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<br /> . � af Borrawcr's covcnun45 and agrcemcn�s undcr Ihis Sccurity Inswmcnt and thc Notc. For this purposc, Sortowcr : —
<br /> 1 irrcvocably granis and canvcys to thc Trustcc,in wst,with powcr of salc,the fallowing dcscribcd property locatcd in " . ' ' ;,.'` ;�
<br /> +yA`,,, � x7�,L Caunry,Ncbraska:
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<br /> . THE WESTBRI,Y ONE-HALF (Wl/2) OF LOT SIX (6) BLOCK ONE HUNDRED FORTY ' . ��_�,:t:��'��
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<br /> which has the addrCSS of 308 EAST 9TH STREET, aRAND ISL3�ND ISircai.cicyl. �4��py{I�
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<br /> . '['OGETHER 1VITH all the improvements naw or hereaRer erected on the property, and all easements, . �,1„__�
<br /> • r ppurtenances and futures now or hereafter a art of the ro rt AU re lacements and addipona shall also be wyered � "'�•
<br /> a P P P� Y• P � d�yt:=--
<br /> � by Ihis Security Inswmcnt AU of the foregoing is referred to in this Security Instrument as the"Property." ��'c;
<br /> BORROWER COVENANTS thpt Boaower is lawfuUy seized of the estate hereby cunveycd and has the right to �!� �4
<br />' .�i t and conve the Pro perty is unencumbered,exeept for encu�brances af record. Borrower ',���!
<br /> gran y perty and that the Pro
<br /> - .-. .- :.._ ::�sTZSnL and�:ill d�rer_d genen��,�he i?t!e to thc Ptogeriy 2gainsi a!l�l�imc an�i�i�rnnnds,c��h,j�r..t tn any encumbrances --
<br /> ' k � of record. fc�
<br /> �` THIS SECURITY IIVSTRUMENT combines uniform covenants for national use end non-unifomi covenants with - - `
<br /> limited variadons byjurisdiction to consdwtc a uniform sccurity instrument wvcring rcal property. _
<br /> Borrowcr and Lendcr covcnsint end agrcc as follows: r
<br /> � 1.Pqyment ot Principal,Interest And Late Charge. Borrower shall pay when duc�hc pdncipal of,and lnterest Y
<br /> , 3 on,the debt evidenced by thc Notc end latc charges duc undcr thc Note. =
<br /> 2.Monthly Payment of TAxes,Insuraace And Other Charges.Bonower shall include in cach monthly payment,
<br /> togethcr with the principal and intecest as set fonh in the Note end any late cherges,a sum for(a)taxes and special
<br /> • assessments levied a to be levied ageinst the Property,(b)lcaschold paymcnis or ground rents on tho Property.and(c)
<br /> premiums for insurancc required under paragraph 4. In any year in which thc Lender must pay a rnortgage insurancc
<br /> r' remium to the Secr of Housing and Urban Develo ment("Socretary"),or in en premium
<br /> p etary p y year in which such
<br />._ � ' ` would have been required if L.cnder sdll hcld thc Sccurity Instrument,each monthly payment shall also include either:(i) •
<br /> . '� � a sum for the annual mongage insucanee premium to be paid by Lender to tho Secretary,or(u)a monihly charge instead ' �'
<br /> of a mortgage insurence premium if this Security Instrument is held by the Socretary, in a reasonable amount to be =
<br /> _ �` �.�=
<br />_ � ;��• dete,rmined by Ihe Sxretary. Exccpt for the monthly charge by the Secretary,these items are called "Escrow Items"and �:__
<br /> _ the sums paid w Lender are called"Bscrow Funds."
<br /> - _' I.ender may, at any time,collect and hold amounts for Escrow Items in an aggregate amount not w exceed the -
<br /> ' "` � maximum arnount that may be required for Borrower's escrow account under the Real Estate SeWement Procedures Act :��•=___
<br />� of 197a, 12 U.S.C.Secdon 2601 e�seq.and implementing regulapons,24 CFR Pan 3500,as they may be amendcd -
<br /> '�`.�`� from pime to time ("RESPA"),except that the cushion or reserve permitted by RBSPA for unandcipated disbursements _ _—
<br />- �= or disbursemcnts before ihe Borrower's payments are available in the account may not be based on amounu due for the ; ���,— —
<br /> a� mortgage insiuence premium. ,��
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