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<br /> (i)AU ar part of tho Property.or a bcneficial inunst in a trust owning all or part of the Property,is sold ar =
<br /> _?�"`, othcrwise transfcrnd(other than by dcvise or desccnt),and _
<br /> ' (Ii) 'It�c Property Is not occupied by the purchascr or grantea as his on c�r prfr►cipal residence, or the
<br /> � purchaser or grantee dues so oc:,upy tha Property but hLg or her credlt hes nat t�xn approved in eccordAncc =
<br /> with the ratui�ements of the Socretary.
<br />;� � (c)Nv WQtver.If circumstances occnr tbat would permit Lender to roquice immediate payment in fiW, but =
<br /> ����v: -' . Lender does not require such payments,I.ender daes not waive Its rlghts with respect w subseqneat eveats. _
<br />-� � �.•.,.,.�; (d) Re�ulations ot HUD Seeretary. In muny circumstances raguladons i�uod by ihe Secretary will timlt
<br /> '•.'�"y:�°�u i i� Lender's rightv.in the casa of payment dofaults,Do requim Lnmodiat�e paymont in full and foreclose if aot paid.
<br /> �?��J:,.,,r�
<br /> 6:::" ••�' 'Il�is Security Ir�strument dces not authodze acccleieHon or forocbsure if not permiuW by rcguladona of the
<br />-.. • Sea+etary �
<br />`=,µ � •,•::<�� (e)Mortfa�e Not Insural.Borrowu agrees that if this Securlty Instrument and the Note are not dctcnninod to
<br /> � ' bo eligible for insurance under the Nadonel Housing Act within 60 daya fram the date hereof,I.ender may,at _
<br /> ;�`'r=::�.:;�; its optio�. raiu�ire Lnmaliats payment in fuU of all sums soc�rod by this Security InatrumenG A wriiten -
<br /> a='"".F; statement of eny uuthorized agent af the Secretazy dated subsoquent to 60 daya from the date hereof.dec3ining -
<br />''-`-':�;.�:• ' w insure this Sacurlty Inswment and the Note.ahall ba deemed conciusive proof of such ineligibility. _
<br /> �.���•.�x• _
<br />_�_�r;g,;� • Notwlthslending tha foregoing,�this option may not be excrcised by L.ender when the unaveilability of _
<br />�,.,�°,� ,. . insurance is sol.ely due to Lendu s fallure to remit a mortgego ins�rar�ce p�emium to the Secretery. _.
<br /> �ry�.," 10.Reinatttemen�Borrowu has a right to bo reins�ated if LeAdu haa t+equired imanediat�e payment in full becau5e
<br /> '°�"` of Homnwu's failum to pay aa emount due under the Note or this Securlty Instcwmer+t'lhis rtghe applies even after
<br />�'�''r� fonclosura prncadings are insdtuted. To ninstate the Security Ins�m�t, Bomawcr ahall tendu in a lump sum all
<br /> _�_-,�.._,.
<br />��,��,::`M" aptounts required to bring Bonower`s account curru�t including.to the extani tnay tuv uoli�iuuiu of nan�G:v,e'a �,Zdta
<br />;;�,;_�.".•`�' , this Socurity Iastrument, foreclos�ue costs and reasonabk and customary auotn�ys' fas end expenses pnoperly
<br />- ;� asss�cisud with the foreclosure proceeding. Upon relnstatement by Borrowu. this Socurlty Instrument and iha
<br /> _
<br />