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<br /> . �.._
<br /> ., . I
<br /> ._...... _.. (�.��" ��Ff P�y�� } ` ;'''�'
<br /> OS-20-1997 DEED OF TF�UST " I '"
<br /> �oen No s40534 (Contlnu�d) I
<br /> �s
<br /> tpgethar wlth nll renew�is,extenslons,modlAcatlons,roBnanClnfls,�nd wbslllA�u f�a^d o�,��� °f p�0�' pr�� ��ow a h«�aM�r '�
<br /> P�►wnd PrOp�AY• Th�words "Pxsonal PrcP�Y�n all�QulprrNnt� .:.-
<br /> owned by Trustor,�nd now a hereafle►atlached a afAx�d to th�RNI Prop�rty�Io�elhK wilh aN acasslon�, P�Ai,�nd�ddlllon� lo,a
<br /> replacemenb of,and ell subslitutions fa, �nY ot such prop�rh�i ��d ��W��w�lh all procNds (Includlny withoul Hm111►tlon �M Imuranc�
<br /> prpeMds end retunds of premlums}horn eny sale or other dlsposltlon of the Prop�rty, F �,
<br /> Property The wad"Property'meens collecQvely ttw Real Propwty and th�ParsonalPropKty
<br /> _ .«. �.,�,,..,.0�nri rinhts dascrEbld abovo In the'Conveyanc�n�d annC socllon. t�
<br /> ReM P�op�rty. The words"Reai rroperiy m�wu i7w���p��.,....._._. i , .
<br /> ;� daeds ot uust,�nd aN othx Instrurrwnts��flr���a�nd
<br /> Fiet�t�d Dacumenta. The words'Reinted Oxurtwnts"me4n and Includ�withoul Yrnl4tlon all promissory noias�crod�� aG�Y�rrwnk, oan
<br /> eqreements,environmental ayreemenls,puarantles,securily apr�erYwnts,matpa0es� I
<br /> i dxumgnts,wheiher now or hereatter existinq,executed in connection witPn the I�dablodness. , y
<br /> � I Rents. The word'43ents"means ail presa��enoi iulurd rduSs,r6vane�,3s"'Q^'�,�`���oyalUes.Profiu,nnd other bonefita dwlved hom« I
<br /> . :G
<br /> : ProportY• .
<br /> Tfuitee. The word'Truslee"means UNITED NEBRASKG�B:ANK and Any subsNlute G suctessor Uustees. ,, �, _
<br /> � . �. :
<br /> Tru�tor. Tlw wad"Trustor"means any and all persons nnd entltias executing this Uae�101 Trusl,InC�udinfl without timllatlon ali Trustors n�rtNd '����
<br /> I above. ' . � �
<br /> D ED A �
<br /> ON THE FOLLOWINO TE6iIN8s � � _
<br /> PAYIAEN�it�ia�b�ome tiMe.�nd she I sprk,l y a�nd naHm�o Y manner P am WI ofuTrusia's obily4tlorutundx tha Nota this Doed of Tn stha d the .;; �`
<br /> ot T u !' �' �. •.. .;.;;,
<br /> Relaled Oxuments. on�tnd use of tFw PropwtY shaN b�povem�d bY ,,�f,�;;
<br /> ��' POSSESSIt3N AHD lAA9NTENANCE OF THE PROPERTY. Trustor tyr�s that Trustor'�possossi �,' �'
<br /> ttw fdlowlnp provislons: ��
<br /> ppst�sston and Uae. Until the occurro d��anyYRents hom the Pruoperhr.ay �8�rernaln in possQSSlon and contrd of the Property, (b)usa, �,:
<br /> � �:i�� oporeta or manape tho Property.and (c) :`
<br /> , Duty to RINnWn. Trusior shall maint�ln tFw Proporty in lerutntnble condHlon and promphy perform ait repaUs,replacoments�and malntananco . ';.'
<br /> • � nacessnry lo pnsarw Hs valua. � .. ���..�y���and'lhr�tonad rak4sa�as usad In this ,,.
<br /> � �,�"'� Hp�arBow Sub�tances. The terms'hazardous wtste, 'haz�rdous subslance. �sP nsaUon,and Llabllity Act of :`,.',�,r
<br /> De�d of Trust,�hali havo the same meaninys�s set torth In Ihe Compretwns!^�E�en����R�horlTation Act ot 1986,Pub.L.No. � �;. `.'•�-
<br /> 1980,as amended,42 U.S.C. Seation 9601,et seQ• CCE��7�t�Sup�fu � . ,„
<br /> �_,�. • 9S�t99 PSAAA��the Furardous Mutorlals Tnnsb�lat�l te a F�der�l Iaws�Ws�a�iyul+�Ora�adcOte�l Purswnt to anY of th�forapoi�rg TM '(��;:�.
<br /> !" �?u.S.C.Sectlon 690t,�t soQ•�or other aAD� �;.
<br /> t'.'�i�lt��!xwtY,thet�has � .,.._'._:...s,' •.;�.::`:
<br /> ' t�rt�s'h�rdous wuw•antl�na�roous aut,si�r�'sh:.9°!sc!r!c!tr�,wifhout Nmill�potl of i uaiar's owrar: b��ucb or Rny k�cllon `.,
<br /> tfwroof and asb�stos. a:e�sia roprosenb�nd wartants lo l�nder Ihah (a)Durlr►0 D� � -.,.: •- ���{L
<br /> boen no usa.4eneration,rtunufaCturo�storaqa�healmenl,dlsP��tesase a lhreale�wd rete�s�of any hazardous wasW or tubs��o!� ..,�r',. '�j°"
<br /> a ut u hom tho Property; (b)Trustor has no knowkdpe o1,a�B��e�slaa flo�ttrea���d�°�n���'«t���� r k�t'
<br /> n undor,ab tlon manut an �c,, ''t-�';:�`°:
<br /> pason o , .
<br /> d15Clpsed to pnd acknow�edped by Lender In wrliirp, (i)any use.9ene+e �,
<br /> releaso of 4ny hpzardous waste or substnrww on,under,about or hom the Properryby a�Y P�a�W�°�°��panls of th�Prop�rtY a y h. �.
<br /> �atual or lhraatened IlNpation or cialms�4n�Trustoyr noYr nny to 4 t oont aatah�n a othor authorizad usK ot�tlw�dop�rly sheli us�� ��•. t
<br /> �cknowladpad bY Lmd�in w�itinp, (I) al i�.
<br /> qm�rat�,manutactun,ston,troat,dlsposo ol,or re�e4so a�Y ha�rdaus wasto or�ubsttnc�on,undar,about a from ttN Prop�rb��d (Y)��Y
<br /> such�cUvlty�haN b�conductad In campllanca with au rppllcabN fodarol,atnto.wd tocal kws,repukUons�nd adiru�nas,Ir�ciudln0 w�hou� ,� ;. �-:
<br /> Nmlttdon thosr kws,repul�tlons, and adirurwvs descdbed tbow. Trustor tuthaiz�s=.1n��!��M c����d tM Pr�opMly wNh tN� �• �
<br /> ' m�k�such InspecHons ond lesb,N Trusta's wWonso,as Unda roay doam�pp°p� a����cantrwd to aMM ' ��
<br /> s�cqon of fh�DNd ol Trusl. Any insp�cdom or Msb r►xd�bY Lond�r sh�M t»fa I.s��� �a�w�y��W��nin w -
<br /> r any nsponsibulty or AabUity on th�pM of Und�r 10 Trustor a to�ny othK p�rson• ������, �rt� �MM�M� �� ��_—
<br /> . b�sW on Truslors du�dUqena In InwstlWdnO R»P�op�t1Y fot hw�dout wasb md h�rdous�ubtltnoM.Trulta hK�by (a)rMMS�s�nd
<br /> � walws�ny fulur�cWms aW��t L�ndK tor Ind�mnilY or conEr{butlon In Ih��wi InT �aru all� �th�DMd W Trt�t a�t a �'��
<br /> � fuch kwa� and (b)apnM to lnd�mni►1►�nd hdds� su�n.r�t� kan a nrwari��wb►b m�aors own�rthip a �.�
<br /> . �ns�t wNch L�ndar +nRy dk�cNY or IndkyctlY �� ���«CrwMrnd p�thN MCYon af th�DMd of Truq. �.-�
<br /> co►rs�Qwna of any us��p�rnratlon�rt�nuhclun�ston0�� � na of tM N�n of 1M�
<br /> IniK�st in tM Pr�.W���N�shall sunAw tM DaYrt�^t�a�nd�bUdnqs �nd 1M fatls��nd nconwy���� —
<br /> � I��7�nMist�o nd ah�M nol b�IM�Ct�d bY Und�r't�CQW�itlon of lny Int�nst In tM PropK1Y�wMth�r by fondos —_�--
<br /> mit.a suMw any siriPpinp of or wasU on a to tM ..-
<br /> NWw�N�Wat�. Trustu shaN not ca Wllhout Wmi np tM pa�r►i Ny of ttw forpoinp�Tn�istor wfN not nmow.or 9ru�t to any olhK PWY� -:��.�
<br /> �' Prop�ty or any porNOn of tM Propwty. �,K�„�.
<br /> dght to romowe,any tlmbar,mfnsrals(inctud�n0 oY and qas),adl.pnw�a rodc Praduca wiihout tM Ddor wr►H��t�^����n cor�d -_ --
<br /> p�mOY�Of Improv�rt�enis. Trustor shaN not dimdhh o�remow any improvaminls Nom�M����� ���y��pry to L«�to .'�-
<br /> of Unda. Ai a conditlon to tha romoval of any Improwmonts,LonWr maY nQW��Trusta to maka uracqa �+,:�,�...--.-�
<br /> � r�{��s�h Improvertwnls with ImprovartNnts of at last equai vUw. u����,r,��.
<br /> 'fo�'G.
<br /> Lentf�PS Rlpht to Enter. L�ndar and Its rp� b and ropresont�Nws m�y onlar upon ttw Rau P�ope�Y ���;ti.x s�f•:`�:
<br /> tt dl nason�bw t:
<br /> tlm�t to atwnd to _ �
<br /> n
<br /> LmdK's int�nsts�nd to Insp�ct tM Proparty tor purposas of Trusta's complkna with tho brms and conditlan of th�s DMd o�T�tn. •r�-'•::•
<br /> Comptl�fa�wlth tiov�rnm�ntM Rpult�mentf. Trustor shall(xo�»ptly comP�Y with�N Iaws,ordnancos.and npuktloru�now a InnafMr In
<br /> Ibabk to ths us�u ocCUptnay of ua Prop�lf4 Indudirp without NmftaUOn�ttw Arrwicros VYlth
<br /> o�p�4q qo�rarnrtwntal authorilks aPP _
<br /> Disabuttlos Act. Trustor�YS�so on9 a�s Trustia has notifled len er In wdHnO P�a t�ddn4 a it+^d�s°���as,In��sy����� ��;,�,.
<br /> InCludi�G aPP�oPtiat�appea .
<br /> Lander's Interosts In ttw Property aro not�opardized. Lender may requfra Trustor lo post adaQuato secu�tY a a stx�ty bond,roaso
<br /> ��}4�tory to LanCer�to proteCt Lenders Interast.
<br /> puty to P�otect. Trusto���rees nei►her to abandon na leave unattended the ProPe�Y� Trustor shaN do A�i other�cts,In addiHon lo tlws��cis ,
<br /> set forth abova In thls sectlon,wh�h hom lhe cheracter and use of lhe ProPertY�r�rwsonably nicessnry to protecl and Prosorw�h�Prop�t4''
<br /> CONSTRUCTION IOAN. If some o�au of lhe proceeds ol the loan croatlny ltw Ind�btednoss ua to ba used tc construct or ComPwN Construcllon
<br /> of nny ImProvornmts on the Property�Ihe ImDro��n�a�N be Completed no Ia1K thtn tM maturity dab of th�Not�(or suah MriNr dai�a
<br /> Lend�maY�sonably astablbh)and Trustor shaN pty in full���nsuro Ih�tthe hla�si ero���d bY t��of Tnnf�haM h�w Drfo�fh'�o�
<br /> undor such t�ms and conditlons ts Lender rt�Y da�m rwcass�ry . -�uNh � ��4��LM��Y
<br /> _ . _ .._...,�__,�..,._ ..�..,e�atai suonWrs and workrtwn. Land�r may nQul��. amonp otMt lhlnps. thlt dkb��►oQ
<br /> pOSS�DW MtnS� ue,u�mry ........ _. ..._._ _ .. •• �o►�.rv.... —�— --- -
<br /> supporfed bY recalPted bllls,wcpans�aMdaNts. w�wrs of iMns. cauirucavn r�w � . -- - -
<br /> reasonably request.
<br /> DUE ON S J 1 L E-C O N S E N T BY LENDER. L�ndor may�N lis cPtlon.d��Imrt�leN dw and P�Y�M��urta t�currd by Ihk DMd d T
<br />' upon ttw sala a transkr,w�thout the Under's P�a��^��^t,d a�a any p r l o f 1 h e F I�I Pr o p�r t Y�°�any InMn�t In tM RMd PropKty. A
<br /> o�r Invdunt8ry whet�e�r b ou�Mpht sele,dead,Irtstl��t salayCO�ntr�ct,Ia dlnterast�lanln��' ��h^da nl�nst wft a term 9nabt th�an
<br /> ' . three(3)years��eese-oD1ion contract,a by saie,ass�tinment,a tnnsfer ot any benefidal ►Nerest In a to any land trust hddinp UUe to tFw Raal
<br /> i Proper1Y�a by�ny other meehod on owna sat�o f o elthanph+e e'h'-�tPercent(2596)of�the votinC stockPP��h p ntarests abYmited Nabllity
<br /> transter etso tnciud�:any c �0 '
<br /> compeny Inleresis,as 1he case mey be,of Trustor. However,ihfs opllon shall not be exercised by Lender ft such exe�clse K Prohibited by feder
<br /> � Iaw or by Nebraska law. �.
<br /> � TAXES AND LIENS. The tollowinq provislons relatinq to Ihe Wxes and Ilens on the P�operlY s�e a p8�►ot thls Deed of Trust. I
<br /> , Payment. Trustor shall pay when due(and In all eve�ts prfor to delinquency)all taxes�speclai texes,assessments,charqes(�ndudinq water I
<br /> �
<br /> ' 1
<br /> _�
<br />