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<br /> (�7.�j�� LOANNO. 1239233828
<br /> al In�u�ance polici�a and reneweis ahall be acceptabla to Lenid�r arsd shnll(ncluds a starxinrd mortgeqe dause. ,
<br /> � Le�der shell have the rigM to hdd the pol�tes and reneweis.I�Lender requires,Borrower shail p�ompUy gwe to Lender - -
<br /> � all receipts of pakl pramlums snd renewel notices.In the event of loss,Batower shall give prompt notice to tha .-
<br /> tnsurance canler and Lender.Lender mey make proof of loss if not made prompdy by Borrower.
<br /> �r +`� Unless Lender end Borro�we�otherwlse agree in writing.Insurance p�oceeds shall be applied to restoratlon or repaIr
<br /> of the Property damaged,if the resioratlon or repair Is economically feasi6le and Lender's securlty ls not lessened.If the
<br /> I �estoration ar repalr fa not economkalty feasible or Lender's securiry would be lessened,the tnsurance proceeda shall
<br /> j be applied to the sums secured by this Securtty Instrument.whether or not then due,with any excess pald to Borrower.
<br /> � If Bortawe�abandons the Property,or does not answsr within 30 days a notice nom Lender that the insurance carrier
<br /> " � or restore he P m9 a�or o�th y sum sec ru ed by thisrSecuuiity�Instnrment�whet e ror not t entdue The 30�da►Y Per��d ,=
<br /> �nY, Pa '
<br /> wfli beg(n when the not�ce�s given. : •
<br /> UMess Lender and 8orrower otherwlse agree in w�iti►x�,any eppl(cation of proceeds to princtpa�shaU na extend°r �.
<br /> postporee the sl�e date of the monthty paymer�s referred to In paragraphs 1 and 2 or chanAe the amount of the M1Y�
<br /> payments. If urxier paragraph 21 the Propeny is acquired by Lender.Borrower's dght to any i�surance pol�icss and �,
<br /> proceeds resutiing fram damage to the Prope►ty p�ior to the acquisition shall pass to Ler�er to the exteM d the sums '..,;
<br /> ;z,=.
<br /> secured by thts Sscurity InstNment Immediately p�ior tothe acquisition. ��
<br /> a pccupa�cy,pre�Uon,Maintenanc��nd Protection ot ths Prop�Ry;Borrow�r's Loan Applic�tl�n; �:
<br /> Lea�eholds, 6�r,awer shall accupy,establish,end use the Property as Borrower's pdncipal reskience vrfthin sbfty days _
<br /> � afterthe executian of this Securiry Instrument and shall contlnue to occupy the Properry as Borrawer's princlpal _�,Y
<br /> �,�� residence for et least one year after the date of occupancy. unless Lender otherw(se agrees in writing,which consent �.�
<br /> ' ''!� , shall not be unreasonably withheld,or unless extenuating ctrcumstances exist which are beyond BoROwe�'s contrd• K
<br /> '-7 BoROwer shall not destroy,damage or Impair the Properry,ailow the Property to detedorete.or commft wsste on the �.;_.�
<br /> � Property.Borrower shall be in defauit if any f o r fe i ture a c t lon or proceedtn g,whether ctuil or c�iminai,is begun that in
<br /> `� Lender's good tafth judgmeM could resuit In forfeiture o}the Property or otherwlse materially tmpa(r the Iten c�eated by �;``
<br /> " -j thls SecurftV Instnrment or Lender's security interest Barower may cure such a default and reinstate,as provided in
<br /> a paragreph i e,by causing the accion o�p�oceedi�9 to be aismissex,wit�a�ui0s�tl�t,!a:��'g��!Ith ,
<br /> ;. _` determination,predudes farfefture of the Borrower's tnterest In the Property or other matetial ImpalrmeM d the Iien
<br /> created by this Security InsirumeM or Lsnder's securi=y Interest Borrower shal!Als�be in detauit if Borrawer,during the —
<br />= loan appl�atbn process,gave materiaily talse or tnaccurate Ir�formation or statemerrts to Lerxler(or faYed to provlde
<br />�'"'`'' '�� ° Lender with any materlal(Mormation) In connectlon withthe loan evidenced by the Note.Including,but not IlmRed to,
<br />,;,. representations canceming Borrowers xcu ncy of the Property as a principal residence.If thls Securi�y Instrumerrt is
<br /> "- ������ � on s leasehdd,8orrower shall compty with I the provlsions of the lease. If Borrower acquirea fee tiUe to the PropeRy,
<br /> �'"���• � =� the leaseho4d and the fee title shall not merge unless Lender agrees to the merger in writing.
<br /> =:�"����'� T.Protoction of Lender's Rights In th�Prop�rty If 6orrower taNa to perf n���y aff����,s��Ms in the
<br />�.'�.�.. :`. contatned in thts Security Instromer�, orthere(s a legal proceeding that maY�9
<br />;`.,;t:%':'��i,'. . Property(such as a proceeding in ba�ktt�ptcy,probste,fo�condemnation cx forfeiture orto enforce laws or _
<br /> "--���'`_� regulations),then Lender may do and pay tor whatever Is necessary to protect the valus of the Pruperty and Lender's
<br />�=�`-=���� � n an sums secu�ed by a Ilen whtch has pNority over thfs -
<br /> -:�_,L.�+� dgF�s tn the Property.L.ender's gctlons may fndude payi 9 Y to make
<br /> i����"'"'�"� Security Instcument,appearing in court,paying reasonable attomeys'fees and enterin9 on the Property
<br /> �`-�^"-'# repeirs.Although Lender may take actlon under this paragreph 7,Lender does not have to do so. __
<br />�a'===�`=`"' . 7 shall become additlonel debt ot Borrower secured by --
<br /> Any emouMa dlsbursed by Lender under this paragraph
<br />�`�-'y'``e? this Securfty Instrumen�Unless Borrower and Lender agree to other terms of paymeM�these amouMs shali bear ___
<br /> =":�����se. Interest from the date of disbursemant at the Note rete end shall be payable.wfth ir�terest,upon�otice irom l.ender to _
<br /> � Botrn�wet�eque.stln8 PaY�• �'�
<br /> _�;.��� 8.Mort��ge In�unnce. If Lender required mortgage insu�ance as a r,ondftian�making the loan secured by this :-:_
<br />'"�"�'='"� Security Instrument,Borrower shali pay the premiums requlred to maintain the mortgage Insurnnce in effect If,tor any R;__.,
<br /> `"•� � reason,the mortgage insurance coverage requfred by Lender lapses or ceases to be in etfect,Borro�wc�sheli pay the ;"��
<br /> `="`'"•'� ti premlums requlred to obtain coverage substantially egulvalent to the mortgage Insurance previously(n effect.at a cost FL__
<br /> .�y ���1 � 6�.•-
<br /> ___�,. substaMially equfvalent to the coffi to BoRawer of th�mortgage Insu�ance proviously In effect,h'cm an aitemate -
<br /> '.. .'"��� martgage insurer appraved by Lender.If substanttally equlvaler�mortgage insu►ance coverage Is not avaYable, ;-
<br /> :•,;�.
<br />-�'���..' � � sortower shall pay to Lerxler each momh a sum equal to one-twelfth of the yeatly mortgage tnsutance premlum beln� ,,.,__:
<br /> __ .. paid by Borro�wer when the Insurance coverage lapsed or ceased to be In effect.Lender wNl accept use and retatn these '-,+:
<br /> paymeMs as a loss reserve in Ifeu of mortgage fnsurance. Loss reserve paymeMS may no�onger be required.at the _
<br /> ' * optbn af Lender,if mortgage insurar.ce coverage pn the amount and for the perlods that Lender requires)pr�ovided bY
<br /> - an Insurer epproved by l.ender agafn becomes avaNable and is obtalned. Borrower shall pay the premiums required to
<br /> in alccordan egwkh any w��ten agreem�e t betw��neBobrtower and Lenderhor ar p licabl aw'���ge tnaurance ends ,�
<br /> �. Inspection. Lender or fts ager�may make reasonable ent�ies upon and inspectbns of the Froperry. Ler�der , `�
<br /> -� shall gtve Borrower notice at the time of or prior to an Inspection specffying reasonabio cause for the inspection.
<br /> r"' ,
<br /> � [ .
<br /> --:.-.--.---_�-_ .-
<br />- ISC/CMDTNE//0782/3028(�90)•L PA(iE 3 OF 6 �
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