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<br /> ownor oi tho praperty, (h)a tranefer into nn inter vlvos truat in which the Borrower is and remaine e benelicinry nnd
<br /> which doea not relate tn a tranetor oi righte of occupency in tho property,or (i)any other trnnefer or dispositian
<br /> de�cdbed in regulationa prescribed by the Federal Home I.oan Hsnk Board, Borrower ehall cnuse to be submittad
<br /> inform+�tian required by I.ender to evalt�au the transtereo es if a new losn wera being mado to the traasfereo.aarrower
<br /> will continue to be obligated under the Note and thie Deod of Trust unlcse I.eador releases Borrow�r in wdting.
<br /> It Lender does not egcee to such eale or tcanater,Londer mey declnre all oi the suma secured by this Deod oi Trust to
<br /> be immali�taly due end payablo. Ii I.cnder exercises�uch option to acederote, Lender shel! mail Borrower aotica of
<br /> seceleration in eccordance with paragraph I2 hereof.Such notice shall provide e period of not leas than 30 daye frnm tho
<br /> date the notice ie meilod or delivered within which Borrower mny pay the eums declared due. If Borrower feile to pay
<br /> euch p�►r�s priar t�th� c:pirtE�n oi acssh�riod, I.en�er mny, aith�ut further notice pr demand on Horrower.invoke
<br /> any remediea pormitted by paregraph 17 hereof.
<br /> NON-UIJIFORM COVENANTS.Borrower and I.ender �urther cavenent and agree es followe:
<br /> 17. Acceleration; Remedies. Excapt as provided �n pua=nph 16 herea�, or as otherwiso requised by IaA,
<br /> upon Borrower's breaah of any covenant ar asreoment o� BorroRer in thib Deed of Truet. includlnt �:
<br /> Borrower'a iailure to p�y. by tho ead of ten (10) calead�r days aiter the date they are due. any auma secured
<br /> by this Dad of Truet� Leader prior to acceleratlon ehall�ivo notice to Honower se provided in par�=r�ph 12
<br /> hereoi epeciiyiar: (1) t4o breach; (2) the action required to cure such breach; (3) a date,not leaa thaa �0 d�ys
<br /> from the d�te the aotico ie msiled to Bonower, by which such bresch must be cured; aad (4) that failure to
<br /> cure auch breach oa or before the date apecified in the notice m�y roeult ia acceleratioa of the aum� secured
<br /> by this Doed of Trust �ad sale of the !'roporty. Thn aatico shail further in[orm IIorr�qvor of tho ri=ht to -
<br /> reinatate�ftor acceleration and the ri=ht to brin= coust aatioa to aesert the nanesiste�ce oi t default ot auy
<br /> other dofense of �urrawer to acceleration and salo.It the bre�ch is aot cured on ar befors the data epecitled
<br /> in th� aotice� Leador, at Lendor's option, nraay declarc aH1 of the sa�ns scaured by thim IDced of Trust to be
<br /> i�nmedI�tely due aad p�yable without furt�hnr demsnd s�d may invoke the power ot sn8e �nd �ay other .
<br /> remedieo pormitted by applicabila S�w. I.ender ehall be antitled to collect alt caata sud expensas iacurred ia
<br /> pursuin�the remedies provldad in thia parafraph 17 to t�e oztent permitted by applicable lap.
<br /> It Lender invokes tho power a€aale, Londer or Trustee ehall raail copies oi a Aotice o4 asle in �the maaner
<br /> prescribed by applicable laM ta B�r�awor aad to the other porsoas preacribed by appllcsblm liw.Truateo shall
<br /> rlve nntico of eale by publtc advertieemans lor the time �ad in t�he manner preacribe� by applicabte l�w.
<br /> Trustee, without dem�ad on Borrc�war,shsll sell tbe Pr�o,perty at pu�lic auction to tha hi=bdat bidder!or caeh
<br /> at th�titne sud pl�ce and under rh�terms desi=na�ed in i�o uoiice oi e:.c u.uu��_'.u�=��s��: ==s� is »�ss�
<br /> ordcr as Tra�eteG msp detern�iao. 'Truete�may pastpona salo of a11 r►r aay parcel oi the Pro�►►erty to aay �ater
<br /> time oa the aame date bp public anaouncemeat �t the tiena aad pl�ce of �ay provio�as�y scheduled s�le.
<br /> I.ieader or Loader'e deairnee m�y purchase the Property at�ny ealo.
<br /> Truatee shall deliver to th�purch�ser Trustee's deed conveyin�the Property so sold�vithout any coveaant
<br /> or earranty. o:pre:sed or implied. The recitals ia the Trustee's de�ed shall be prima facio evldeaco oi the
<br /> trutb oi the�tatomeate m��de thorein.Tru�tea sh�ll apply the proceede ot the sale ia tho followia=order: (�)
<br /> to all reasonable costs aad e:pense+� of tbe sa1e, includ�n�, but aot limitad to� reasonsble Trustee'�[ee� �nd
<br /> attorney�'iee��nd coits ot title evidaaco; (b)to�11 tums secured by this Dad ni Trust;and(c)tho e:xsi.ii
<br /> any. to the per�oa or porrons leplly eatitled thereto.
<br /> 18. BorrowaPs Risht to Iteinatate. Notwithstandtn� Lender's ecceleration ot Lhe sume eocurod by thie Deed ot
<br /> TnBt due to Borrower's breach. BorraNer eh�ll have the right to have any proceedin�be�un by Lender to eatoroe thie
<br /> Deod oi Truet diecontinued at any ttme prior to the earlIer to occur oi (i) the fifth day betoro tho s�le oi the Proparty
<br /> . pureuant w the poNer of snle conuined in this Deed oi Trust or{ii)entry oi a jud�mant eniotcia�thie Dood o!Ttwt ii:
<br /> (s}BorroNer p�ys I.ender dl sume which would be then due under thIe Deed ot Tn�t and the Note had ao�axlletation
<br /> occuned;(b) BorroNer cures dl breachee of any other coveaante or agreemente oi Borrower contained tn thte Deed of
<br />-= Trust; (c) Borrowec psys all reasonable expenses incuned by Lender and Truetee in eniorcin� the oovenants uid
<br /> sgceemente of BorroMer conuined in thia Deed of Truat,and in eatorcing Lender's and Trustee's remodies ie pcovided
<br /> ia para�raph 17 he+root.�ncludtng,but not limited to,r�aeon�ble attomeys'feoe to tho euteat permittod by appl{eable laM;
<br /> nnd (d) BorroWet takes such action es Lender m�y rasonably requIre to assuro that the lien of thie Deed ot Trust,
<br /> Lender's intereat in the Property end Bonower's obligation to pay the sums eecured by thia Deod oi Truat stull wntinue
<br /> unimpairod. Upon such paymemt and auro by Bonower, thie Dad of Trust and tho obligstions eecured hereby shall
<br /> remsin in full force and atfect as tf no acalerctian had occurred.
<br /> 19.As�i=ameat of Aeats; Appointmeat of Receiver; Leader in Posseasion. AB additional eecurity heteunder.
<br /> BorroMer heroby asslgns to Lender the rents oi the Proparty, provided that Borrower shall,prior to aoceleation uader
<br /> par�graph 17 hereof or ebandonment of tha Properry, hevo the right to coltect and retain such rente as they become due
<br /> and payable.
<br /> Upon acceleration under paragraphy 17 hereof or sbandonment of the Property, Lender, in person, by agent or by
<br /> _ judicislly�ppoinud receiver,ahall be entitled to enter upon, take possessinn o4 and mansge thc Property and to colloct
<br /> the rents of the Property including tfiose past due.All rcnta collxud by Lcnder or the raxiver shall be appliod first to
<br /> payment of the costs of management of the Property end collection of rents, including, but not limited to, receivar's
<br /> - fees, premiums on receiver's bonds and reasonable nttorncys' fees,and thon to the sums secured by this Deed ot Trust.
<br /> Lender and the receiver shall be liable to ace:ount only for those r�nta aotvally received.
<br /> : 20. Release. Upon payment of all aur.ia secured by this Dced of Trust,and,if this Deed of Trust socures e Revolving
<br /> • . •" 'a'�� _ 'tt_ il�_d �tT�.w �.. 1.�
<br /> Loan Agtxment, FSOrrower requests i.ettder to reiease inis i�evd oi i rusi, u,�ucr e��a,��� .��=o L�...�_ =..�o .� w
<br />-" released without charge to Borrower. Borrowct shell pay all costa of recordation,if any.
<br /> ° 21.Substitute Trustco. I.�nder, at Lender's option, may from time to time appoint n succcssor truatee to any
<br /> ; Trustee eppointed hereunder by an instrument rxorded in the cQUnty in whiCh this Deod of Truat ia recorded.Without
<br /> � conveyence of the Propr,rty, the succe�or tru�tee shall succeed to nll the title, power and dutiea confened upon the
<br /> a-_- Trusteo herein and by applicable law.
<br /> = 22. Aequest for Notices. Borrower requeste that capies of tho notice of default and notice of sale be sent to
<br />-� $orrower's address which ie the Property Address.
<br />'�
<br />,� W�0-14 W�d of Tru�t NE ORIOINAL I���������'����������� NE007�t4
<br /> � - - ----------_ , . �_.�_.__.��_.�,._,__..,��.-- -°-• - -
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