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<br />-�""�` (i)AU or part of tlw ProputY.or a 6uieficlal interest in a uust owning a11 or part of�he Propury.is sold or
<br /> othuwise uansfemed(othei than by davise or de.4cent),end
<br /> .>.y� (ii) 'Itie propaty is not occupkd by the purchaser or granue as his a hu principal residence, a the —
<br /> purchasu or granue das so occupy the Property but his or her credlt has not bxn epproved in accordance
<br />-'..t� with ths requir�mcnta of the Secretary ent in full,but
<br /> (c)No Wdver.If circumstances occur�hat would permit Lenda to requin immedlata PaYm
<br /> -�� Lcnder dow not roquire such paymaits.i.ender docs not waivo its rights with respoct to subsequcnt cvont�.
<br />`'-;��y ln many cic�cumstenca nguladons iuuad by thc Secrctary will limit
<br />_,,,� (dJ Re�ulatbm of HUD Secrehr9•t defaulta.to raluire immedfuta P�Y�
<br />"'��'�' Lcncier's righta.in iho caso of paymu► ont in full and foreclosc if not paid.
<br /> -= 'Itiis Secudty Insuuma►t does not auWodzze accek,ration or faecbsure lf not pamltted by�tigulations of ihe
<br />-:,� S� . , _
<br /> _.w� ���M��ge Not Intured.Borrower ag�ees that if this Secudry lnstrument and tbo Note ar�iwt determincd to
<br />��� be ellgibb for insurance w�der the National Ho�ng Act within 60 days from the date huoof.L�du may.at
<br /> .�;� its npdon. raluirc immediat�e paYment in full of all soms secured by this Sxurlty Inswmeat �► wriuen
<br /> � statement of any authoclzed a8e�t of the Secretary dated subsequent tn 60 days from the date hereof�docliaing
<br />=;w:� to insure this Securiry Insorument and the Nots. shell be dounod conclusive proof of such indigtbillty.
<br /> — Notwitt�.cteading the foc�egoiag, this optloA maY not be exer�cised by Lendu wtien the unavailabiltty of
<br /> insurance is solely dua w Lendu's failure w remit a mortBeBe jnsurance Pranium to tNe So�y�full bocatue
<br /> -�,s,� 10.Rei�statemen�Bonrowa has a dght to bo reins�ted if Lenda ha�roquired immediato PaY�
<br />— of Barowa's fAilure tn pay aa amount due under the Nota a this Socurlty Instrvmen�TLLg rlght applics even afta
<br /> � foreclosure pmooalia8s a�re insdwtod.To reinsute�i�e Socurity Insuumu►t, Barowa shall tendu in a lump sum all
<br /> ---- amounts reauired to brLiB Barowa's eccount currt�t inoluding,to the eactene ihey are obligodons af Barowu under
<br />----- this Sx�uiry Instrument, fo[eciosu[e costs and re�onabk end cuswmlry s�tomaYs' ii�i s�x1 Sr�t� �ra�xlY
<br /> —� as,�ocy�ett with the forecbsura proceedin8. Upon rdastatema►t by Bon�ower. this Security Iastrument antl the
<br /> obligadoos cl�at it secures shall remain in effect as if Lcndu t�ad nct re�uind immodiate paYment ia full.Howeva.
<br /> Lenda 9s nat toquired a pe�mic ninstatement if: (i) Leader ha�accepud ninsta�ane+�c afux the coauna�cana�t of
<br /> farccbsuze �NBe within two yeacs immedi�lely Drocodin8 die eomm�aiounent of a cum�t forr.closare
<br /> proceeding, (ii)reinstatanent wilt procluda faeclosiva on dffferent grow�d.s ia the fuwre.or (�) ninststanan wfll
<br /> advascly�'ect the prbciq'of the lia�creatod 6y this Sectuity It�savment
<br /> li.Borrawer Not Relaaed; Forbara�oe By l.e�da'Not a�'f'�iver.Eatrnsion af�he dme of paymuit a
<br /> modi6ca�on of amoitivtlon of the sums securod by this Socurity lastiwnent granted by L.ende�r to eny suooessor in
<br /> irtt�est of Barower stwll nM o�enco to nkase the liability of the original Bormwa or Barowa'a successa in inta�st.
<br /> L+eader stull not be roquired ta ooma�ence Pr0000dinBg againsc eny successor in interest or refuse w extend tLne for
<br /> F�rymau a othawix modifY aenati�io�►of ihe sums secured by�his 5ecurity Instruma�c by rea9on of any danand
<br /> msda by the original Bamwa a Bamwa's successors in intuest Any fortxaraa�ce by Lender in cnercLatng�ny d8ht
<br /> • or rernody shalt not be a waivu of a pc+xlude tha exaci9e of any dght or rein�ody.
<br /> 12.Sucoaeora�od Atr�os Bound;Joi�t and Several Lvbili�:Co-Sipe�e.'�'he wveaants and agroemcats of
<br /> this SacudtY Inswment shall bind and bu�efit tha successors and�s of Lentter aad Boirower,subject w the
<br />-_ —_ grovlskmt adi �el�h 9(b). IIorrower's cov�stnts and �,°reemants st�?1! be��t en� save�!t. Any Bamwu who _
<br /> ca-signs dus Sflcurity Insavment but das not eAOCUte tha Note: (e) is co-signing this Sxurlty InsOcuma�t only w
<br /> moctga,ge�S�ant and canvey that B�roww's intenst in the Prope+tY�nda the tenn+of ihis Socurity Instrumen�(b)is
<br /> not Pa'�uY�v8��PaY the sums eocurod by this Socurity Insavmen�end(c)agrees thet I,er�der and any otha
<br /> Borrowa may agcee W extend.modifY.forUear or make any axommodedons with regard w the tesms of this Socu�ity
<br /> Ingwment at tho Note without that Bo�►wtr's cons�nt
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