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<br /> . Bomowu shall also 6e in dcfault if Banower. during the loan applkation process,8ava materially faLse or inaccurnte
<br /> informadon or swemrnts a Lendu(or faikd to provid,c Lender with any matcrial infnrrnat�on)in connection wtth Ihc
<br /> loan evidenced by the Nae. including, but na IlrnGed to. npresentaflona conccming Bormwer's occupancy of�he
<br /> Property as a princip4l nsidance. If this Socurity Insuument ls on a kssehold, Borrower sha�l comply wIth Ihe
<br /> provlsions of the les�. If Sarowu ecqui[es fea titk to thG Property.the leasehold and foe title sl�ell not be merged
<br /> unkss Lendu agrees b the mergu in wrIoing.
<br /> 6.Coodem�atb�. 1Ue procads of aay award ar ciaiun for damages.dlroct or con.wqueatial,in connecdon with
<br /> , any condemnation cxother taking of any part of theR�operty,or for conveyance in pl�ce of condemnation.are hereby
<br /> asslgned and shall be ye�id w I.enda to the ext,ent of d�full emount of the indebtedness tfiat remains uapaid under�he
<br /> Note aad ttus Secunry Inspumratt Lender shatl apply sit�h pm�c�eds w the nducdan of the�s under tbe 1Vote
<br /> and thi9 Se�ccurity Ins�unnait,fuat to any ckltnq�enz mouuts applied in the orda pravidcd in paragreph 3,and then to
<br /> �x�aymra�t of prinei�l. My agpllc�don of the�s w the principal sh�3!e�t cxetnd vr posq�oae ihe due d;oe af tb:
<br /> ��Y P�Y����'hieh aoe referrod w in paragapli 2�a change the amount of su�ch payments. My excGrs procads
<br /> ova an mtiount cequirod w pay all outstanding indebicdness under tivt Note aad thiq Security Instrument st�aU be paid w
<br /> tho entiry kg�ily ealitkd Ukreto.
<br /> 7. Cl�rges ta�orrower and Protectbo a� I.ender's Ri�hta in the Property. Bomawu sl�all pay all
<br /> govemmental or mmn'r.i,p�l charges.fines and imposiGOrss tlwt ere not Included in PnrAgreph 2.Borrowu shall pay t1�,se
<br /> o6Ugs�dons on wra diroctly to the endty which u owrd tia payrnen�If feilure to pay would adversety affect I.enda's
<br /> , inta+est in the Propary, upon Lender's roquest Bom�wa s6a11 promptly fumish to Lendcr r�ereipts evZda�ciag t�a
<br /> P�Y��.
<br /> If Borrower faib ta maka these payments a elie p�yments required by�ph 2.or fails w perform eay oth�i
<br /> cavenants and agrx,merats contained in this Seav�ity(css�umuit,or ttiere is a 1e8�P��B ��Y���Y
<br /> - �j�i'i�itrs'a 'o N in �r p�extY lg�uh aa�:r-._r��.�no in �nkl!!j!►!'Y. f�f i!�Ii�!'?��£�4l� ����n^i�£ 2ftR4�9��
<br /> reguladons),then Leidrr may do and pay whauver v n�ces.sary w protect tLe value of the Pmpesty and L,euder's riEhts
<br /> . aa tbe PropertY.��8 DaY�+�t of wces,haz�rd inwr�nc�and odxr Items menrioned in para�raph 2.
<br /> My amounts dW�aused by I.endei under ihis po�graph shnll bocome na additional debt of Borrowu and be
<br /> se�und by thic Socau4y Tnsaument Tt�ese amowts sl�ll bear Inkrest from the date of disbursertie��t,at the N9te rete,
<br /> and at the optbn of I.rnder,shall be imm�dLtely dtr�and payabk.
<br /> � Baaomr sh�tl promptly disch�rge AnN�ien which has prlority Qvei this Security Insaument wiless Boirower_(a)
<br /> , a�es in wridrg to the p�yman of the+obII��tion saur�ed by tha lle��in a manner acxeptable oo i.endar.(b)coatesu in
<br /> good faitt�the lien bp,or defcnds against cafnranaa�of the lien in.kgal pmcoodings which in the L�der's opjnbn
<br /> opaaie w provent the er�forcement of the lien; a�c)aecuros from the holder of the lien an agrounent satisfactpry to
<br /> E.endu subordir�tiag tl�e liat w thig Securlry Ina�urntnt If Lenda detamines that any part of the Pmpesty is su6ject to
<br /> a lkn which may atLin jxiocity ova this SxurIry Inarument,Lendu may give Borrower a notice idendfyIng the tien.
<br /> ' . Barnwa shell satisfy the Uen ar take one a mon�f tl� actions set forth above within 10 days of the glving of nwice.
<br /> s.Fees.I.a�der may collect fees and charga authorizod by tha Seaetary.
<br /> • ' 9.Oroands for Ac�eter�tion ot Deb�
<br /> (q)Del�utt.Lea�der may.oxcept a� limit�d by regnlatians lssuod by tht Sxntuy.in the cav-of payrnait
<br /> de3wlts�nxiuire immediau paymeat in full otall sums scc�ued bY this Security Instrumeat if:
<br /> � (� Bomoxrs defaults by failittg to pay �f iill any monthly payment required by thla Sreurity Ins�uc�t
<br /> prior w aon the due date of the next cnaeihly paymer.t,or
<br /> , (ii) Borrorer defaulis by faiting�fa a p�iod of thirty days.to perfoan any whex obligadons contalnod in
<br /> this Seeurityr Instrwnent
<br /> (b)�le Wilb�t Credit Approwl.Lendet ate�ll,if peimitted by applk�able law(inciuding SecNot�341(d)of
<br /> the t3amSt Oean�ain Depository InstiwdonsActof 1982.12 U.S.C.1701j-3(d))and with the pria approval of
<br /> th�Secretaty,roquire imirxdiate payment in fnla of all s�uns secund by this Sxuriry Instrument if:
<br /> . �4R(NE)�oacu�.o� P�q�4o�e inni.
<br /> . •� .�
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