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<br /> � LOANNO. 1239233828 •
<br /> � -� 1
<br /> � If Lerlder exercises thls optlon,Lender shail gh►e Bor�ower e�ot�c4 accQ�rtstion.The notice shaU provWe a pe�lod
<br /> � of not less than 30 days irom the date the notice is dellvered or mailed wfthln which Borrower must pay ali aums secured
<br /> „�,.,.+� by thls Securiry Instrument.M BS�u e��nstrume ttwfthout urther�notice oeXde�ma►xi ontBorr���ea'L��er may Invoke -_
<br /> �._ .....� any remadiea permltted by th s ny -
<br /> 1d.Borrowsr'�Rbht to Rtin�t�. If Bonower meets certain condkions,�orrower shall have the�Ight to have
<br /> � enf�rcement of thia Security�nstniment discontinued at any tinrte prior to the e�����L to anydpo ve of sale contained�/n
<br /> as appilcable law maY specHy for reinstatement)beiore sale of the Prope�p _ _
<br /> j this Security Inst Sm9�er a lbs u m s w h i c h th e n w o u l d f b e d u e under his SecuritY InstNme�a h e�NotA as H no , _
<br /> g Q n�;.,,s.{s?�•, s a l l e x n s e s I n a u r r e d
<br /> acceleration had occurred�(b)cures any d e t au lb�not ilmfted to,rea sonable att meys'fees-.�and(d)tsek s suc h ac t io n
<br /> in eMorcing thls Securiry Instniment,induding, ( _
<br /> as Lender ma reasonaMy require to assure that the Ifen of this Securtty instrumcontinu�uncha ged�Uponr���a� _
<br /> Borcower's obligatlon to pay the sums secured by thts Securriy�Instrument shai
<br /> reinstatement by Borrower,this Security Instrument artd the obl�gattons secu�ed he case of acc�e►atlonl under thre as ff
<br /> no acceteration had occurred.However,tt�la right to ralnstatu shall not a�ply __
<br /> paragraph 17. rtlal interest in the Note(topether with this Security
<br /> 19.Sale ot Nots;Change of Loan Serviaer• The Note or a pa
<br /> Insttument)may be sald one or more timea without priorment due under the Note a ihls Security Instgume��There -
<br /> . (kno�vn as the Loan Service�')that coil0�ts monthly pay ,
<br /> also may be one a more changes of the l.oan Service�unreiated to a sale of the Note.If tiie 4 sbov an�d app�icabie laW
<br /> Senrice�,9orrower wNi be given written nodce of the change In accordance with paragrap
<br /> The notice wNi state the name and address of the new Loan Servicer and'h�e�ad a�to which payments shoWd be °i
<br /> made. The notice will also contaln any other IMormation requtred by appl _
<br /> 20.Hw�rdous Subs4nc�s.�B he P o S�II•Bo ower shal�l not doe ora���^'a Yone�g se o�do�anything affeccin9
<br /> i
<br /> � any Hezardous Substances on or Pe�Y ��
<br /> _ ___ ._ .__ the Property that n the�ro tlon�a�ny�i���i ,u���a^��Sub�aten es thatta ecgenera'Ity�ecognyfzed to b�e enae, �.._
<br /> . use,or storage o pe _
<br /> appropriate to normal resident I usea and to maintenance of the Property _
<br /> Borrower shali promptly give lende�written notice of any investigatlon,c�a8�any Haia dous Substance or�by
<br /> � any govemmentel or regutatory sgency or private party invdving the Propetty
<br /> ' Envlronmer�tsl I�w of which Borrower has actual knowled9e. If Borrower leama,or ts nottlled IrY any govemmentai or ��_
<br />_ �eyulatory suthorRy.r ahall nyomp�y take alhnecessary►emedial a uo�rdoa o dan e w�E�i�onmental i�w�a �.�
<br /> , i"�=�.
<br /> necessa►Y.Borrow P . �
<br /> �-�,
<br />� As used in this pe�agraph 20,"Haza�dous Substances are those substancea deflned as twcks or hazardous -��-
<br />- � �`�� substances by Ernironmentat Law and the foilowing substances: gasdine,kerosene,other flammable or toxi� �
<br />- " '<;;� � petrdeum producte.toxia pestfaides and herbicides,vdatAe sdver�s,materials co�alninp asbestos or formaldehyde, :--
<br />�-r :+-� � and redloactive materiats.As used in thls paragreph 20�'Environmental Laul'meana federal lews and lawe of th� �+
<br />=t;='� � ��,. Ju�isdictbn where the Property is located that relate to heaith,safery or ernlronmenta�P�dect�on. �i.�
<br /> .•f r�.i.`;.:; •
<br />��+_°:��� :�.�;;� � NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS.Bonower and Lender fuKher covenant and agree as tollows:
<br /> �-���""' � 21.Accelerttton;Rsmedlas.Lender stu�ll�tw notics to Barowe+'prior to acceNrat�an fotlowin�6oROwa�'�
<br />�'?'•"'�`�`�}, . breach of sny coventnt or*pnsmont in thi�t S�curity InstrumeM(but n:ph�d�huK�'ro�t�a������o —
<br />"`; �r 17 unlas�ppllo�bb la�w provides otherwis�).Th�notice sh�ll fpec hl�( ) �
<br /> cur�th�d�huR;(c)�date�not I�sf tt�n 30 days trom th�dat�th�notic�i��iwn to B �fl�n� th�i notiic�rtu�y
<br />-` ��������t�cund;and(d)that hltuN to auro th�dsf�uR on or b�ton th�d�t��p�c �__
<br />- � � r�sult(n acc�t�tion�o tht m M ot r�ii�nstat�aft�r«c�.�ce�rat on��ind th�bM o brin��co�urt a tonao a:t�R)
<br /> �~ � ` furthu intorm Borrower rb
<br /> "'"',~^" Qursd on ar b�tore hs d�ta specif�ed In ths notia��l.ond�t it�option maYlo�u n mm�df�t�p�yment in fuli of
<br /> �..����..,�.
<br /> s.�:� � �ii sums s�cund by t h is Secu r i t'i nG��w �h�s��lM��to aolt�ecyt 1 ixpenNS i cn urr�e d i n�p i x s u i n y q
<br /> othsr rem�dis�psrmftted by�pp �tees�nd costs of
<br />- � � the remsdl�s provided in thts parapraph 21,incl u d inp►b u t n o t I tmRed to,rasonabU attorn�ys i�.
<br /> title svkienae. _.
<br /> � It the pow«'of ale te invaked,Trune�shall record a notics of dehutt in wch couMy in Ii�i p'.�w�n of �__._
<br /> ' the PropeRy�s located��d sFu�U rt�it copies of�uch notice in tt�e m�nner preseNb�d bY�Pp �;�::;
<br />~ • Barowsr and to the other persons prtac�ibed by applicabl�t�w• After th�tim�requtred by�ppltc�bl�I�w� _
<br /> TrustN sheli qiva pubtie notice ot ale to tha penon��nd I�tho manner prescribed by�ppltcable law. T�ustN,
<br />_ , without demend on eorrower,sh`�th�norti s of s�t�in onetor rnote p�rcels and i�ny vrd�r Trhiiitae dn�lnis.
<br /> and undartho terme des!pn�ted b ublia announcemettt at the ttme and pl�c�of
<br /> . Trustes m�y postpone s�te ot dl or any parcel ot the Property Y P �t an �1�.
<br /> •ny proWously schedulod sale. LendK or ite dasignee rru�y purch�se tha Property Y
<br /> � Upon recelpt of pey,s�n the Tnistes's deed s�ha8ebe pdr+n����►�evW°nce of tM truth of�th s�t�temsnb made
<br />- the Prope�ty. The recib
<br /> ' therein. 7rust�s sh�tl�pP�Y the proceeds of the sale in the tollowinp order(a)tQ d��ons��expensos of
<br /> -
<br /> FORM 3ozs�%96
<br /> ISC/CMDTNE//01A2/3028(�90I•L �
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