<br /> p�yable upon notico from L.eader to Borrower requesting payment thareoi. Nothing contained in this paragr8ph 7 shall
<br /> require Lender to incur any oxpense or take any action hereundor.
<br /> 8.Inspection. Lender may rnukr or ceuse to be made reasonablo entries upon and inspectiona of the Property,
<br />_ providod that I,endtr shall g�ive Borlvwer notico nrior to any such inspection spxifying reasonable cause therefor rolated
<br />- to Lender's interFat in the Prope�-ty.
<br /> 9. CaadenaASYion. Tho proceods of any award as xl�im for damages, direct or consequential, in connecUon with nny =
<br /> ccas�e3emnatlon or other tekIng of the Property, or�art�thereof, or for conveyance in lteu of condemnation, an hereby �_
<br /> assigned and shall be paid tn I.cndor, aubjxt to the terma of any mortgage. dxd oi trust or athcr security agre�ment
<br /> wixh a lion which bas priority over thie I)eod of Trust.
<br /> 10.Horrower Not Roleased; Porbearance By Load�r Not a Wsiver. Extonaion of the time for payment or
<br /> muditicatIon of amortiaation oi the eum�secured by this Dad of Trust granted by I.endor�to any successor ia interast
<br /> oi �'sorrower aud eit otner partirs who ero or horeat4er hecome sxon8rrely lia'�le ahe11 not aperete ta rel�se, xn atiy
<br /> ri�snnor, th� Itability of the origiaal 'Sar.rower and Bonower's aucceasmra in in�tereat. Lender ehall not ba required to
<br />- cnmmence proceedin$e against suah su�cessar or refusa to extend time for Qayment or otherwiso maiify aanortization
<br /> of the sums �secured by this Deed of Trust by reason of any demand mede by the origina[ Borrower and Borrower's
<br /> succeseore in Interest.My forbearaace by Let►der in exercistag nny right or remedy hereunder,or otherwisa aitorded by
<br /> epplica.ble law,shall not bo s a�ivar of or preclude the exercise of any such right ar remedy.
<br /> 11.Successors �nd A���=n� Hound; Joiat and Several I.isbility; Co-ai�aere. The covenente and agroemente
<br /> herein contained ahall bind, aad the rights hereunder shall inuro to, the respective succeseors aad aesigns of L.ender and
<br /> ' �orrower,subjeet w tho provieions of p�ragnph 16 hereof.All c�venante and agre,�tnenta of Borrawer shal(be Joint and
<br /> ; soveral. My Borrower who co�signs this Dad of Trust, but does not execute the Note, (a) ie co-signinE this Dood oi
<br /> , Trust only to�rant and convey thet Borrower's inurrst in the Pmperty to Lender under the terms of this Iked oi Trust,
<br /> (b)ie twt pereonally lIable on tho Note or under this Dxd of Trust,and (e� agrees that Lendor and any othec Borrower
<br /> her�under may agc�eo to e�ct�nd, modify, forbear. or make any other accommodatione with regard to the terme of this
<br /> , Dood o!Trust or t�e Note,without that Borrower's conaent and without relea�sing that Borrower or modifying this Deod
<br /> of Ttust�s to that Borrower's iaterest in the Pro;+�rty,
<br /> 12. Notice. Bxcept tor uiy notice requirod under applicable law to be given ia another ma�er, (a) eny notico to
<br /> &�tmw�provide�for in this I�ed of Trust shall be givrn by delivering it or by rtt:,iling�uc:t,iwtic;c by arti�ed meii =
<br /> addreesed to BorroMOr at the Property Addrese or at�uch other eddress as Borrower mny designate by aotice to Lender
<br /> as providod hec+�in,and (b)any notice to I.endcr shsll be given by ccrtified mul to LEader's nddrescs statod herain or to
<br /> such othet addc�ae ea Lender may designate by nottce to Borrower as provided herein. Any notico provided for in this
<br /> . Deed of Trust shall be deamed to have bxn given w Borrower ar Lend�r when given in the mannor designited herein.
<br /> 13.Governins Law; Sovenbility. The stato and local laws af the jurisdiction in which the Property is loc�ted shall
<br /> apply except whero such liws conflict with Federal law; in which case, Federel Iaw she11 apply. In the event that any
<br /> provision or clause of thie Deed of Truat or the Nota conflicts with applicablo law, such conflict shall not affect other
<br /> provIsione of thie Doed of Trust ot the Note which cara be given eflxt without the conflicting provision.and to this end
<br /> the provisiona oi thie Deed c�iTrust and the Note are declared to be severable.As used herein, "costs," "�xpenses�"and
<br /> "attotneyre'fecs"include all sums to the extent not prohibited by appliCnble law or limited herein.
<br /> 14. Horrower's Copy. Sorrower ehall be furnished a caniormed copy of the Note and of this Deod of Truet, if
<br /> requestod,at the time of execution or after recordation heroof. --
<br /> . 15.Rehabllit�tion Lan Asreement. Borrower shnll tuliill all of Bor,rowor s obligations under any home
<br /> � rehabilitation� improvemant, repair, or other lnan agroement which Bomower enters into with Lender. Lendar, at
<br /> , Lender's option. mny t+equire Borrower to execute nnd deliver to Lender. in a forrn acceptable to Lender�an nssignmen2
<br /> of any righte, claime or defcnsrs which Borrower may hav� egainst pnrties who supply labor, meterials or services in
<br /> , connection with improvements i►aade to the Property.
<br /> to.Iransier of tHe Proporty. If $orcower sells or ttansfera all or any pan of the Property or an interest therein,
<br /> excluding(a) tho cnation oi a lien or encumbrnnce subordinete to this Deed ot Trust, (b) a transfer by devise,descent,
<br /> or by operation of law upon the death of a joint tenant, (c) the grant of any leasehold interest of three years or less not =-
<br /> containing an option to purchase� (d) the creation of a purchase money security xnterest for household applianas. (e) a --
<br /> transfer to a relative resulting trom th�d�ath af a Borrower, (f)a sranster whero tha�ouse or children of the Borrower -
<br /> become an owner of the ro rt g g � _�--
<br /> p pe y, (g) a transfer resulting irom a decree of dissolution of marria o, le al se ration �._
<br /> agroement, or from en incidental property settlement agreement, by which the spouse oi the Borrower becomes an ':Y,
<br /> •::;;..
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