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<br /> LOANNO. iz�s2a3e2e "�
<br />- 10.Cond�mn�tipn.The prxeeds ol any award or 9?br dao es, rect or consequenttai,In connectbn wtth .!
<br /> any condemnatlan or other takinp of nny part of tfie Property, or for conveyance In Ileu of condemnatlon,ere hereby �
<br /> essigned and shali be pek!to Lendor, �
<br /> � ����� In the event of a total taklnp ot the Propeny,the proceeds ahall be applled to the aums secured by this Security
<br /> Inatnament,whether or not then due,with any excess pald to Barrower.In tho event of a Rarrlal taklnp of the Property in �
<br /> �,� which the Mlr mar{cet value of the Proparty Immedi�tely before the takiny ta equal to or qreater tha�the emount ot the
<br /> � sums secured by thls Security Instrument Immedlately befare the t�kinp,unle�s Borrower end Lender otherwlse epree In �:
<br /> w►itinp,the suma secured by ihis 3ecurity Instrument shall be reduced by the emount of the prxesds muttipl{ed by the ��
<br /> :,�:
<br /> followinp frnctlan:(a)tho tatal Amount of tho suma secured lmmedlately belore the taking,dlvkied by(b�the Mir ma�ket -�•
<br /> vatue of the Property Immadlately betord tha taking.Any belence shall be paid to Borrower.I�the event W a parttal ��
<br /> � taklnp of the Property fn wh�h the tatr market velue of the Property tmm�dlately before the taking la less than the --
<br /> - - amount of the auma secured Immedlately betore the tak�ng,uruess rtorrower anci Lender othervvise agree in wriiing or �-
<br /> �' unl�sa appticable law otherwlse provkles,theproceeds shall be eppl{ad to the suma secured by thls Security --
<br /> Inatrument whether or not the sums are then due. `"
<br /> �.-
<br />�:ti� � if the Property is a6endoned by Borrower,or If,eftar notice by Lender to Bonower that the corKiemnor otfers to �'
<br /> � • meke an awarcl or settte a clafm for dama�aa,Bo�rawer fails to respond to Lender within 30 days after the date the �'�
<br /> not�e is g(ven,Lender is authalzed to cdlsct and apply the proceeds,at fts option,erthar to�estoratk�n or repedr of the !'�
<br />, , ' . Property qr to the sums secured by this Security tnstrument,wl�ether or not then dua. �
<br /> � Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agree tn writing,any appl�atbn of proceecls to princlpai shall not extend or [:
<br /> postpone the due date oithe moMhly paymeMS referred tu In paragraphs t and 2 or change tho amouM of such -
<br />- payments. --
<br /> � � 11.8orrowrr Nct RN�wd;ForbMrtnc�By L�nd�r Not�Waiwr. F�ctension d the time tor payment or
<br />_ _ y. modiFicatton of amatixetbn of the sums secured by this Secu�ity Instrument granted by Lender to any successor in
<br /> • . ' . Interest oI 8orrower shaN not operate to release the IlabNity ol the ori�tnal Bonow�srr or Bo►rower's successora in
<br /> Interes�Lender shall not be requlred to commence proceedings ag�Tnst any successor in IMerest or refuse ta extend
<br />��;� ,� � time for payment or otherwise modHy amortizatbn of the sums secured by this Security Instnamer+t by reason af any
<br /> . 4 demand made by the oripinal Borrower or Borrower's successors in irtterest.Any fotbearance by Lender In exerctstng
<br />-`: :'-� A. an��f�Atn os r�rrr��°t�.s!!csail�a:�er a�as�1�'E�IU�L I�L S.Y.�ICI��Q�P.I�V� t1I��AIII�V
<br /> n'1 k� :.: '-.. 7"!1 �'`� t" i � •'
<br />:` �� � 12.Succts�on�nd Asaigns Bound;Joint and Sever�l Lt�bflity�Co-si�ne►a. The cavenants and eg�eements of
<br />�""�"�+ �' this Secu�ity Instrument ehall bCnd and benefitt the successors and assigns of Lender and Borrawer,subJect to the
<br />`;, `:'�'•.;: provisions ofparagraph 17. BoROwer's covenants and agreements shall be Joint and seve�al.My Bo�c�e�who
<br /> �`""�= casigns thts Security Inatrument but does not execute the Nate:(a)is casigning this Security Insnument only to
<br />�,?.�,�''
<br /> �r.,�,;�; mortgege,prant and convey that Borrower's IMerest in the Property under the terms of this Security Instrument;(b)Is
<br />;�11.;;�� not per�onally obligat e d to pa t h e sums secur e d by t h ts Secu r ri y In s tn�m e r�t;a n d(c)egrees t h a t L e n d e�a n d an y other
<br /> Borrower may agree to ext�madHy,forbear or make any accommodations with repard to the tertns of thls Secu�ity
<br />�'=-���� Instrurrient or the Note v�thout that Bomower's consent.
<br />����
<br />�,,;.��z�-� 18.Loan Char��s.i}the Ioan secured by this 3ecurity Instrument Is subject to a law wh�h sete maximum loan
<br /> """�� char�es,and thaY=aw fs flnalty Irnerpreted so that the tnte�est or othe�loan charges cdlected orto be cdlected In
<br />�-` ' connection with the loan exceed the permitted Ilmits,then:(a)any such loan charge shall be reduced by the amount
<br /> °`"`-��`T� necessary to reduce the charge to the pemsitted Itmk;and(b)any sums already collected from Bo►rower which
<br /> ,���� � exceeded permttted Itmks wNl bo refunded to Borrower.Letider may choose to make this retund by reducinp the
<br /> .,_:;�� prtnctpai owed under the Note or by making a dfrect payment to Borrower.If a refund reduces prtncipal,the reductlon
<br />__ ,�� • wYl be treeted as a partial prepayment without any prepayment charge under the Note.
<br /> ., 4,.
<br /> - '�'°� 14.NMic�i. My�otice to Borrower rovided for U thts SecuNty Instniment shall be ghren by delivering k or by
<br /> -;,=:�..�_
<br />—::�:�; . maYinQ It by flrst dass maU uNess appllca e law requfres use of anuther method.The notice sha11 be directed to the
<br /> °-��.�.-�1 Property Address or any other address BoROwer designates by rwtice to Lender.Any notice to Lender shalf ba yiven �
<br />-Y��t`� by tirst dass maN to Lender's address steted hereln or any other eddress Lender designates by notice to Barower.My
<br /> r'�� notic�provided for in thb Securiry Instrument shall be deemed to have been given to Borrower or Lender when�hren
<br /> ---__ -- as provided tn this paragraph.
<br /> =�'";� 1b.Gowrninp L�w;S�venbllity. This Security Instrument shall be govemed by federal Iaw�nd the law of the
<br /> �,t9`•
<br /> - ju►isdicttvn In which the Prope►ty is located.In the event that any provision or dause of thts Secur�ty InstrumeM or the
<br /> :;_,�y� � Note coMficts with applicable law,such coMllct shall not affect other provfslons of this Security Instrumer�t orthe Note
<br />�y',�'`'�S'R\ which can be given effect without the cortBicttng provislon.To thls end the provislons of this Security InstrumeM and the _
<br /> Y;•'`� ` Note are dectared to be severable. _
<br /> �'-..' :...k.
<br /> --� , 18. Borrow�r'�Copy. Borrower shall be piven one conformed copy of the Note and of this Security Inatrument. _
<br /> �.:.
<br />�°" 17. Thenster of th�Property or�Beneticfal Interest in Borrower. If all or any part of the Propeny ar any -
<br /> (nterest tn R is sold or t�nnsferrerl(ar if a beneflcial Imerest In Barrower is sdd or transferced arxi Borrower is not a
<br />- natural person)without Lender's prforwritten c.bnseM,Lender may,at fts option,iequfre Immedlate paymerit In full of ali _
<br />-- sums secured by this Securtry Instrument. Hawever,this optfon shall not be exercised by Lender H exercise is
<br />= prohfbited by federal latv as of the date of this Security Instntment. -
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