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<br /> Bonowcr shall also Bc in default if Borrowcr,during ihc loan appGcation proccss,gava matcrially falsc or inaccuratc �,,,�;�ti:,;.E.�.ir.;�:,J�r^�
<br /> .. �. �.:Y.. . .
<br /> ,�,,,,,,� informapon or staumenis to I.cnder(or faited co providc L,endcr with any matcrial information) in connec:tion with the , : ,�, ..:. ;.;;. �;
<br /> loan evidcnced by the Note, includinB, but not IimiGCd tc�. representations concerning aorrower's occupancy of the .,, .,�,:.._
<br /> � �� Pcoperty as a principal residence. If chis Securiry Insuument is on a leasehold, Bortower shnll comply with the •,•'.a;`�,-�J. �y.__
<br /> provisions of the lease.If Borrowcr acquires fec tide ta thc Propcny, Ihe lcaschold and fec oide shall not be mcrgecl r},;"--- .�'`
<br /> I . ,-3.,s��--____z�.�-
<br /> unlrss Lender agrecs to Ute mergcr in writing. . �`::r=`
<br /> { 6.Condemnytbn.The proceeds of any awurd or daum for demages.d'uect or consequential,in connecdon with �, __ _
<br /> � any condemnati�n or other taking of any part of the Property,or for conveyance in place of condemnation,are hereby '�;_•
<br /> assigned and shall be paid to Lender to the cxtent of tiic full amount of the indcbtecir►ess that remains unpaid under the ,�..__
<br /> Note and this Securiry InstrumenG Lender shall apply such praceeds to the reduction of the indebtedness under the Note .�,:,
<br /> and this Sccttriry Inst�ument,fust to anY delinquent amounts applied in the order provided in paragraph 3,and then to ��-�
<br /> '��;•:�''�•� hcadon of the rocec>.ds to the principal shall nat extend or postpone the due date of the �;�.;�----
<br /> :,:.,,� prepayment of printipal,AnY aPP� P ., . __.._..�--.�.�
<br /> � :;;;,;�� monthly payments,which are refened ta in parnBraPh 2�or change�he amount oE'such payments. Any excess proceecls „,;±�;,�„c�:=--`
<br /> •t�•'tc,�xrr,t�
<br /> ' ,�t' over an amount required to pay all outstanding indebtednrss under the Note and this Security Instrument st►all be paid to {;±�u=____
<br /> -.�:�, ..'•... t�.:���.:-....�
<br /> '�•'�� the enury legally enptled thereto. ;��`,.'�:_"�
<br /> . !":.�,. :�•:;;:; . 7. Charges to Borrower aad Prntect#on ot Lender's Rights in the Property. Borrower shaU pay aU �,;--
<br /> �''; govemmental or municipal charges,fines and impositions that are not included in paragraph 2.Borrower shall pay these — „o,�,�_
<br /> �_•-
<br /> . obligatians on time d'uecdy to t1►e endty which is ow e d t he payrnen� I f f a i l u r e c o pa y would adversel y affect Lender's -_
<br /> interest in the Property, upon Lendcr's requcst Borrowcr shell prompUy fumish to Lcnder rcceipts evidcncing thesc �;�•-
<br />_ ��
<br /> payments. h 2,ur fails ta perfortn any othcr —_
<br /> If Borrower fails w makc these payments or the paymcnts rcyuircd by pazagcap --
<br /> wvenanis and agrxrr►ents contained in this Security Instrument,or thece is a Iegal proceeding that may signi6cantly _
<br /> - affcct Lcadu'� sigh►�� rt�� Property /such as a praatding in bankruptcy, for condcmnadan or to cnforcc laws or �.
<br /> regulations),then Lender may do end pay whatever is nxcssary w protect Ihe velue of the�toperty and Lendcr's rigi,i� "=_
<br /> in thc Property,including payment of taxcs,ha•r.ord inswancc�nd olhcr items mcntioned in paragraph 2. �,
<br /> My emounts disburscd by L,cndcr undcr this puagreph shall bccomc an addldonal dcbt of Bonowcr end bc __
<br /> secured by this Sxuriry InstrumenG Th�sc emaunts shall bcar intccest from the datc of disbursemcnt,at the Note ratc, _
<br /> and at thc optlon ot I.,endcr,shell bc immcdiately duc end payeblc.
<br /> �: Borrowu shaU prompdy discharBe anY uen which has prioriry ovcr this Security Instrument unles3 Boaowcr: (a) _�
<br />"' egrecs in wridng w the payment of the obligadon secured by tt�e lien in u manncr acccptable to Lendu: N)concests�
<br /> - � � good faith the lien by,or defends aguinst enforcement of the licn in.legai proceedln8s which in the Lcndcr's opinion •t .
<br />�. � , operau to pnvent the enfoccement of the lien;or(c)secures from the holder of the lien an agrcement satissfactory to r
<br /> � Lender subordinaung the llen to this Security Insuument If Lender determines that any part of the Propetty is subject w
<br /> a lien which may attain priority over this Security Inswment,Lender may give Sorrower a nodce identifying the licn.
<br />° ' Bottower shall satisfy the lien or take one or more of ihe actans set forth above within 10 days of the giving of nobce.
<br />-�,� � : .�.' S.Fees.I..ender may collect fces and charges authorized by the Secretary. e
<br />��° ' � 9.Grounds for Accekration of Debt.
<br /> ��,';�, (a) Detault I.ender may, except as limit�ed by regulations issued by the Secretary, in the case of payment �
<br />_'� defaults,require immediate payment in full of ell sums socured by this Securiry Inswment if:
<br />��. (i) Borrower defaults by failing to pay in full any monthly payment requimd by this Securiry Instrument
<br /> prior to or on ihe due date of the next mon�hly payrnent,or �'
<br /> , _ - (U) Borrower defaults by failing,for a pe�iod of thirty days. to perform anY othcr obligadons contained in �;�_
<br />�"'-���`���` � this Security Instrumen�
<br />�o •,���.� :.: ..
<br /> ��,,"' (b)Sale Without Credit Approval.Lendershall,if permitLCd by appUcable law (including Section 341(d)of �,_ _ _
<br /> :. . the Qarn•S�Germain Depository Insututions Act of 1982,12 U.S.C. 1701j-3(d))and with the prior approval of :�;�,-_ � _�
<br />= . the Secretary�require immediate payment in full of all sums secured by this Security Inswment if: s�_
<br /> . °:-aae��k�==_
<br /> _ -�-
<br /> i1:'
<br /> .3.
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