<br /> •+w�' � ' -
<br /> ...o . , ��,.�v.�:.
<br /> . .�•_
<br /> { .. , ,. .i.i�,,
<br /> � DEED OF TRUST �7— a,(��r� P�Ue 4 `� `�'�'_'__-,
<br /> � 0a-20-19g7 (Contlnued) •��„ � ,:��"•'f��
<br /> ' Lo�n No 640534 � � ' �' '�'
<br /> . >.
<br /> � Trusta.
<br /> � Subs�qwnt T�x��. If�ny tax lo wMch Ihlt uction�ppliN Is�ct�d s�:hs�QwM lo►M daw of Ihb OMd of Trutt,thN wMl�MN Fxw lh� .
<br /> � prtw�tUct as�n Ewnt d WfauH(u d�An�d bMow),and L�nd�r may���ny a aN of Ib avWabN arrMd4s�for an Hwnt of D�huM u
<br /> , provld�d bNow unfa�Trusta Mllw� (�)P�Y�t���(a�H Wcort�dM�nqwnt,or (b)conlKb th�t�c at provld�d abow In th�TaxM and
<br /> Ll�m McHon�nd dopoub wlth Lende►cath a�suMlcNnl captx�N�unry bond a o1hK ucu�tY N�t�aY lo u^�. t an a part of _
<br /> SECURITY AdREEMEMTi FINANCIN�fTATEMEMTf. Th�fdbwlrp proufslon�rWHnp lo lhi�DMd of Trutt af a s�aurNY Wr»^�^ t
<br /> thls Disd of Trust. _
<br /> , � ��I�y�prNrt1M�1. 7hb IrutrurtMM �htM consbtut� �aourNY ap��"wnt to the oxtont nny of Ihe Propwty c�nsdtW.�Ibdw� or pth�r -
<br /> u
<br /> �p�Prop�rty,�nd L�nd�r th�M haw eN of th�riphb of a aotx�d Partf'und�r ItN Unllam Comm�rcl�1 Cod�as am�nd�d kom tlm�to
<br /> � dm.. � _
<br /> �.�.. _ f ..��y4.*,�Int.re.t. Upon rwwal bv L�ndK�attn n�R�a r�nJ F'rieG al t'rc rrtY.�!n edd�nnnhto��corWn4 thb DNd d�Trta nytM rol _ . .
<br /> ••• � jp pwfi�ct�nd coMlnw Lsnd�fs McurftY }�uuculW couM�rpaAs,copla or nproduaUorw oi . � '
<br /> ��p�y��ads�1,��d�r rr�y,at tny dirw�nd without furlhK�ulhaintton hom Trusta,
<br /> ��y p�ot T�����ntnci�p statam�nt. Ttusta�haA rMmbuna L�ndK for aN ucpmsos Inctxnd In p�rf�cdnq or condnulnp thh waurBf' '. `.+[ :
<br /> IntK�st. Upon dahuii,Truela shall assembb ths Pmsorul Proparty In a manner and at�pka reasonabN conwni�nt to Trusta�nd I.�ndK '_�v. l.
<br /> 1 �nd mak�Il�vnNabN!o Undpr wlthln thre�(3)dayn�ftar rec;alPt of wrlHen domand hom Londrr. :�=, ,.
<br /> 1 ,,��,._
<br /> �n��. Th�mtlAnp tddressas of Trustor(dabtor)and L�ndx(eacund party)�hom wldch InfamaAon concKnlrq th�aa��y��O� •.._sy- T--A.-
<br /> pra n t�d by t h b O e e d o t T r u s t m a y b�o btalned(e�ch as nqulnd by tM Unlfam Commerctal Codq,an as stU�d on th�Ilrst pap� _
<br /> • of Trust. .•�;
<br /> ..,..`
<br /> FURTHER ASSURANCES;ATTORNEY-IN-FACT. The foltowinp provlslom relaliny to further assurences and�ltornaY�n-�act w�P�°�� , ,•`,-,-'
<br /> : I Doed of Trust ,. °;,._
<br /> ' i FuAMr Assurm�ces• ���^Y��•�nd hom Ame to tirtw,upon requast of londer,Trustor wW mtka,oxacut�and daliwr�or wiM c�u�to� �.'�^''
<br /> ��. �x�c�1�d or da�ivwad,to L�nd�or to Lenders deslyrwe� and whon requeeted by Lendw►,ca'�t�b�ny and�il uah mortpa9K� -;.,}
<br /> ; rK�c o r d�d��s I M C a s��Y b��d s u ch Qmes and In such ofAcas and placss as UndK may de�m�PP oP .'
<br /> � I dwds pf hust,sscurlty dwds,sscudty a0rwme^4s�Ana n c lnp s 4 ta rt w n t s,c o n tl n u s t i o n s 1 a t a rt M n t s,I n s t r u rt�n b o f f u r lh�r assurnnc�co�n�,Of� .� i
<br /> .. an d o t h�r d o c u m e n b a s me Y�in the sde opinlon of Lender,bs neces.�ry or desl�able In adsr lo eflYCtuat�,compMl�,p�1�c� M�� ,f',;.t;
<br /> � , i � pr�� (�)th�oblipatlons o4 Trustor und�r 1FN Not�,lhis Dee d o f Trus t,a n d t h e R e l a t a d D x umonts,and (b)t1N Il�ns and s�curtlY : .:,• i.•',-
<br /> ; �,;f��,i.�,::_
<br /> croAtad by thls Deed ol Trust as flrst and prla Ilens on th�Properly�whethK now owned a h�rNfler acquirod by Tnntor. UnleSS pro'hibit�d Y 1. �, "
<br /> 4►w or apreed io iha contrary by Londer In writin9,Trusta ahaN relmburse Lendar ta aM costs and�anses incu�nd In conna�pon wtth tM � �'a�„
<br /> +�, matlers roferred to In thb parap►ePh• ' �,;' `
<br /> Atic,mey-in-fact. If Trustor faiis to do any of ttw Ihinps ntartad 10 In tlw Precedlnp panpraPh��MdK^uy do�f��nd In ttw n�rtM of ;,�
<br /> ns�. For such purPoaa�TNStor h�r�by knvoc�bN pPDanb L�nd�r as Truttors altorrwY-Ir�d fa if►�purpol� .. '!''
<br /> ;��,�:, Trustor md a1 Trusta's� �+�-
<br /> ���!;A ot mukle0.ex�cullnp�dalivarin0�filinp.raCadln4��nd datrp�11 other 1Nnps as moY b�n�asserY a d�skabk�In LMid�s aaN opinlon,lo `..
<br /> �' k� accompNsh the matlers relertad to in the P���D�'�a�Ph• , f,= � f-
<br /> �'•�
<br /> ,�_ I ,�._
<br /> � F � mpinir�upORM���r r�t k�D ad of Tru�t,IU�1ethaN�x�aulr a�nd,dollwr t�o Trustoa a►aQuast�for fuN nconw�r�io�and�Ixll��u�d _ -
<br /> - dsliwr to Tnntor sAn b�onwyar�fw raqWnd by kw s N b�p d by�T�tor�B parmlBsd by�i�ppllcabl�la���Intorost in th�Fi�nb and ih� __, -
<br /> P�rsond PropwtY. Y
<br /> i. pEFAI�,T. Eaah of tlw tdlowinp,at lha option of L�ndor.s1uY constitut��n�wnt of d�huN('Ewnt of Default")undw thls DMd d Tnnh , v,�
<br /> � ary�p��nd�btbMq, F�Ilu�a of Trusta to rtuk�any PaYrrNnt wt►�n dw on tM Indeblodn�ss. �`�a�«���,a �� -""`
<br /> � WMuH on Oth�r P�S►mMt�. Fvlun ol Trustor withln th�tlrtN nqulrW by Ihb DMd of Truti to m�k�anY WY ,.r
<br /> any olMr P�YrtNnl neoKWrY�o pnwnl INInO of ar lo�M�cl dbcharp�of sny N�n. ---- -
<br /> .. �����. F����t Trusta to compry with any o1hK Nrm,obHpatlon,cownant a condltlon contaln�d In IIN�DMd of Tn�t�1� �.
<br /> NoN a In any of►M RMd�d Docurn�nb.
<br /> .
<br /> FMM StM�me�t�. Any wananly�npr�nudon a atal�m�nt mad�or futnkh�d to L�ndK by a on b�h�M M TrtNtor und�r fhfs OMd W Ttuq.
<br /> llw Nof�or fM RMat�d DxurtNnb is hlq a misNtd�nG In any mat�rlN r�p�cl.NtMt now a�t th�tlrrN rrwd�a hu^kMd.
<br /> . p�f�cUv�Co11�t�rMindon. Thls O�sd of Trust a any of tho RNtt�d DoourtNnb aas�s to b�In fuN lora and�M�ct(Indudnp hllur�o��n1►
<br /> coNat�nl docurtNnb to aoai�a vaAd and pMtact�d sacurfty int�r�tt or INn)it any tlm�and lor any rnson.
<br /> ONih ot In�olwnCy. Tfw d�ath of Trustor or th� dfudutlon or larminttlon of Truttor'��xblona st R qolnp bwlnM��iM Iruolwnoy Of
<br /> Trusta,th��ppdntment ot a race�vsr fa anY P�A M Trustora propaty,any asiipnmmt for th�WnoR of cnditort,any lyp�af ondlta wakaA.
<br /> or tM comm�nosrtwnt ot any prxadirg und�r any burcruptoy or Insdwnoy laws by a opdnst 7rustor.
<br /> � a�ny o��mFet�bY�Y a itor�tntor or Y anYso wrem�nW op��W��t�ry�h�Piop«typrHowwK��11�N tubs�ctlo��a�����
<br /> fae Ntun p�oceod�n0�Pro��lt?�dfspu�ta pives Lsndar wrlN�n noUo��h d�i��d tfum�sMs Wns�ws a a tu�r�N����^
<br /> eetisladory lo Len d�r. p�,�n Tnntor�nd LMx1r that k n o t n rt»d�d
<br /> &oach of Ott�Apr�a4 My bnach by 7ruttor undK th�Mrms of�ny otmhKiM��ny IntMbMdn�s or oth�obip�YOn ol Trtxtor _
<br /> " wfthin my pna P��Provlded tMrNn.IndudloG wNhout NmHatlon anY prN
<br /> to L�nd�r.wF►�tMr�xisqn0 now a tat�r. _e�„_
<br /> • � Ev�nU Afhodnp Owrr�tor. Any of th�proad�rp�v�enls occun wflh nsp�ct to�ny Rwnntor d any of ttN Ind�bNdn�q ot tny tiuwntor _
<br /> .,' i df�s nt boCOrtbs Incomp�tent,or nvok�ih.df Qut�sn�s�s��o assum�i uncon�diUoyrudiy tM�obllpaBo����M G�^tY�� _-
<br /> , . may.but sh�M not ba nqWrod to, p« --
<br /> � manna s�dsfactory to UndK,and,in ddrp so,cun th�Ewnt ot Dahult.
<br /> , _,,�,;
<br /> ;° � Ina�curltY• L�ndK In qood faith daams IlsNt ins�cun. -, ':;.�
<br /> « �,•-T{ "i. :
<br /> wl�n ttw P���Nw(12)mon hsNt�maY b W�(�nd no Event of Oefnul wlll haw occurred)M Trustor.1a er U^d�r�awrNMn :: t, ,
<br /> 7,,' ,�' .
<br /> � .::_. �s:;
<br /> nptla dartundirp cun of suCh ftiluro: (o)curos th�faUuro wflhln Btteon(16)daya;or (b)it tha aun requkos ma�thtn tilloan(16)d�ys, c-�_..s• -i^..
<br /> imrtwdlatary Initi�tas sbps suMcWn�to cure tha huun tnd therea8er Condnws and Compl6les ap roasonabie and�ry s��su��to ;,,?���',
<br /> + produa compYtnc�a!toon�s reaso��ably Prectical. ,t,,.;�._r
<br /> ..+ � r..�...
<br /> RIQMS AND REMEDIES ON DEFAI�.T. Upon th�occurtonc�of any Ewnt of De1wu and at�ny drrN thKeaMsr,TnniN or l.�ndK.at Ms oP � „ ' Y•..
<br /> . ,. ..,.,.
<br /> m�y���ny or�e cr mor�of tM fdlowlnp rfphb and nmodias,in addluon lo any othK riphb or nmadles provided by kw: . . .n rl:i .
<br /> � Acc�Nntion upon Wtw�t;AdditlonM li�m�d��s. U��Y o�ont oT dotault occtus as p�t t►N txms of tM Nou t�cund�wnbY���ndr may _
<br /> , � declan nN Indabtadnau seaured by ihis Doad ot Trust to b�dua�nd payabl�and th�sam�shall tlwnupon baortM du�and ptyabl�wNhout
<br /> anv nrasentr/wM�damtnd�Protest ot notk�of any kind. TTwreatlar�Lond�rtuY: N�y.��anndnt�d 6v a court ltld vYlih0ljt
<br /> _ _ — _ .^ �o� Eilhpr in person a by ayenl,wlih u without bnr�qiny arry aciio��bi N�wo�%��ry,� �, -.--_.._. ---—_
<br /> . � ragard to tta adequncy of Its seCUMfy�enter upon nnd taka possesslon of the ProperlY�a'tny part tlwnof,ln ib own narrN or�n tM nam� �----
<br /> ot Trusiea,and do any�cts which il daums necesserY a doslrabie to preserve the wlue,markatablliiy a nntablAty ol ttw ProparlY�a pM
<br /> ' of tha ProPe�Y a Intarsst In the Property;incroasa the Incnrtw hom the Property or protaot tt►�saaurity of tha Piope�ty;and,wfth o�wlthout
<br /> i fakinq possesslon of the Properh�.suo for a othervvlse CollOat the ronts,Issuas and pro61s of tM FiroQerh��Includinp thos�past du�and
<br />- unpaid,and apply the same.tess c°Sts and expenses ot operatlon and cdlecUon,Includlnp�ttornaya teos�to any IndabUdnoss qcurod �
<br /> by thls Deed ot Trust,atl In such order as Lend�r maY determi^�. The entainp upon end lak�nfl Possesslon of th�Property,ih�coMcdon
<br /> of such renls,Issues and Proflts,and lhe eppl�atlon thereof shaY not cure or waivs any delault or no1k�ol detautt under this Deed of Trwt
<br />; a Invnlidate any act dorw In response to suc�pt°and appplkxtbn of nnb Issuesf a p oll�ts,TiWtYe O�Undi�r sh�NCb��tltl�d t0 • .
<br />_ , possesslon of the Ptoperly o�1he cdfsctlon,
<br /> exardsa every rlpht provlded for In t h e No te or t h e R N e t e tl O x u rt w n b o�b y k w u p on the occurnna o�any�vent of detetAt,Inciudlnp ti�
<br /> dpht to�xerClse lhe Power Of sab; ..
<br /> _ (b) Cpmmsncs an�atlon to tasdose thls Oaed o�Trust a a morlpaps,�pPdnt a racelvor or sPecitfdMY�^fora any of th�cownanb
<br /> � Y .
<br /> • I
<br /> ' 1
<br /> .
<br /> �..... ._.._..__ ._. . __. .....
<br /> ...____-_- _"_..
<br />