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<br /> . 97 �tw�►07� _�
<br /> � •� � S.Hosud or PropeMy Inaurance. Borrowcr Rtu�ll kocp tho impmvcmcn�+naw cxistink ar IKrcwflcr�rcxlcd�Ni Il�c I'ru��crty �,-
<br /> � insured against loss by Caa, hvards Includcd within tho tcrm "catcndod covcrago" und �ny �Nhcr hiu�uQy, InclnQlnM INMMh ur –
<br /> �;�, flooding�for which I.cndcr ccqulres t�s►uancc.'lt�is inauronca Rh�ll bo�iwinWiiwd In thc�nnunta mid fur tl�c��r�NNl�ihKl t��n�kr �.
<br />-'�`�'�� rcquires.'Ihe insurancc caa1cr Pcoviding chc insunncc Rh�11 bc choseti by Burrawu�ub)a.t tu I.cn�kr'N wqK�wNl whkh Ktwll tM�1 �
<br /> y;� bc unreasonably withhcld. If Bortowcr fails to maintaln cavcregc dcscribul ub�vn, l.cndcr mwy, Mt I�rn�k�r'e o�MNNt. i�ln �L
<br /> ,—'' ' coverage w protect I.ender's dghts in tha Property in accordanco wtth p�ngnph 7.
<br /> � pll insurer►ce policia9 and renowals shall bc acccptsbb ta L.cndcr and xhtll includo�xtarxlxrd nx►ttgWlo clw�c.I�n�kr Rh�ll _
<br /> ' have thm'�d e cwal nod u In thc ovccu f lossf Blor�rowa ehall g�iA pro�pt Rnodcc t�c�thc In�uruncc aurkr nn�l 1 n�kr_ i�cn k�r �
<br /> prcmiu
<br />� � , may mako proaf of loss if not mada prompUy by Bocrowu.
<br /> Unless L.ender and Borcowu otherwfsa egroe in wddng,insiuonco prcxood�Mhal�t�C oPp�ia1 w �e�p►trtk�►�K repafr nf Iho
<br />- �P�Y damaBcd,if tho restorador►or rcpair is aanomicsilly fcasibb and Lrndu'e socuri►y i�nc►t{cn�cncd. If U�o rcwkK�NW��w
<br /> repair is not economicaUy feasible or Lcnder's socurlty would ba{es.�encd.th� instira�ca procaxi�Rhrlt he w�M�llal u►�ho Kumw
<br /> socured by this Securlry Insaumen� whether or not then due. with any oxcess paid to 8cxrowu. If H�Kruwer �uk►nM �ho
<br /> � Property,os does not answer within 30 days a nodco[rom I.endcr Uiat the InsnnNCC r,a�tcr ha�oifcrod U� Rcitlo r cu►!m�11�cn
<br /> • Lender may collect thc lnsurance proaoecls.Lender may use tho proaed+to apair or cestoro tho ProncnY ar tc���y�umF r�,curul �
<br />�`�•� will lx in whcn tha notica ie givca�.
<br /> • �-.�� by�h�s gecuriry Insaumem,whethu or not then dne.'itie 30�day period 8
<br /> licadon of rococds to principol sliall not oatcnd�x��anu
<br /> ,: :-'}'> Unless I.ender and Bortower othcrwisc eigree in wriUnB,er►Y aPP r mcnte.lf uadcr pnrngraph
<br />__� '��� the duc deta of the monthly payments tcfcrrcd to in pacu�raphs 1 and 2 or ctwigc Ihc emount of►ha pwy
<br /> 21 Ihe PropertY is accluired by Lender.Borcower s dght to any Insucanee polieie.g and procoed�resulUng from d�m�go u► 1ho
<br /> •_ '"'�!; pmp�ty prior to�he acqulsidon shall pass to Lu►dcr to the cxtcnt oF thc sums socuccd by�hia Socudty In�vumcnt immodlauly
<br />- . :r; : prior w Ihe ac4uisidon.
<br />= 6.Oocupancy,Preservatbn,Mafnten�nce and Protectbn oP the Propertyi s�w��'s �n Applktlbn{I.aueAald�•
<br />,:`•.t� .. Borrowu shaU accupy.establish.ar►d use tha ProputY as Borrowcr's principal resfdcnce within sixty daye�ftcr tho oxxutlon uf
<br />�'� �'�, :,• thiy Socurlty Instiument and shall condnue to oceupy�he Pcope�tY es Borrowu's prit►cipal ceside�co for at Iewst cu�year�flcr�hC
<br />_i:�' 4;.::� ,
<br /> , ., , �Qf Qr��gnncy, unie.es Lendcr otherwise a8rccs in wridng. whkh consent shall no►ba unreiuonably wlihhcld, cx u�
<br /> " , �;�,;.r:�,'; exte�uadng circumstances eaclst which ero bayond Bortowu's control.Borrower sA�not dcsrroy�a a n�8o i,� i����iis�:'raj'.�t��
<br /> fo;�,tr+.<'s,�;,
<br />_�a,,,.j�� ,. . �w �he pro�ertyr to Aetciiorato,or commit wa9te on the Property. Borrower ahail be in defwilt if any fafelwro �c nr
<br /> ,..�;+rS;�;'.�'; � t couW nesult in fodciwt+e of tho Pralxrty or
<br />-< � procoedln8.whethu civil or criminal�is begun Ihat in LGtder s good faith judgmu►
<br />-t;� _° � o�y�ma�ially jtnpeir the Ikn creaLed by ihis Se�urlry Instrumeitt ar Ltnder's soGwrity interesG Borrowa may curo wch�
<br /> '' +� h 18.by caus�n Iha acdon a procooding to be dismissad with a culing Ih�t,In
<br /> '.��'�; �.,�°. default and ninstace.aa prov[ded in paraBeaP 8
<br /> ,..�hF\ `.�,.,
<br />�..;,,,,�'�j�.;; L.e n d e r's g o o d f a i t h d e t e r m i�w t ion�p r e cludcs fodeiwm of tha Borrowcr's intcrest in thc Proputy a olhcr materW Gnpairment u
<br /> -_�,R,_ tho lien creatod by this Socurity Instrument or Lcndcr's socurity interes�Bortowa stall also be i n d e f a u lt i f Barowa�d u t i n g�h e
<br />��w'::_,;�"� loan application process.Save mauriallY false oe inaccurata infonnat�on or staumcnts to Lendct(or feilod to providc Lender with
<br />;�.c_��;n,y - :
<br />�,, any �� �nf'ormation) in connxdon wtth the loan cvidenct�d by tha Note, includL►g. but not limit�cd to. rc,�xcaen s
<br />^��..�ry..� concerning Borrower's occupancy of Q�e Property as s principal residence.If this Sesurity Instrument is on a ieasehold,�omnwer
<br /> st�all comply wlth all Ihe Provislons of the leate.If Borrowu+ecqulres fee tide w the Araperty�the 1ea�ehold end�ho foc UOe �ll
<br /> �..,�`�,.�� na�necge unkss Lendu a�ees to the merga in wridng.
<br /> `�'��'�� If Borrowu feila to per(am the covenu►is and agramenta conWned►n
<br />��._u��i� 7.Protectbn oi Lender'e RIR6ta in the Property. �may significanUy Jfoct L.ender's dghts in Ihe PropeRy (such u a
<br />�;:'�; � this Securlty Insaument, or there is A Iegal proceedin8
<br />-`+�r proceedin8���1�Y•Pro��for condemnation or forfeitura or to enforce I�ws ar cegulatbns),then I.ender rruy do iu�d WY
<br />�`�� for whatevu�S neccs.s�uy to prococ�the valuc of the Proputy and Lendu's righta in rhe Property.L.cnder a octbns msy Inc�uda
<br /> �..��u , in In rduatubb
<br /> -.7,;,�:r.��., "`� paying any s u m s s e c u c c� b y a l i c n w h I c t► i�t t� p r i o r i ry o v c r d t,s S a c u r i ry instrumen c,e p�t�n g �,I�Y B
<br />�>x±^,��rr t�;,• .
<br />_�.�,.,;«z•3���� attomeys fees and entcring on the Propecty to make repairs.Although Lcnder may teke actbn under this poragcoph 7�
<br />-��s::�-:=�.,=. does not h ave to d o so.
<br />=:;�,�r.� Any amounts disbursed by Lender under this paregraph 7 shall became addidonal dcbt of Borrowcr Rociucd by thfs Socurity
<br /> �:''",-;'� Insaumen�Unlas Bomower and Lendu egrce to other tcm�s of�ymen� these amounts shall bear intcrest from tho dsto of
<br />'�`.-L=:�:i ,,,,,.
<br />-�d„�.:,;f,:i,. i�. disbursement at thc Note rato and shaU be payabk,with interest,upon notica from I.ender w Borrowcr rcqucsrin8 P�Y�n�
<br />,;� f;"�•,.. 8.Mortgage Insurana. If Lendu coquired moctgage L�surance as a condidon of making the loen secured by this Socu�hy
<br />:;;;.��;.'�';, Insorument, Borrower shall pay the premtums re:quirod to maintain the mortgage insurance in ctfecG If. tor my rcas�n,thc
<br />}:'�'`:'¢.;�:�'+t ; moctgage insurance covcrage requin�by Lender lapses or ceases co be in effoc�Borrower shall pay tha premiums required tn
<br />--;,�,•., .
<br />-�'��� �c� ,-:�';: olxain coverage substentlaUy equivalem to U►e mortgage insurancc proviously in effect,at a cost substantially cquivoknt to
<br /> yr.,:. ...r;.;,...
<br />;,��!. : . ��., .� . wst to Borrower of the mortgage Insurance previously in cffect, from en siltemate mortgaga insurcr approvcd by Lcnder. If
<br /> ,�,.
<br />- substanUally equivalent mortgage insurance coverage is not availsible,Bortower shall pay eo L.ender cach month a sum oq w
<br /> a
<br />- � ' one-twelfth of the yearly mortgage insurance pcemium be�ng paid by B�rrower when the insurance covereBo lapsod or oea�od tn
<br /> '� �' bc in effect. Lendcr will scr.ept, use and m,tein thcse payments as a loss rescrve in lieu of moctgage insurancc.Los�rcscrvo
<br />- . .. . .
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