<br /> 1 • !
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<br /> � DEED OF TRUST ��� 1O���Ei P��3
<br /> 08-20-1997 -
<br /> � l.oen Na 6A053A (Contlnued)
<br /> �
<br /> �nd sewK), 8nss and Imposillonl Isvl�d aqalnfl a on�ceounl of Ihe Prop�rly, and ah�V p�y whon duo�n clalm�(a work don�on a ia n^
<br /> serv{cps nnd�nd a melerlal furnlshed 10 tIN Prop�rtY• Trufinr ahtY malnt�ln Iho Properly free af aN llrnf hl�vinq prlorlty ovor or Wual lo Ih� (
<br /> Interest of L�ndx under thls Deed ot Trusl,�xcspt for ttw INn o1 laxa and assossrnen�i no1 dw�nd�xc�Pt�n����Provld�d In thls Dad , _
<br /> � of Trust.
<br /> i liloht To Contet/. Trustor may wlihhold payment of 4ny t�x,aasessn'►ent,or dalm In aonnectiAn with�Oood f4�th dlspub owr tt»obltpaibn
<br /> lo poy,so lony as Londo�'s Intorost in tno�roporsy Is not Jeopardlzod. If a!{en arises or Is�kd as t rosult ol nonp�yrrNnl,Trusta thaM withln
<br /> � �tteen(16)days�fter�he�len arises o►���a Ilan Is flled,wlthin fffleen(15)day�tRer Vustar hat nolla ot!Fw filinp,socuro Ilw discnar0e of ihv
<br /> Ilen,or If requestad b�Lsnder,deposR with Lendw cash a�suMclent corpaats surery bond a othu s�au�ity etHshctaY to UndK In�n
<br /> � amount suHBcienl to dlscharpe the Ilen pius any costs and attornays'lees a�c�her chupos that aould a�u a rault of�fonciosun or s�la
<br /> � und�r th Ben. In wnY conlost,Trusta ehtN detend Itself and lsnda and stuq sadsly any advas��udyment be(a��nturesment�Qalrtst Ih�
<br /> property.TPUSta shau name Lender Rs�n addiiionot obiiqea undar nny s�r,atYbond Iumished In the contesf prc�ceed�ngs•
<br /> � Evfde�ce of P�ymenl. 7rusto►sh�N upon dertwnd fumfsh to 4ender saus4actory eNdence ot PnYment o4 lhe lazes or�ssessmenb artd shaY _
<br /> authorizo the appropdete qovernmontal oMici8110 deliver to Lender et Any tlme a wtltten slalemeN ot Ine tezes nnd assessments tpairtst Uie
<br /> � Pr�� "
<br /> Natk�ol Con�tNCtlon. Trustor shall notNy Lender at leasl firteen(tb) days before eny wak Is commenced,any services�ra(urntshad,a u�Y
<br /> materiah are suppiied to the Property,�f anY meChan�'s Iien, metorialmen's Iien,a olher Ilen could be asserted on aCCOUnt oF the wak. U
<br /> servicas,or matoriais.Trustor wul upon requesf o1 Lender turnlsh to Lender edvance assurartces satistaclory to Lender that 7ruslor c�n a�d w{I ,�:.'.j'�
<br /> pay the cost of such Improvemonts. .-,�_�
<br /> PROPERTY DAMAOE INSURANCE.The tollowlny proNslons rolalinq lo Insudnp Ihe Property ere a part of thls Deed of TrusL :
<br /> M�int�nmc�of Insunnc�. Trustor shall procure end maintain polk;les of flre Insunnce with standard wcfended covwaye endorsortwnl�un• �x�.'�_•�—
<br /> replacement basls for ihe tull insurablo value coverinp ell Im�rovements on the Real Property In an amount suHicloM to avdd appifc�@on of tny ,,,r,_'—
<br /> cdnsurence clause,end w8h a standard mortyaqee clause In favor of Lender. Trusla shtil also procure and mainlaln Comprotwn�ivo par�ota!
<br /> Ilability Insurance In such coverage amounts as Lender may reqwst with Uusle�and lend�r being nartwd as tddltional Inturodt in such ia�iNty .
<br /> Insurance pol�les. Additlonaliy,Trustor shall malntain such other Insuranco,Includlr►q but not Amited to haurd,buslrwss���am�P��N to
<br /> bdler Insurance,as Lender mny reasonably require. Policles shall be w�itten In form,amounls,coveraqes tnd basls reasanebtY acceP
<br /> � Lender�nd issued by a compeny or companles reasonably acceptab{e to Lender. Trustcr,upon reqwst of Undw,wip Oeuver 4o Undar hom _
<br /> Qme to flme the poliCles a cerliBcates of Insuranco In form satistaclory to Lendar,Indudln�slipulttlont that cownp�s wip not b�c�nc�Nad a'
<br /> diminished without nt least ten(10)days'ptior wdtten noike lo Lendor. Each InsutanCe pollcy Qlso sFt�Y Indudo a�o�dorsarn�nt providlnp thd
<br /> covarapo In fava of Lender wiN not be Impairad ln any way by�ny act,ommisssion a delault of Trustor a any othx pason. Should iM Ra�l ,:
<br /> ' ' ` PropaAy at any flme bicorta tocaied In an aree desiqna�ed by tFw DlreCtor d tha Fider4l Emwqonay Ma�{tertwnt Aparrcy as a tp�cla�Ilood ;�"""
<br /> � ���� pdioyr Nmils sel under he NatUontl�Flood�lnsurance Propram,la as otuherwise roq�ed�by Le de,andato ma ntain su�ch�ir�surana for tF►�tormuM �� ,_
<br /> ,' � ,L
<br /> '' 11N(0�0. �'y�.;,:
<br /> � � � ;��,�� Applicatlon of Proceeds.Trusta ahaY prompdy notlty Londer oi I�ny loss or damap�to tha PropKfy 4andor tn�y mak�p►oo(a las w T�tnt°r
<br /> �in
<br /> ��.,; fE!b�p dp gn wifhln tlrtaen(16)daya of the casu8lly. Whether or not lsnders seaurity Fs Impskld,Under may,at ils N�cdon,rocaiw and�etYln ---�-' , .,;��`�;
<br /> � ��;"!: th�proC�eds of any Insunnce and�PPb the procoeds lo ths rouuction oi ii»ind.oiv�7r��p�Y+�r.!a!ar.��Uor.a!!�r!:th�►�mrN,or tt� _ .ti .
<br /> restontlon and repdr of tha Prop�rly. Ii l.�ndor Necb to aPDb tt� Proc�ds to rasfaadon and repRlr,frustor sMtl rap�Jr or npl�co iM � �,.�
<br /> damay�d or desUoyod Improwmsnb In a menn�r satlsfactay to LsndK. Lmda�haN�upon eatlshctory proof of such e�ndllun,pay or .. ` '.i_-
<br /> refmburs�Trusta kom th�procwds(or th�nasonabN cost of ropatr a ralo�Uon R Vusta!t not In dohult undK t1As Oeod of Tnxt. My �
<br /> procMds whlch haw not bNn dlsbunad wlthln 180 d�ys aR�r tMlr roa�pt tncf wNch Unda hat not commltt�d to tl»npdr or r�tonUon of =�'��� ���
<br /> tM Prap�rty sh�N W used Ant to pay any amount owlrq to L�ndar und�r ttYS nMd of Trutt.th�n to pay�axu�d�nbrast�a►ul ftN nm�IndK�k r •_ �:%
<br /> . any,sh�M W appltod to tM princ�Pa�b�kna of the IndWtodnsss. If Lvnder holds my procNds atl�r p�yrtMnt In fuN of tM IndWMdnat,wCb ; •;- .
<br /> procNds shaM W p�ld to Trustor es Trusto�'s Intonsts may�pps�►. a �
<br /> 1 �'t'
<br /> Un�xpk�d Inaur�ncl�t SM�. Any un�xpu�d Insw�na shall Inun to th�Wn�tit ol,and P�to,th�PurcFusw of th�PropKty cowr�d by Ihls .
<br /> pNd pl Trust at�ny truslN's s�N ot othw ak hNd untNt th�provlslonf of IN�ONd ot Trusl,or al�ny for�closun aN of tuCh PrOp�rly. �•�
<br /> Trustor's R�poA on�nwnna. Upon reqwst ot Lender,how�vK not ma�than onc��y�r,Truttor ahaN lurnlsh to l.�nd�r a npal on Mch ; ,��
<br /> �xlsdnp DoNCy W Inturana showlnp: p)lh�nartM of th�InsurK: (b)tla�I�c�insa�d; (c)iM amount of Ih�poUOY: (d)th�Drop�rty Iraund. . _
<br /> ;�
<br /> lh�tMn outnnl r�p�C�rnmt vdu�of such prop�rty,and tha rtunrwr of dltormlNn�Ihat wlw;and (�)ttN�xpkatlon dtl�ol th�poNOy. �,��:y—
<br /> � I Trutta tf�M,upon rpwst of L�nd�r,htw�n Ind�p�ndent�ppnlser s�tfsUctory to L�nd�r dN�rmlr»ttw cash wlu�rYpl�art»nl cost of th� .'�er";
<br /> . .i a°s»'y'• �'
<br /> ' EXPENOITURES BY LENDER. If Trusta hlb to comply wlth�ny provlslon of thb ONd of Trust,a H any�cUon or Proa�dnp k comm�rw�d N+at ���x,_
<br /> would mat�411y aM�ct Lond�d Intensb In ttN PropKty,L�nd�r on Trustort bNrN m1Y�bul sh�M nW b�nqulr�d to.Wc�a�Y�CUO�tha�G«�dlr !_
<br /> dMms�ppropriat�. Any tmount that L�ndK�nds In so ddnp wNl bnr Intantt at tM rat�proHded for In fM NoN kom tM d�M Incurnd a W�Id l,:-._¢�
<br /> . f by L�ndK b th�daw of r�payrtant by Trusta. Ap cuch�rn�s,at Unders optlon.w� (U b�WY�on Wma^d. (b)W�dd�d b�b�� ;,�_
<br /> r of th�NoM�nd b�appadon�d amonp and be pay�bM wlth�ny InsWm�nl paymenb lo blcom�dw d1x�o0 Mth�t W� �a�ofNoi's�urtly {`�- _,–,�
<br /> ' Insunnc�poYCy or (N)tM nmWnlrp tarm of tt�Not�,a (c)b�V�a1ad as a buoon ptymsnt which wfM b�du�and p�y�bw ••���,.i_
<br /> Thla O�W d Trust�ISO wl1 soca�pay►nsM of lMse amounts. TtN tWhb Provldad}or In thl3 p�►apnAh shaN M In additlon to any oltw�r rl0hb ar any �..__ __ _
<br /> � nrtwdMs to whbh Und�r rtuy b�antlllad on account of tM dWault. My such�ctlon by I.�ndK sh�M not b�consfru�d as curirq th�dN�u11 so a t° ;r,.}����
<br /> b�r L�ndsr kom�ny rsm�dY th�l It othwwis�would haw had. �r;-
<br /> , ;: : yy/�RRANTY;DEFE�lSE OF TtT1.E.Ths idtowlnp proNslons rakHrp to owrwrsh�p of th�PropKty an�part of tNs Dwd of Trust. •r�:�,,,���
<br /> Tltl�. Trustor wamnb th�t: (a)Tnnta holds pood�nd marke4bl�tNN ol ncord to tM Prop�rry In Is��ImpM,hM and cMv of aN wne and ...,,K,,�„;`.Y.R;. �
<br /> �ncumbnlnas oth�r Ihan 1hos�s�t fath In ttN Ratl Propsrty desCdPUOn or In any tltla Insunna P�Y�d�roP��a��I�°����In .. .."Y,y:..,�"
<br /> hvor d,and�cc�pt�d by,I.undor In conn�ctlon wlth th�s Daod ot Truat,and (b)Trusta has tta full rfpht,powK,and authafly to�x�cuf�and
<br /> .. dNlwr Ihfs Diod of Trust to LondK. � . •
<br /> �� D�hne�of TItN. Subjact to th��xaptlon In tha panpraph obow,Trustor warranb and wIN tonwr doknd th�tl1M to iM Prap�rb�OU�� •
<br /> '' kwful daims of aN pw'sons. In th��wnt any acdon or proc�sdlnp Is comrtNnad thd quaNa�x Tnistors Mtls or th�Intanst of TnntN or
<br /> • Und�r undK thts DNd of Trust,Trustor ahaN dalon�th��cHon�t Trustor't u�ns�. Trustor may be ths nominal partY In such prooMdlrq,but
<br /> • Lendar shall be en6tled to particlpate In i1w procaedlnp ond to W npresmted In th�procaodlnp by counsN of L�nd�s own chola,and
<br /> • Trusta wlll dWvor.a cause to ba dellvered,to Londer such Inshumonb as Under may requast hom tlm�to UrrN to permlt such pattcipatbn•
<br /> � Compllane�Wlth Lew�. Trusla wartants that the Properly and Trusta's usa ot Ila Propirly compllas wlth all �dstlnp appltCebl�kws,
<br /> ' ordlnmcas,and repulatlons of povernmont�authoritles.
<br /> • CONOHMNATION. TFw lotlowlnp provlslons reletlna to condemnatlon procoedlnps ara�part of thls Deed of Trust. '
<br /> ApplM,�llon Of NN Proc�eds. If etI or eny oart ot ihe Property Is condemned by eminent domaln proceedlnps or by�ny procMdlnp or
<br /> purch�sa In Heu of condomnallon,Lender may at Its eleCtlon requlre that all or eny poAian�f 1he net procaeds of tM Yward b�tppllad to ttw
<br /> IndeblMness or the reptlr or restwatlon ot the Properly. The net proCeeds of the award shall mean the award atler paymsnt of�N rNSOnabN
<br /> . ...._�...,..e..... .,,n enK�o�e�taos incurred bv 7rustee or Lender fn cannectlon vnlh the condemnatlon.
<br /> . ,,,.�,_..___.–•----- - .
<br /> PrOCNdInpR If any proC9edlnp In condemnatlon Is filod,Truslor she�promptly noti(y Lender In writlnp,tnd 7rustor shaM prompdy hk�duch [�
<br /> aleps u may ba necessary to detend the actlon and obteln the award. Trustw m�y be the nominal party In such proc�ed�np.but l.�nder thaN I
<br /> eausilto b�ddlvered to Lender su�eh Instr�uments ns maypb�requested by�hom tlme oyHme t�permlt�sueh partfclpetlon.Trustor wHl dollwr or
<br /> I
<br />_ `� IMPOSITtON OF TAXEB,FEES AND CHARLiES BY QOVERNMENTAL AUTNORITIES. The tdlowlnp provblons rektlnp to qovemmentnl►oxes, i
<br /> I leea tnd cherpes are e part of lhts Deed of Trust: ,
<br /> Cumnt T�xe�,FM��nd ChKpes. Upon roquest by Lender,Trustor s1uM axocula such documants In addldon to thls Daed of Trust and tak�
<br /> � whatavar otMr acHOn is requested by Londx to perfect Rnd contlnuo Lend�s INn onahe aea10 nnp�srtY•thlS tDNd Of Trutt InClUdinQ WIthOUI
<br /> ; taxes,as desalbed below. together wlth aN expensas InCtxrsd In ncordnp. pM1ec n9 �0
<br /> � IlmitaHOn all taxes,fees,documentary stamps,and other charyes tor recordln0 or repisterinq thls D9ed of Trust.
<br /> � Tauef. The Idlowlnq shall constltute taxes to whlch lhls sectlon applles: (a) a speclnc tax upon thls rype of Deed ot Trust or upon ell a any ,
<br /> part of tha Indebtedness secured by 1hls Deed of Trust; (b)a speclNc teu on Trusta wh�h Trustor Is authorized or requlred to deducl Bom �
<br /> payrtwnts on Ihe Indobtsdness secured by thls type of Deed of Trust; (c)e tex on thls lype of Deed of Trust Charpeable apalnst the Lend�r or
<br /> the hdder of lhe Note;end (d) a speciflc tex on all or any patlon ot th¢ Indebtedness or on paymenls ot pdnclpnl nnd Interest made by �
<br /> "� .. , .�
<br /> �
<br />