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<br /> '�GBTFIDR WITH all the Improvcments now on c�rcaftcr erccted on Ihe property,and all"ca�scmcn1��4 9,and .
<br /> fixAues now on c�reafter a part of tho property.All rcplacements and additions shall also be covcrcd by this Sccurlty InRtrumcnG
<br /> AU of thc forogoing Is refcrrcd w in thls Sccurlty Instrument as the"Pmperty."
<br /> BORROWER COVENAN'I'S that Borrower is lawfully seised of thc estatc hereby convcycd and tws the right to grant nnd
<br />. , , '� canvey 4ho Praperiy and that thc Property is unencumbered,except for encwnbranccs of�cord. Bonowcr warrants and wW
<br /> �,,,�, dcfcnd genoraUy thn titic to thc Property agalnst all claims and demands,subject w any cncumbrunces of rccord. �`
<br /> > THIS SBCURITY INSTRUMENT combines uniforrri cavenants for nadonal usu and non•uniform covcnants wtth limitcd ���:
<br />�?'° '' ' vazladons by jurisdiction to consdwte a uniform securIty insuuument covering real property. -_
<br /> UNIFORM COVSNANTS.Borrower end Lendcr covenant end agree as foAows:
<br /> 1.Pnyment of Principal And Ynteresti�payment Ar:d Lete Charges. Borrower shall prompUy pay when duc thc
<br />� princlpal of and intcrest on the debt evidenced by tha Note and any prepayment and late charges due under the Noto. {:;=
<br />� � 2.Funda tnr Taxes�nd IInsurAnce. SubJect to applIcabk law or to a wriueii waivu by Lender, Borrower shall pay w -
<br />_ I.cndcr on tha day monthly payments are due under the Note,undl the Nate is paid in full.a sum("Funds")for. (a) yearly taxes
<br /> and agscssments which may aaain prIority over this Security Instrument as a lien on the Property;(b)yearly Ieaschold payments -
<br /> y: ;' or ground rents on the Propeaty,if a��y;(c)yearly hazard or pmperty insura»ce premiums;(d)yearly flood Insurance premiuma,if �,;-_'
<br /> ' any;(o) yearly mortgage inswance premiums,if any;and(�eny sums payable by Bonower w Lender.in accordance wlth tho
<br /> proviainny nf paragreph 8. in lieu of the payment of mortgage insurance premiums.These items are called "Escrow Items." --
<br />�, Lcodcr may.at any�mo,collect and hold Funds in an amount not to exceed ihe maximum amount a lender for a federally related
<br />_ ,. mortgaga loan may require for Borrower's escrow eccount under ihe federal Reat Estate Seulement Procedures Act of 1974 av �-,
<br /> : � amcnded from dme to wne. 12 U.S.C.Secdon 2601 et seq. ("RESPA"),unless anothcr law that applies to ihe Funds sets a Iesscr �-
<br /> '� wnounG If so,L.endcr may.at any tlme, coU.ect and hold Fnnds in an amount not W exceed the lesser amount. Lender may —
<br />, osdrtuta tho amount of Funds duc on the}�asis of current data and irasonable esdmates of expenditures of future Fscrow Itcros or
<br />_ .. ,� otherwiso in�ccordance wIth applicable law.
<br /> 7ta Funds ahall be held ln an insdtudon whose deposits an insured by a federal agency,insuumentallty,or endty(includIng
<br /> I.endcr, if L�nder is such an Institution) or in any Federal Hame Loan Ban1c. Lender shell apply thn Fnnds to pay the Fsc,�row
<br />-�t�� ' Itema,l.ender may not charge Borrower for holding and applying thB Funds,annually analyzing the escr�w occount,or vesifying
<br />;"� ��� �' tho Bscrow Items.unless Lender a s Borrower interest on the Punds and a ucable law
<br /> r y p Y pp' permita 1.,ender to make such a chuge.
<br />_::r ,^.:�` :4a�tr:c:�i.�ticr �say r,quirc°orr�wrs ta pay a one-tint chage fa�an L�3e�,��ie,zt��ii pi.ntc tau reporiing savia�so�i by
<br />�-`'�• '' Lenek,�in cannocdon wi�h this loan.unless appllcable lc�w provldes othervvlse. Unless an sgroement is made or uppAcable law
<br /> :1,.l.r�...
<br />�.,,,,.�•�. reyuire� interest to be peld.Lender shall nat be requlred to pay Borrower any interest or eaminga on the Funds.Borrowu and
<br />=�`�"'�--- l,cnda tn�y�too in wr3dng,however,that�nterest sball be paid on the Funds.icnder shaU give lo Borrower,wIthout charge,an
<br />�.�.�� �nnwil�ccounting of the Funds.showing crodits and debits to ihe Funds and tha purpose for whlch each dcbit to the Funds was
<br />-��_— mdo.'Iho Fundi aro pladgod a4 eddittonal secw�iry for all sums secured by thls Seciuity Instrumen�
<br /> _.�_ -- It tho Fundi hekl by l.ender caceed tho amounts pe�miacd to be held by applicable law,I.ender sball acr.ount to Borrowcr for
<br />���"� Iho oxses�Funde in rccatdenco with tha requirements of appllcable law.If the amount of tho Funds held by Lender at any time is
<br />=����_=��� not eut[�;ient to pny tho Escmw Items when due,Lender may so notify Borrower ln wrldng.and.in such case Borrower shall pay
<br />°_-'""�� W l.enck.r tha�nount nocessary to meke up the deficiency. Borrower shail make up the deficiency 'n no more than twelve
<br />_�_�.�� monthlY MYrnenta.�t L�cnder'a sole discretion.
<br /> . Upat p�ymerat ln fuQ of ell snms sccund by thLs Security Inst�umen�Lender shall promptly refund to Borrower any Funds
<br /> -= heW by l,endu.If,unda paragraph 21,L.ender shall acc;uire or seU the Property,I.ender.prlor to the acquisidon or sale of the
<br /> - � ,Propeiiy, eh�tll apply eny Funds held by Lender at the time of aeqnisition or sale as a credit ageinst the s�uns secared by this
<br /> -- --- Saurfty InsuumcnG -
<br /> __ 3.Appiicatbn of Pqt�tents. Unless appUcable law provides othenvise,all payments received by Lender under paragcaphs _
<br /> ___= 1 uid 2 sh�ll bo�ppllod:first,tn any prepayment charges duo under the Nou; second,w amounts payable under paregraph 2;
<br />�---
<br />