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<br /> ^ • �iv..
<br /> tit.
<br /> .. �:. 1�-t �:.�
<br />.. , , °�7r 10�`� �
<br />_�.,;:.:. payments may no longu be roquired,at Iho opdon of Lender,if mortgage insurence coverage(in e amount and fAr the puio� �"•
<br />' that I,ender requites)provided by an insuru approved by L.ender again becomcs avnilable and Is obtained.Borrowcr shall pay the
<br /> ,�� premlums requircd W meGitaln mortgage insnrnnce in effect, or to provide a los reserve.untll the requIrement for m�ngage �-_
<br />—�w� insurance ends In accordance with eny wcluen agteement betwcen Borrowu end L.ender or appllcablc law.
<br />_`� 9.Inapectbn. Lender or its agent may mak�reasonable enhies upon and inspecdona of the Pcoperty. Lender shall give =_
<br /> �°���� Borrower nodce at the time of or pdor to an inspccdon spxifying reasonable ca�usa for the inspectlan. _
<br /> ' .. 10.CondemnAdon. The procads of any awnrd or claim for demages, djrect or consequendal, in wnncction with any --
<br />_ : condemnadon or other taking of any pnrt of the property.or for conveyancc in Ueu of condemnation.are hereby assigned and =_
<br /> ' :` '.' shaU bc paid to I.cndcr. `"
<br /> i�::;..;.,;� In the avent of a total taking of the Property, the procads shaU be applied W the sums sxurcd by this Security instrwnent, _.-
<br /> �"�y°+� whether or not then due�wlth any excoss pa�d w Bocrower.In the event of a partlal taking of Ihe Propeity in wb�ch the fair marlcet _'-
<br />-6'��^�r,� � vrilue of the Property immedlately beforc U►e taking is equal tn or greater than the amount of Wc sums sec�:red by this Scc�v,iry
<br />= '�'�'�i",�;� Iastrument immediataly bofore the taking,unless Borrower end L,ender otherwise ag�ce in wrifing.che sume secured by this =
<br />`-..s,�{�,;t�, -
<br /> -�:��;t��y.� Security Tnstrument shali be roduced by t�e amount of the pcoceeds mulflplied by the following fraction: (a)the to�l amount uf _
<br /> ..'��i`�;f . the sums aecured immediately bcfora the teking. dIvided by(b)the fair market value of the Property immediately bcfare the _
<br /> � �'U_ tak'ng.My bainnce ahall be paid to Bomower.In the event of a paraial taking of the Propcxty in which�he fair ir�arkei vatue of the �
<br />.-,t��� Property Immeu,ately beforc the taking ls less the�► the amount of thc sums secured immulietely before the taking, unless
<br /> ` �t"� Borrower and Latdcr otherwlse agre.c in writing or unless applicable law othcrwise provides,the proceeds shall be applled w the
<br />_'� ' suma secored by this Socurity Instrument whether or not the sums are then due.
<br /> `�• If tha Praperty is abandoned by Borrower,or if.after aotice by Lendu to Borrowu thet the candemnor offers to make an
<br /> ,�.,�;�y� awatd or scttic a claim for damages.Barrower fails to respond to Lender within 30 days aftct thc date the no6cc is glven.Lender
<br /> �y- is authorized to collect and apply the procoeds,at its opdon,either to restoradon or repair of the Propercy or to the sunns secured
<br />=:���� by this Security Instrutnent,whetha or not then due.
<br />"-�-�� Unkss Lender and Hamwer othawise agne in wridng,any applicstion of proceeds to principal ahall not eatend or postpo�k
<br /> r� , the due date of ttie monthly payments refecred to in paragrapha 1 and 2 or changc the amount of such payments.
<br />.4'f��� 11.Borrower Not Rekasedi Forbwnnce By LendeX Not A Watver. Bxtension of the time for payment or moditicadon
<br /> ----�--- ; o�amortization of the sums sxured by ilus Sccurity insfrumcni�,u�iai oy Lc,uic+t��,�y s�In itti�resi of�tumrr.,s�It
<br /> -��:��� ' not operata to rclet►se tha liabiUty of the original Borrower or Boaower's successors ln intarst Lea►der s6all not be roquired to
<br />�'-�'�, commcnce praceedings agaiust any succeswr In intaest or nfuse w extond ame for payrt�eru or othenvice mndffy amoctizadon of
<br /> _—-= tho sums secund by this Secudty Instrument by reason of any demand made by the orIginal Borrowu or Sarower's succe.ssore
<br /> N�� in interesG Any forbearance by Lenda in eaerc3sing any right or rcmody shall not be a waiva of or preclude the exerclse of any
<br /> :;-� :�' rlght or rea�ody.
<br /> - 12.Sucee�ors aad Aseigoe Bound;Joint and Several ListbUity;Casignere. 'll�e cavenants anc� egramenUS af thls
<br /> ��`� Security Instrument shall bind and benefit the successors and assigns of Lendu aad Bocrowu. subject to the provisions of
<br /> -_ -° .` paragreph 17. Borrawu's coveAante and agxments shall be joint and several. Any Barower who caslgns this Socurity
<br />;W';„�„� � Insaumer►t but docs not eaecute tho Note: (a)is co-signing this Securtty Instrument only w mortgege.grent and canvey that
<br /> __----= Bom�wer's intaest in the Propaty under the terms of this Secucity Instrument;(b) ts not pasonally obIIgated to pay the sums
<br /> ��;�; secured by this Security Ins�ument;and(e) ag�ees that Lendar and any otha Bomowa may agree to eacterid.modify.fabear or
<br /> make any accommodedons wlth ngard w the teims of this Sx�uity Instrument or the Note wiUiout that Borrower's consent
<br /> . 13.Loan Cbarges. If tda loan securcd by this Securlry Ins�ument is eubjoct to a law which sets ma�cimum loan charges.
<br /> __ and that law�S finally intupreted so that the interest or otha loan charges collecud or W be collected in connec6on alth the loan
<br /> ---- exceed lhe pumiued I[mits►dien:(a)any such losn charge sUall be redncc�by the amount nxessaty to reduce the charge to the
<br /> -_-- ---� peimived W�ux and(b)any sums almadY collocted from Barower which exceeded pemitttod limita wSll be refunded w Borrowex.
<br /> ------ L.ender may choose w malce thls refund by reducing the principal owed under the NoLe or by mal�ing a diroct payment W `
<br /> Barower. If a nfund roduces princlpal,the nduc�on will ba treated as n partlal Pnpayrnent without anY Prepayment charge
<br /> unda tha Note.
<br /> ___ 14.Notka. My nodce to Borrower provlded for in this Security Instnunent shall be given by delivering it or by m�iling it
<br /> --� by first cla4s mail unkss applicable law requires use of another method.'Ihe nodce shall be directed to 1he Proparcy Addnss or
<br /> ____� any other addnss Borrower designaus by nodce w Lender.Any nodce to Lendu st�all be glven by fust cktss mail w I.ender's
<br /> .-.- eddress steted huein or eny otha addms�Lender designates by nodce w Borrower.My notice provided far in this Security
<br /> �-��•.;.� ' Instrument shaU be dcemed w have been given u�Borrower or Lender when givcn as provided in this paragraph. —
<br /> Y��'r=�;� 15.Governing L�wi Severability. 'Ihis Security Inswment shall be govemod by federal ]aw and the law of the -
<br /> �`-^'�'� jurisdicdan in which the Property is located.In the event that any provision or clause of this Securily Instrument or the Note
<br /> `�a'`"�«�; � confllcts with Hcable law,such conflict shall not affect other rovislons of this Securi Instnuner.i ur the Note which can be
<br />.� y�,�i:;.. ePP P tY
<br /> � �_."-f;= gtven effect tvlthout the conflicting provision.To this end the pmvisions of this Securiry Instiument and the Note a�declared to _
<br /> F.-
<br /> - s;1•`�: be scvcrablc. m
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