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<br /> If thc amounts hcld by Lendcr for Escrow Items cxcccd thc amounts permittcd to be held by RESPA,Lender shall • �
<br /> ��•�-•' acc;ount to Borrowcr for the cxcess funds as rcquired by RESPA. If thc amounu of funds hcld by Lender ut any dmc • : •
<br /> arc not sufficient to pay the Escrow Items when due,Lcnder may notify Ihc Barrower and requirc Borrowcr to make up ;�. ` , _
<br /> . the shortage as permiued by RESPA. ' • ��;;�'`-,
<br /> � Thc Escrow Funds ara plcdgcd as additional scc�uiry for all sums sccurcd Uy this Security Instrumcn� If Borrowcr •� �,�;,�.�,., =
<br /> tenders to Lender tho fuQ payment of ali such sums,Boaower's eccount shall be credited with th�balance remaining for fr*;�:;--
<br /> ', all installment items(a), (b), and (c) and any mortgage insurance premium instellment that L.ender has not become '�w:',��
<br /> : obligated to pay to the Sccretary,and Lender shall promptly refund any excess funds to Botrower. Immediately prior to ,..°,��'-
<br /> a forcclosure sale of the Property or its acquisidon by Lender. Borrower's account shall be credited with any balance ':���`_
<br /> remaining for aU insmllments for items(A),(b),and(c). :;:`a'__
<br /> 3.Appllcxtion ot Payments.AU payments under parag�aphs 1 and 2 shall be applied by Lender as follows: .•;f'�'_��
<br /> �' . , '�r ,to the mortgage inst�r�lnce premium to be paid by L.ender ta thc Secretary or to the monthly charge by the �-! •� '
<br /> �� . ��,� Secre instead of ihe monthl mort a e insurance rernium; '"�'°��`�'
<br /> � • �Y Y B fi P :°�c;:,,�::.:
<br /> �'"�''' � �, ta any taxes, specia]assessmenu, lcasehold payments or ground rents,and fuc, f]oacl �uid other hazard `�,,.�.i?`'�:-;,_;
<br /> . ,., •
<br /> •.,: . • ..
<br /> � insurance premiums,as required: `�y'��5r��„'.:
<br /> ;,r':� :.:. , �.�, .�T.: . . ,
<br /> •�� �litd,to interest due undcr the Note; .`�, ?,`.'i
<br /> ;:i����'`°:t.
<br /> � •��.�}, g�,to amortizarion of the principal of the Note;and �i�t.v��;�"
<br /> • ' �,to late cherges due under the Note. ����
<br /> � 4. Fire�Flood and Other Hazard Insuradce. Borrowcr shall insurc all improvcments on the Property,whethcr a`�=':�—
<br /> �� �� � _-.
<br /> now in existence or subsequendy erectod,against any hszards. casualties,and contingencies,including fire.for which "��"'�'
<br /> � Lender requires insurance.This insurance shell be maintained in the amounts and for the periods that Lender requacs. _;:�_
<br /> Bumower shall also insurc all improvcments on the Property,whether now in cxistence or subsequendy erccted,against �.
<br /> ` - loss by floods to tho extcnt rr,qui�rd by thc Sccrctary.AU insurance shall be carricd with companies approvcd by Lender. —
<br /> Tt►e insurence policks and eny renewals shall be held by Lender and shaU include loss payable clauses in favor of,and -'
<br /> . in a fortn acccptablc w.Lcndcr.
<br /> In thc evcnt of los�,Borrawcr shell givc L.cndcr immcdista nodce by mail.Lcndcr may makc proof o!'loss if not — — --
<br /> made prompdy by Borrowcr.Each insurancc company conccmed is hereby authorizcd and dirccted to make payment for -
<br /> � such los.g dlrccqy w Lcndcr,instcad of to Borrowcr and to Lcndcr joinUy.All or eny part ot thc insuroncc prococds may —
<br /> . bc eppliod by Lcndu, at its opdon, cithcr{a) to thc rcduction of thc indcbtedncss undcr thc Notc and this Security
<br /> Inswment,C�rst to eny dclinqucnt amounts applicd in Ihe order in paragrnph 3,and then w prepayment of principal,or = l•��
<br /> • (b)to thc restoration or rcpair oF thc damaged Property.Any appllcadon of the proceeds to the principal shall not cxtend '
<br /> or postpone the duo date of the monthly payments which are rcferred to in paragraph 2, or change the amount of suc6
<br /> � paymcnts.Any excess insuranca procceds ovcr an amount requiced to pay aU outstanding indebtedness under the Note �'"��
<br /> Y;;. , : and this Sccurity Inac�ruument shall be paid to the ontity legally endded thereto. �
<br />_ • • In the event ot foreclosi:e of this Securiry Instrument or other transfer of dde to the Property that extinguishes the �'
<br /> �
<br /> k indebtedness,all right,ti1e end interest of Borrower in and to insurance policies in force shall pass to the purchaser. i`�
<br />= S. Occupancy,PreservAtion, Mpintenadce add Protection ot the Property; Borrower's Loan Application; !�'
<br />= Leaseholds. Borrower shall occupy.establish,and use the Propecty as Borrower's principal residence within sixty days ;�=._
<br /> - . after the execution of this Security Instrument(or within sixty days of a later sale or transfer of the Property)and shall �"-
<br /> �- continue to occupy the Property as Bortower's principal residence for at least one year efter the date of occupancy, �''
<br /> unless L.ender determines that requirement wiU cause undue hardship for Bocrower,or unless extenuating tircumstances �°
<br /> . eaist which are beyond Borrower's control. Borrower shall notify I.ender of any extenuatinng circumstanccs.Borrower ��
<br /> - shall not wmmit wastc or destroy,damagc or substandally change the Property or allow the Property+ to deteriorate, ��.;��---�,
<br /> � reasonable wear and tear excepted.Lcnder may inspect the Properry if the Froperry is vacant or abandoned or the loan is =- -v-
<br /> in defaul4 Lender may take reasonable action to pmtect and pmserve such vacant or abandoned Propecty. �`' �- __.
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