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<br /> •f(?Cti,�3'1'H�3R wtth all the improvemontn now or hore�fte� ereaud nn the prc�porty, and all eaeomente, riQhta,
<br /> eppurtonraoes end rentn(AUbJoct h�wtiver to the ri�ht��nd u�tharitia+�iven horoln tU t.�ndor t�cnlloot �nc4 epply such
<br /> rentel,i�ll�awether with eaipn►{�ortY(n� the len�ohpld eet�to (t phin I)eed ot Truntyiehan'� Iea hold)t�rolherein�ttar
<br /> I�se;o n�, �
<br /> roierrod t��e the"Pmperty." -
<br /> An�rowe�cnven�nte th�t&irrower ie l�wfully �oir�cd at tha entato hereby cpnveyecl�nd h�r+the ri�ht to�r�nt an convey
<br /> t3axruw�r a�rea�2.;tnndthillydetenc) ��ne ellyUthe titl�ta d otl'roperty a�atns 11 c e{m ■drrdemandA eeubjecthto r
<br /> I
<br /> encumbnnca+a[raord.
<br /> UNIFORM COVLNANTS. Horrower�nd I..endor c�venant snd agrr,�aa follow�hen due the principal and interest
<br /> I.Paymeat nf Pclnaipal and Intoreel. I3armwer shall promptly pnY
<br /> indebtedneea evidencod by thG Note, includin� any vartations t�esulttng trom changa+ tn the contract ate. md othor
<br /> ch�rges as provided in tha Note.
<br /> Bonower ohdl pty to
<br /> Z.Puada for T�xes aad Ineur�nce. Subject to npplicable lnw or writun waivei' by I.onder,
<br /> Lender on the day manthly psymenta oi pt3netpal utd inurest ue payable under the Note,until the Note is peid in full,
<br /> a aum (herein "Funds") eqwl w one-tweltth oi the yearly taxes and assessmenta (includtng condominium and plenacd
<br /> unit development esecssments, if �ny) which may attnin priodty over thte Deed of Truat, end ground rents on tho
<br /> property, ;t any, plua ono-twelfth nf the yearly prem�um installmenta tor hazerd insuranc�� plus one-twelfth of yaarly
<br /> premium ingtallments for mort�sg�s insurance, �t sny,a►11 es reasortably estimsted initially and irom time to time by
<br /> I.end�r on the basie of es.ssasmenu�►d bills end reasanable estimates theteof. Bomo�er sAsll not be obliQated to make
<br /> such psyments of �nds�a Lendcr 4�ehe extent t,�t Borrower nenkee such payments to the holder ot a prior moR�a�e
<br /> or deed a!ut�t iP such holder is an institutiosul leader. ts or accounta of N1�Ich aro �
<br /> IP Borrm�v.er pays Funds w I.ender. the F�nds shall be held in an institution the depoei
<br /> ir�.guced or gi�.n.�rantad by a F�d�.-ral or state sgency(including Lender ii Lender ie such an institutionj•I.ender ehsll apply
<br /> the Funds ta pay said taxes,ssse�rn�c�ets,insurana premiums euid ground ronts. Lender may not chuge for e� fioldiag
<br /> asid applying�the Funds,andyzing said�ccount ar versiying and compiling esid esaessmenes and bills,unless Lc�¢l�r piYg
<br /> �3orrower interest on tho Funds and applicablo daw pa'mite Lender to mako suah+► cherge�. Borrower and I.enaer auY
<br /> agree in wrlting at the time o�e:ecution of thia Da�d of Trust that intorest on the Funde ehsll bo pnid in Borro'�ra� snd
<br /> unless suc4� �greem�nt is mad�or applicable lnw requires euch inurest to be peid� L.ender ahell not�required to p�y
<br /> �orrowor t�ny intereat or e�rnings ox�tha Funds. Leader shall give to Borrowor,without cfiarge,an smnual acoouunties8 oi ..
<br /> t#�o Fun4�showtng crodits�nd debits w the Funde snd the pur�ose for which each dobit to the Funds Nas mn�e. "D1�e
<br /> jt+un�s a,e piedgod�s addiuvnal�.uzi�far the vu:�s°.��r^��b;th+A I)eed oi Trust. ,
<br /> It t�e�er�unt of the Funda held by Lender,togetther with tha future cnonthlY�t�s�11m°°�e of Funde p�yaule prior io
<br /> a
<br /> the duo ciuo�ot taY�s,assessme:its. �ns��►ce pramiums and gronnd rente,shall exceed the amoua�raquired to py e�i
<br /> tues� asseasmants, insurance premiums and grouad nnte ss they fall due, such exceas shall be, at Borrowa's opt�on,
<br /> either promptly ropnid to Borrower or crodiud to Borrower on monthly ic�stallmeate of Funds. If tho amouat of the
<br /> Puads held by Lander ehell not be sufticient to pny tazes,e�esmente,insuranve pr�miums end�round rente a they fal
<br /> due. Borrower eh�ll py to I.ander any amount necess�ry to meke up tho detictenoy ia one or moro psymenta as Lesidoc'
<br /> m�y require.
<br /> Upon payment in full ot all sums secured by thie Deed of Trust,Lcnder shdl promptly tefund to Borroa►a anY ju
<br /> beld by Lender. If under p�ragraph 17 heroof tho Property ie eold or the PropertY te othenvlee �cquired bY Lendet'.
<br /> LencDer stull apply,no lster thin immedl�tety prior to the salo oi tho Property cn' ite�alui�ition by I.ender,usY Fuude
<br /> held by Lender at the time o!application�s�credit a�ainst the sums eocured by thie Deed oi Trust.
<br /> 3. Appl�cstion oi Paymonta.Unleas epplicable l�w provides othen►+iee, all pym�►��ved by Lenda ut►dar the
<br /> Note and pan�raphs 1 and 2 hereof ehdl be applird by Lender tirst in payment of emouate p�yabte to I.ondar by
<br /> � Borroxer under p�ra�aph 2 hereoi,than to interest ptyable on the Note at tho applicable vontcyct rate,and thon to the
<br /> pcincipd of the Note.
<br /> - 4. Prinr Mc+rtEasee �nd needa oi Trust; Char��s; Liens. BottoMer sh�ll pertorm all oi BorroNer's obli�atione
<br /> :under u�y mortgage.deed o!trust or other exurity cgreement with a lien which tue priority over this Dad of Tn�st�
<br /> includiag �iorrower's coveaante to make p�ymeate when due. Borrowa elull pay or cauee to be paid aU tuee.
<br /> �eeeaements aad other chugee,tines aad ir�npositions attdbuuble to the PropertY wbich may attaia a pttnrity over thie
<br /> Deed of Trwt,and leas�hold peymenta or ground rents. if any.
<br /> 5. H�zard Insurance. Borrower ehell keep the improvemante now eusting ar A�roatta' erected on the Property
<br /> insurod a�einst loes by fire. hazerds iacluded within the term "extended cov�rage." and such other huards ae I.�adet
<br /> m�yr reqwro and in such imounts and tor such periods es I.�nder m�Y raluiro.
<br /> fhe insuru�ce carrier providing the insucance ahtll be chosen by thc Borrowa subjoct to ipproval by Lender;
<br /> providod,that such approval shall not be unrasonably withhold.All insuranco pol�cies end ren°"'°Ia tt►er°°f�fiall be ia a
<br /> torm acr.eptable to Leader and sha11 include a stendatd mortgage clause in fevor of and in a form �axptable to Lender.
<br /> Lender ahall have the right to hold tha policies and renewals theroof,subject to the terms of any mortg�ge.dead o!trust
<br /> or other security agrxment with a lien which has priority over this Deed ot Trust.
<br />— In the event of loss, Borrower sha11$ive prompt notice to the insurance catrier ancl 1..ender. Lender tnay rnuke proof
<br /> ot loea ii not mado promptly by Borrower, liod to restontion or npair oi
<br /> Unless Lender and Iionower otherwise agree in writing,insurance proceeds shall be npp
<br /> the Pro�erty dame8ed, if tho restoration or repair is economically fr.asiblo and I.ender's exurity is not lessexied. If tho
<br /> - restoration or repair is not economicaliy feasiblo or Lendar's sxurity woutd be tessenod,the insurance procads sha11 bo
<br /> __� �_.,.._e_.....:...r..a.....,....* aTMtt�e or not then dt1e,with atiy exCess paid to Botrowret• Ii
<br /> appiiod io ine soms r�.oc:u�w �� .,..o.,,,,,....., ..�.._...__., .._-----.
<br /> Borrowar abaadans the PropertY,or doea not answer within 30 daYs a notice from Lender that the insurance cerriar nas
<br />- offered to settlo e claim, then I.endor may collect the i yuranca procoeds• 1..endar tnay use the Ptoceo�s tO �w�lt
<br />-= c e s tore the Pro p e r t y or to p ay sums secured by this Securit Instrument,whether or not then due.TAo 3U'daY pai
<br /> =a begin when the notice is given.
<br />. - If the Property ia abandonul by Borrower. ot if Bonower foila to tespond to Iander within 30 daYB frorn tho dnte
<br /> �'' notice is mailed by I.ender to Bornower thet the insurance canier ofters to settle a cltim for insurance beneFite�I-e�►der
<br />-�" ie authorixed to cnllect and spply tho insutance prc�ceeds at Lender's option either to restontion or repair oi the
<br /> .•� Property or tn the sume secured by this Deed oi Trust.
<br /> �:�
<br /> r�
<br />_� a-�o•a w•a o� r��st � oRioirN� I�'���,�����,����,��'� �am�:s
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