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<br /> � � 9. liuz��rd or f*rnp��1y Insurimcc. N��n•�,��rr .h:dl�kr� thc impn,�rmrni, nuu• cti,tin� ��r hrrraft�r crrctrd un thc - : :i,.lT;;;�:y.�
<br /> Piuprit� in.urrJ .ig.ui�,il��,.h� lir�. harird� m�•ludrd �whin Ihr icrm "crt�n�i�J r���cr,i�:r" an� an� ulher haiard,. inrlu�lin� ' . '
<br /> Ih,ud, ur tl�nxlin�.t. Inr nhi�h l.rndrr rrquirc, intiuranrr. Thi. in>uranrr+hall he maintainrd in ihr amount�and ti�r thr prnud, .•r*"3�t'�";`���`ti*�h;��F';-
<br /> • `� Ih:tt l.rnder rryuire+. "Thc in.uranr� i��rri�r ��ru�idin� ihe in.uranrr �hall hr rliu,rn hJ Burru��rr ,uh.jrrt tu I.�ndrr',apprm•i�l � ,.p..,�:;"';•,, '��
<br /> .,,.,:M.•4� ��hirh tihall nut h� unr�a�cinahly ��ithhclJ. If Hurrrn�rr fail� ro inaint:un r����r.igc�ic��rihcd .�hu�•r. l.cnJrr m:q, al l.rnd�r'ti .. 1;�..':_���,.;+,.
<br /> �� �- r -�`��' '���=
<br /> ��ptiun. uhlain ruveragciu prnt��t I.rnd�r'�ri�h�.in thc 1'raperty in arrurd:�nrc with ir.i•ra li l. .��V.,�p..r.�.
<br /> � All insurancc pulicir.and renc��ul, ,h:►II hr arccptahlc tu L.cndrr;ind +hall inrlu�l�;i ,tanJ:�rd martg:igr rlau�c. I.rnJrr _-{ t ��, — _.�,`
<br /> ' . _.
<br /> til�c�ll huve thc right to hold thc pulirirti and r�ncu�al,. If IAndrr r�yuirc+.Burru��•rr.t�all prumpdy givr t�, I.�ndcr aU rrrcipt,uf '��z;a�w'��`. 4i-
<br /> .
<br /> puid prcmiums a�id r�nc��al nuticcs. In thr cvent af lo.s. Bormwcr+hall gi�•c prumpt nuii�r io thc insuranrr r:trricr.inJ l_4ndrr. ' +�:�.:�`�:- -_
<br /> Lendcr may makc pru�ifof loss if nc�t madc prompdy by Borrowcr. .".���
<br /> Unless Lender anJ Bcirrowcr otherwi,c agrec in writing. insuranre procerd.,hall hc appli�d tu re>tucatiun eu rcp:iir��I'tt�� ��__-
<br /> � � Properry damaged.if the rc:storution or r�pair i�rconomir.dly feasible anJ Lendrr'�srcuri ty is not Ic.�encd. lti th;re�turatinn.ir ____
<br /> repair is not econe�mically feasible ur LenJcr'ti tiecurity wuuld be Iestiencd. thc insura�xe prureeds shall br ti�nplird t��the sums
<br /> ,��u��d ny [his Securitp[nstrument, whethcr ur niu then Jue, with any cxce+s paiel in &�rrower. If Burruwer :�handu�� thc
<br /> . Properry.i�r does nut answer within 30 days a ninice from 1xnJcr that the insurancc:carrier ha+��ffered tu.etUr a claim. then __--_
<br /> Leuder may collect the insurance pruceeds. Lrnder may use the prueeeJs to rcpai r or restore thr Prupert�• ur tc� p:ry tiumti •�:,P`,,,�a_v
<br /> .;—__.
<br /> scrured by this Srcuritylntitrument. whether or not then Juc.The 30-Jay period will be�in when thc nutice i�given. -��.�
<br /> Unlcss Lcndcr :.and Bur�c�wcr othcru•itie agree in writing. .iny appliratic�n nt' procceds ta prinripal yhall n��t cxtaid or �,���`.
<br /> pastponc the dur date nf the monthly payments referred tu in par3graphs 1 xnJ 2 urchan�e the ami�unt i�f the payment+, If '
<br /> under paragraph 21 the Propeny i, acyuireJ by L�:nJer. Borrower's right tu any in�uranre policies and procceJs retiulting frc�m ��.`'
<br /> . Jumage to the Propertyprior to the acquisitic�n shall pass tu Lender to the extent u(tt�e+uiro�ecured by thi�Securiry Instrument "
<br /> immeJiately prior to theacquisition. `��`_
<br /> , 6. Ocrupancy,Pres�rvation, l�taintenance and Protecdon of the Property;Borro�ser's l.oan ApplicAtlon; I.euseholds. �
<br /> Borcower shall occupy,estublish.and use the Property as Bc�rrov�er's principal resiJence within sixry day�after the executi�m of ,��_-
<br /> this Security Imtrumeix anJ shull cantinue to occupy the Property us Borrower's principal residence for at Icast c�ne year aftec --
<br /> --- the date ot occupuncy,uniess I.�:nucr utIie�wi,c abrcc� ir�'ri.irg, xhich cuns=nt`-h�l!n^�hr unma�unably withheld,or unless :
<br /> --_ � Y
<br /> extenuatin cir�umstunceti exitit which are be ond Borrower's control. Borro�ver �hall not destroy, dumage ��r impair the �,.
<br /> „ Properry, allow the Pmpc-.rty to deterinrate. or commit w�ste on the Propeny. Bi��rower shall be in default if any forfeiture ��
<br /> action or proceeding. �vhether civil or criminal, is begun that in L.ender's good faith judgment muld result in forfeiture of the � _
<br /> Propeny or otherwise materially impair the lien created by this Security Ins�rument or l,ender's security interert. Borrower muy __
<br /> cure such a defuult and reinstate,us provided in psr3graph 18,by cuusing thc artion or proceeding ro Ne dismissed with a ruling
<br /> that, in L.endcr'� guod faith determinAtion, precludes forfeiturc of the Bonowcr's interesc in the Property or othcr material _ -
<br /> impairment of the liencreated by thi� Security Instrument or Lender's security intercst.Borrower shall nlso be in defuult if _
<br /> Borrower, during the la�n application process,gave materially false c�r inaecurute intonnation or statements to Lender(or failed _
<br /> to provide Ixnder withany m�terial informution)in ronnection with the loun eviJcnc�ed by the Note, including, but not limited _
<br /> to,representations concerning Borrower's orcupancy of the Propeny as a principal residence. If this Securiry Instrument is on a
<br /> " ', leasehold, Borrower shall comply with all the provisions uf the Iease. If Burmwer acyuires fee title to the Property, the
<br /> • . leasehold and the fei: tiile shall not mergc unless Lender agrces to the mergrr in writing.
<br /> �•�� ,� 7.Protection of Lender's Rights in thc Property.If Borrowcr fails to perform ihe cuvenants and agrcements contained in
<br /> � this Security lnstrument, or there is a legal proceeAiing that may significantly af(ert Lender's ri�hts in the Properey (such as a _
<br /> '"�, `•� proceeding in bankruptcy,probate, fi�r condemnation or forfeiture or to enforc:e laws or regulatians), then L,:nder muy do and
<br /> • pay for whatever is necessary tu protect the�alue of the Property and L.ender's rights in the Property. Lender's actions may _
<br /> E.. -
<br />- - � �� include puying any sums ,ecured by a lien which has priority uver this Security Insirumcnt. uppe:iring in court, paying __
<br />__ . reasonable attorneys' (ees and entering on the Propeny to make rcpairs. Although Lender may takc action under this paragraph _
<br /> =�'•�� .,� 7,Lender does not ha��e to do so. '"
<br /> '"`� � Any amounts disbursed by Lender under this pnrsgraph 7 shall beconu xddiiic�nal dcbt of Borrower securcci by this �_-
<br />_...{..• .. t.2
<br /> r ..r�..�n�-w. �:.;�-
<br /> - • Security Instrument. Unless Borcuwer and Lender agrcc to other tcrms of paynicnt,ihc�c umounts shall beur interest from thc _
<br /> ���` date of disbursement at thc Note ratc and shall be payablc, with interest, upon no�ice from Lcndcr to Horrower requcsting
<br /> - � .s... . -� _�-
<br /> payment. ____
<br /> S.Mortgage[nsurance, lf i.ender requirai mortgagc insurunce as a conditinn of n�aking the loan secured by this Security = _ �r
<br /> •�.�;�.a.-.-
<br /> Instrument. Bormwer shall pay the premiums required ti> miiintain the mortsage insurrnce in eFfcct. If. for any reason, the ••::��,_
<br /> mortgnge insuranee coverage reyuired by Lender lapses ur cea�es to be in effect.Borcower shall puy the premiums requir� to ;�`
<br /> obtuin covcragc subs�antially cyuivalent to thc mongagc insuranrc previiwsly in ct'fat, at a cost substantixlly eyuivalent to the �.t�
<br /> cost to Borrower of ihe mortgage insurance pmviously in effeet, Cram an altemate mortgage insurer approved by Lendcr. If •,;;•-. `?
<br /> substuntiully eyuivalent rnortgage insurance cc�verage is not availuble, Rorrowcr shull p:ay to I.enJer each month a sum equul to `"��—•��;�;_
<br /> .,;•�-.-
<br /> one-twelfth oF the yearly mortgage insurance premium beinF paid by Borrower when Ihc intiurance c��veragc lapsexi or ceased to �.�'�' �;�"
<br /> be in effect.Lender ��•ill accept,use and n:tain these payments as a lotis reserve in lieu nf mortgage insuranee. Loxs reserve � �� ;,=�
<br /> Fo�m 3028 9/90 ��'���,'
<br /> ,•.;'t
<br /> - Page l ol 6 • .` ' . .
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