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<br /> 9.�+10� L�AN N0. 1 2 3 9 2 3 3 8 2 B
<br /> ,� Iimited variatlons b u�risdlc�lon o constftute e unitwm security Instrrument covering real pr�nopenY• �QVenents wfth ,
<br /> Yl
<br /> ,...,..�' UNIF�RM COVENAMS.BoTrower a�d Lender covenant and agree as fdiaws: �en d��e
<br /> ��.-^���"� 1.Poym�r�t of P�incfptl and Int�nsi;Pnpaym�nt�nd Latv Ch�roa�. Bonower shall prampUY p�Y
<br /> � the principal ot and Interest on the debt eNklenced by the Note and any prepayment and late charges due unde�the
<br /> Note. -
<br /> . � 2.Fund�for Ta�as and Insurar+c�. Subject to appilcable law ar to a written waNer by lender,Bortower shall y A
<br /> to l,ender on the day monthly paymeMs are due under the Note,untll the Note ls paid�n full,a sum('Funds')for.(a�
<br /> y�;►����a ti p,�,�;�•;e,;i�,�lch mav�ttain nrloritv over this 3ecu�ity Instrumern as s lien o�the PropeRy; (b)Ye�rlS► ���;`::
<br /> leas�stwld payments or ground retrts on the PropeRy,H eny;(c)yearly hazard or property insurence premiuniy,�df �
<br /> yoa�ly flood Insurance premiums,if any; (e)yearlY mortgage tnsurance premiums,if any;and(�any sums paya
<br /> ble by "•���
<br /> goROwer to Lender.in accordance wfth ti�e provlslons of paragraph e,in Iieu of the paymeM of matga4e insurance -
<br /> premiums.7hese Rems are cailed'Escraw Items.'Lender may,at any dme,cmdAlect au�nd foidBonower's esc ow accoutM
<br /> exceed the maximum amouM a lender for a federally related mortgage loan y eq -_
<br /> under the federal Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act of 1974 as amended from time to time. 12 U.S.C. 2601 ei _
<br /> seq ('RESPA',unless another law that applies to the Funds sets a lesser amourn.If so,Lende�maY.at a�y time,cdlect `;�___
<br /> arxi hdd Fu�s In an amount not to exceed the lesser amount Lender may estimate the amou�of Funds due on the ___
<br /> � bas(s of curtent data and reasonable estimates of expendftures of future Escrow Items or oiherwise in accordance wfth
<br /> applicable law. ��
<br /> � The Funds shall be held in an Instftution whose deposks are insured by a federal ager�cy,Instrumental�.Funds t�o
<br /> • (tncludfrig Lender,ff Lendar Is such an Instftutton)or in any Federal Home Loan Bank.Lender shell apply �.:r'm
<br /> i the FurxJs,annually analyzirW tt►e
<br />° pay the Escrow Items.Lender may not charge BaROwer tor holding and appiy n9
<br /> � . escraw account,or veritying the Eacrow Items,unless Lender pays Borrower IMerest on the Funds and applicable law �_.._
<br /> � perm(ts Lender to make such a cha�ge.However,Lender may require BoROwer to pay a one-time charqe for an �•_
<br />� tndependeM real estete tax reporting servlce us9d by Lender In connectton with th(s loan,udess app��ab�e(aw _
<br />_ ----_-- provides otherwise.Unless an egreement Is made or applk;able taw requ►res Interest to b4 pa�d.Le�snhe�h��. -_
<br /> requlred to pay Bonower any Imerest or eaming�ciii ii�e�u�ds.�orr�.�..��stt!l.endEt m�,_.
<br /> � that Interest shall be pald on th�Funds. Lender shall give to Borrower,wfthout charge,an annual accounttng d the
<br />- Funds,shawtng credlts and debfts tc the Furxis and the purpose for whbh each debit to the Furxis was made.The
<br />�� Funds are pledged as addittonal security fa ail sums secured by this Secu�ity Instrumern.
<br /> t_:.:. «,.., .
<br /> If the Funds held by Lender exceed the amounts petmitted to be held by app1icable law,Lende�shall accouM to
<br />=�-� � � � gortower for the excess Funds in accordance with the requiremeMs of eppiicable taw.If the amount dthe Funds held
<br />��+:��`��°�,'�'� ' by Lender at any time Is not suFNcientto pay the Escrow Items when due,Lender may so notity BoROwer in writing,
<br /> _�:;i1FE�'�; ;
<br /> _ . and,in such case Borrcwer shall pay to Lender tt�e amouc,t necessary to make up the deflclency.Bortower shall ma e
<br />'�-'' ' up the deflciency in no more tfian twelve mornhly paYments,at Lender's sde dfscretion.
<br /> Upon payment in full of all sums secured by thia Securiry Instn.iment,Lender shall promptly refund to Borrower any
<br />�:-�-Y�:��� '�°a Funds held by LerxJer. If,under paragraph 21,Lender shall acquire or sell the P�operty,L�nder,prior to the acqulsttlon
<br /> -=i`.�3':��_:: � or sale of the Property.shal�epplY any�unds hetd by Lender st the time of acqutsftion or sele as a credi�against the
<br />— -"'"� • suma seoured by this Security Instrument.
<br />_,�,,.,�7s:'�
<br />�y,,����;� g,ppp�iqtion p}p�ym�nts. Udess applicable law provides otherwise,all payments recehred by Lender u er
<br /> . paragrephs t and 2 shall be aRplled.flrst,to any prepayment charges due under the Nate;second,to amouMa payable
<br />�;�f, under paragraph 2;thlM,to Irderest due;fourth,to princfpal due;and last,to any late char�ea due under the Nde.
<br />-:;�`,�t:,. 4,Ctf��,pq;LNns.Borrower shaUpay aIl texes.assessmenta,charges,flnes and Impositions attributable to the
<br />=���"�'"'�'� Propem►whlch may e�±ain p�latty over t h is Sacurity Instrument,s n d leasehold p c ry m eMs a ground reMs,iF any.
<br /> � -==����� Bo�ower shatt pay these obligations In the manner provided In pEUagraph 2�or it not paid in cttat rnannor.��tra}+er shz.�! �
<br /> -'�''"'�'� pay them on time directly to the peraon aN►ed PaYn'�ent Bonower shall prompdy fumish to Lender all notkes d
<br /> .'"`-i�, If Borrower makes these paYmer►te dtrectly,Bortower shall promptly fumish to
<br /> -,_�-,�;_,.� amauMS to be paid under thls paragraph.
<br /> ';�=<<y= Lender recetpts evidencing the paymenta.
<br /> �-��,�,;i;�' Borrower shali promptly discharge any Ilen wh�h has priority over this Securiry Instrument uMess Borrowec(e�
<br /> - agrees in writing to the paymern of the obligation secured by the Ilen in a manner acceptabte to Lender: (b)contests in
<br /> -a-�'-"�� good tafth the lien by. a detends agalnst enforcement of the Ilen in,legal proceedings wh�h tn the Lender�s opinion _
<br /> -':�,.-;;'���- � _
<br /> � operate to prevent the enforcemertt of the lien;ar(c)secures from the hdder of the Iten an agreeme►it satisfactory to _
<br /> - ' Lender subo�dinating the Ilen to this Securiry Instn�meM.if Lender detertnines that any part of the Pr rty Is subJect to �
<br /> ' ' ." a Iten whlch may attain priority over thi9 Securfty�nst he actbns set forth above vWth ne10 days ot tt�e�r�d notice. -_
<br /> -��� B o r r a w e r s h a l l s a t i s i y t h e I l e n o r t a k e o n e o r m o r e o f
<br />= 6.H�ard or propwty Insur�nce. Boi��ower shall keep the fm�ovements now existir�ar hereafter erected on the �_
<br /> - Praperty insured agatnst loss by fire,hazards induded withtn the term'extended coverage and any othe�'haxe�ds� _
<br />_� induding floods or flooding,for whlch Lender requires Insurance.This insurance shail be mainta�ned�n the amounts and `
<br /> for theperiods that Lender requires.The insurance carrier providing the insutance shafl be chosen by Bo�ower subJect �,:;.
<br /> . to Lender's approvel which shail not be unreasonabiy wRhheld. If Borrower tails to maintaln coverage desc�ibed above, e..
<br />� Lender may,at Lender's optlon,obtaln coverage to protect Lender's rights in the Property In accordance wfth �;_
<br /> �' gara9raph 7• �'-
<br /> ' . , �
<br /> --
<br /> _ _ __ FORI�A 302�9/90 —�
<br /> ' ISC/CMDTNE//0782/302814901•L
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