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<br /> ���. � go�W�r sh�ll Blso tic in dafault!f Borrov�u.during tho loan applicaUon proces.s.gavc matcriaqy false or inaccuratc _
<br /> informatlon or st�tomeats to L.ancler(or failed to provlda Lcndar with any material jnformation) in conncxtion with thc
<br />_ -� -c� loen evidenced by tha Nata, instt�tile�,but not limitcd to,rcptcsenu�dons concerning Boaowu's occupancy of tho
<br /> .. ,� property, as a princapel rasiti¢rnce. [f this Secur!ty Instrument is on a leasehold, Borrowu shall comply with t1�e _
<br /> , provlsions of th;lcasc:.If Barrawa,�ncquir�s foe dda a tho Propeny.the leaschold and fea ttda shaU aot be mcrged
<br /> � _� unless I.entler e�r�es ta t�o merr8a in wrlting. _
<br />-_.�::;;'::�; - o.��mmaemn�iiva.Ti�w��a:r�s ot'a�y aw,�u ur chw�► [ur d�ag�s.dtrcct ur ean�uc.^.t�l,ln eonne!�!�nn wi►h
<br /> _f•.::. �Y�c�me►a�on pr ait�es etkiqg af any part of the Propaty.or for convoyenoo in place of condemnadon.are heceby
<br /> °"'_�'',��,: aysi�swd shal!t�e p�id tt�i.tnder to thc extcnt of the fnll amount of the indebtedness that rcmains unpaid undcr the
<br /> ';;�,-;tF'�� NoUa ead tk�is Sd¢urlty Insuumen�1.endu shail ePPly such procads to the reducdon of tho iadebtodness unGer the Note
<br />�-n�:;;�:� 3.and thea to
<br />�_�.;:-;;• end this Stcurity lnsqtumeat�first w any delinquent emounts applied in the orda provided in para8raph
<br />_�:::�•.���Y: PnpaYment of prinetp�l.My a�+plicallon af ihe procccds ta thc principal shall not eactead ur postpone the due dacs of the _
<br />`���.�?..�� � monthlY PaYme�t��which ara rafesrred W in paragraph 2,or changa the amount of such paymonts. My excess proceods
<br /> ��,-t��.•i�._�
<br /> over an amount raquired to pay a11 outstanding indebtedness undcr the Note and this Secwiry Inswment shall be d to
<br /> -_;;.r���� Ihe endry kgally endtlod lhtreW.
<br /> .:�•.�r=-�r� 7. Char6ta to Borrower nnd ProtecNon of I.endrar's Ri`hta in t6e Property. Borrower shall pay a11
<br />__-:�'��.°�..�� go����m�;p�l�rges,fines ond Unposidons ihat ere not included in paragraph 2.Bnrrower she11 PaY these
<br />�.-y;,_:��
<br /> _�� ob6gadons on dme dirocdy w d►e entiry which is owed tha payment If failore w pay would advessely affect Leader's
<br /> �._,-� Intecest in tho Propexty. up�n Lendu's cequest Borrowa shall promptly furnl4h to Lender receipts ev�ing these
<br /> —=�,�.{,,�,� PaYtneuts.
<br /> -�� If Borrowex fails to u�alce these payments or the payments required by paragraph 2,or feils to perform any othu
<br /> _�-.=.,s„� cavca�ants and agrce.men�4 cflntained in this Security Instruumment,or there is a kgal proccediag tLet may signi�icntly
<br /> _.�— uiect j.endu's rigbia u�iita�'.�iy Zsuctt �s g�ng �S�ankn!gi�y. fnr r.�u�dcmnsdon or to enforcc laws or
<br /> -_�--- reguledona)�tfion Lcnda may do end pAy whatovu�S neassary to protect the value of the Pcoputy and Lender's rlghu
<br /> --_-- ��prope�ty,lncludin8 payment of teues.ha7ard insivance and other itame meudoned in paragraph 2.
<br /> _ pny amounts disbursed by Lcndar under this paragraph shaU become an addittonel debt of Borrowa and be
<br />---.;,,� sxured by lhis Security Instcumcat'I�esc amonnts shall bcaz L►terest from the date of dis6ursunent.ai the Note rate.
<br /> �:�`%.,;�� and at the option of Leader.shAll bo ia►madlatcly due and pt►yubla
<br /> -- Borrowa shall promptly dischar8e any l�en which tiac prlorlty ovor th�s Sxuriry InstNment tutkss Barower.(a)
<br /> --- agrees In wrlting w tho payment of the obBgadon secuned by the lien in a mannor acceptabk w Lender;(b)contests in
<br /> -- good fa�th the 11on by,or defends tiguinst enfo�ccment of the llen in,kgal procoedings which in tho Lenda's opinior►
<br /> _=;w,�� opaa►,�co prevent tha eafor�cement of the lien:or(c)secures from thc holder of the llen an ag�roement satisfecwry► to
<br /> ` Lendor subordinatin8 tho lien w this Security Insnument 1f L.ender determines ibat any part of the ProPatY is subJxt to
<br /> _ — a liea which may sueu►priorlty ovu this Security Instrument,Lender may give Bortowa a aotice identifying the 1ien.
<br /> - Borrower shall saUaf}r tha lien or telce one or more of the acdons set forth abovo within 10 days of the giving of ncxice.
<br /> g.FKa.L,ea�du may collect foes and charges authorized by the Secretary.
<br /> ' 9.Grounde for Acakntioin of Deb�
<br /> -- (a) Def�tul�Lendu may.�xcePt�s li�►iud by reguladons issued by the Secretacy. in the c�ase of payment
<br /> -.-�r°'`'';�' dc:autts,requice immedistc pa`lnzent in fnl!nf all suma secumd by thia Securlty Instiument if:
<br /> ---- (i)aorrorver dcfaults by failing to pay ia full any monthlY FeYment required by this Security Ins�unent
<br /> prior to or on the due date of tho ncxt monthly payment,or
<br /> (ii)Botrower defaults by feiWg.for a pedod of thirty days,to parfoan any othcr obllgadons contetned in
<br /> this Socurity Insirument
<br /> - (b)Sak Without Credit Appmval.Lender shall,if pein►fued by applicable 1aw(including Secdon 341(d)of
<br /> - the dam-SG Germain 1kFosltoiY Insdardons Act of 1982.12 U.S.C.1701 j•3(d))and with the priar appmval of
<br /> � � the Secretary,requim im�nedisu PAYment in£ull of all soms secured by this Security Instcument if:
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