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<br /> TUGETHfiR WITH all thc impruvcmcnt,nuw��r here�ftcr crcctcd c,n th� ���,r���y. :�„a��u�,�.����«u..;��r .... ..�;...,":,,f•
<br /> ' � tixtures nuw i�n c�rcut'tcr a part uf th� property. All rcplarements :tnd ciJdilinnti +hall nitiu h� ci,vcrcd hg thi. Sccur�ty ,..�,�_.',��
<br /> �'.'� ,,.,r•,.�, $�.
<br /> .. � Instrumrm All nt th�t'iu�g��in� i,rrfcrrc�l tu in thi�5crurity Insn�umcnt ati th� "Pn,prrry.' :
<br /> f BORROWER COVf:NANTS that Burruwcr is luwlul ly+citicd ot thr r,tatr lurcby�um�yc�l and ha� Ihr ri�ht �n er:uit iu�d ,,.^. �: '`,*A. .
<br /> � rcmvcy thc Pro}krty and th:►t thc Property i, uncnrutnhcreJ. �xrrpt fur cncumhrmrc���f rcrurd. Burruwcr warrams .ind ��•ill : -.1�.:,�. ,��4-
<br /> -�.^t-� �'.,,�a���
<br /> ,,,,.,:,.�►� JefenJ�encrully thc titl�lu the Prupercy s►gain�t all cluimti and dCtu:utd+. �uhjert lu any�nrumbranc��of recurai. ,� , ; ..#,., -
<br /> .,�+1i THIS SECURITY 1NSTRUMENT combiney unifurm covenants fur nutiunul u,e and non-unitimn ru�•�nantti �+ith IimiteJ •;,,� ,;'F.S ..
<br /> ;���t �`�;
<br /> variaticros hy.turitidictii�n ro ccrostiwte a uniform sccurity insirumcnt cuvering rcal pruperry. r `.`w,'�����}"�Y�;
<br /> � UNIF(lRM COVENANTS. BoRUwcranJ Lendcrrovenunt and agrce a,tollc�ws: .,�,.,�.��=--�-"_
<br /> . • 1. Nuyment nf Prfncipul und Interest: Prepuym�nt und I.ute t'hur�;es. Dorruwcr shall prrnnptly E-+ay whcn duc �he ;-._�.���_9.-.___-.-..
<br /> principut of'und intcrest im the dcbt evidenced by thc Note and any prepayment und lute rhargeti Jue undcr lhe Notc. ,�,_- ' _
<br /> 2. Funds for Tax�and Insa�rance.Suhjcct to applicablc law or [o a writtcn �vuivcr by I.cndcr. Bormu•rr shull pay ro ���.'.:-`—
<br /> �-'K_-
<br /> ' Lender nn the day munthly puyments are due under thc Note,until thc Note is puiJ in full,a sum l"Funds'1 for.lu)ycarly taxes •�-�
<br /> und usnessments whirh may attain priority over this S4curity[nstrument as a licn�m thc Property:(h)y�eurly lcascholJ payments �,�;_
<br /> „ ,. or gruund rents on the Propeny,if any:(�l yeurly hux:srd ur praperty insurance premiumx;(J) yearly IlouJ intiurance premiums, � ---
<br /> if any: (e) yearly murtgage insurunce premiumy, if any: anJ (f)any sums puyuble by Borrower to I.ender, in accordance with _
<br /> ��; the provisions nf para�raph 8, in lieu af:he payment of mongage insur�nre premiums.These items are callcd'Escruw (tems." :,,;-�
<br /> ' L,ender m�y, ac any time. co�lect und hold Funds in an umuunt not t.� exceed the maximum amount u Iender ti�r a f'ecierully _� _
<br /> r related mortgage loan may require for Bc�rcower's escrow acri�unt under the federal Real Estute Sculement Procedures Act af c••-=-
<br /> 1974 us amended from time to time, 12 U.S.C. Section 26U1 c•t se�y. ('B.ESPA"1, unless another law that applicti to the FunJs �;'
<br /> , sets a Iesser umount. If sci, Lender may. at anY ��m�•«�Ilect and hold Fundr in an am�unt not to exceed the lesser amount. *���
<br /> . Lender may estimate the amount uf Funds due on thc basis of currcnt dut:t und musonable estimates of expenditures of future _ —
<br /> ;•� Escrow ltems or othcrwisc in accordance wilh applicablc law. = �
<br /> The Funds shull he held in an institution whose depc�sits ure insured by a federal agency. inswmentality, or entity '�,,,,�, �
<br /> ;�� (including L.ender,if Lcnder is such an institution)or in any Federul Home Lnan Bunk. l.endcr shall apply thc Funds tu pay che '
<br /> � Escraw Items. Lendcr may not charge Borrower for holding and upplying the Funds, unnually analyzing the escrow account,or _,�
<br /> --__--_ -- ver��yi�g thc E:wro:�� T{�m�,iinl�cc l.ender nays Borrower interest on[he Funds and upplicable law permits Lender to make such �,;
<br /> �;; a charge. However. Lendcr muy require Borruwer to pay a��ne-time charge for an independent reai es�uic iun ie����nb�rir'i�� �_
<br /> ��� used by L.ender in connection with this loan, unless upplicable la�v prmides otherwise. Unless an agreement is mude or _
<br /> ' applicable law requires interest to he paid.Lender shall not be rcquired ta pay Bormwer any interest or earnings on thc Funds. _
<br />=;;`.`;; ; Bonower and Lendcr may ugree in writing, however,that interest shall be paid on the Funds. L.ender shall give to Borrower.
<br />-' • without charge, un unnuul ucrounting of thc Funds, showing cmdits and debits tu the Funds and the purpose for which each _
<br /> ' debit to the Fundx wus made.Thc �unds are pledged as additionul�ecurity for all sumc sewred by this Security[nstrument. _
<br /> � If the fiunds held by Lendcr cxcced the amounts pc�rmitted to be held by applic:�ble law. Lcndcr shall accoune to Borrower
<br />- for the excess Funds in uccordance with the requirements of upplicable law. If the amount��f the Funds held by Lender ut any �.,
<br /> - � time is not sufficient tc�pay the Escrow Items when due, Lender may so notify Borrower in writing,and,in such case Borrower _
<br /> • • shall pay to L.ender the amount nccessary to make up tlie deticicncy. Borrower shall make up the deficiency in no more than
<br /> :' • �� twelve munthly payments, at[.ender's sole discretion.
<br />-�''' �' � - • Upon payment in full of all sums secured by this Sccurity Instrument, Lender shall prompdy refund to Borrower any
<br />;y,��.,:�� • Funds held by L.ender.IF, undcr paragraph 21. L.cnder�hall acyuire or sell thc Property,Lcndcr, prior to the acquisition or sale
<br />_ �; ,,�,, , of the Propeny, shall apply nny Funds held by Lender at thc time of ucyuisitian or sale as a credit aguinst the sums secured by
<br /> , '=� this Security Instrument.
<br />" • 3.Appllcation of Pnyments.UnlesS upplicable law provides otherwise, all payments received by I.ender under paragraphs �
<br />= l and 2 shall be applied: first, tu any prcpuyment char�es duc undcr the Note; sccond, �o amounts payablc under puragraph 2: F =,_
<br />-�,. � �-:,,:.� third,to interest due:fourth,to principal due;und las�, to any late rhurges due under the Note. -
<br /> 4.Charges; I.iens. Bonowcr shall pay all taxes, assessments, charges, fincs and impositions attribut,ible to thc Property !
<br /> 5.r-r... , _
<br /> ��+:*.�••}��,�• which may attain priority over this Securiry Instrument,and leasehold payments or ground rents,if any. Borrower shall pay -_
<br />±�,,;�M • these obligations in the manncr provided in paragraph 2,or if not paid in that manner. Borrowcr shall pay them on timc directly _
<br />-�,� �- to the person owed payment. Borrowcr�hall promptly fumish to I.ender all notices of amounts to be paid under this paragraph. _
<br /> ' � If'Borcower mukes these payments directly, Burrawer shall promptly fumish to L.ender reccipts evidencing the puyments. ___
<br />- Borrowcr shall promptly discharge any licn which has prioriry uver this Security Instrument unless Borrower: (a)agrccs in _
<br /> � writing to the payment of the obligatiun sccured by the lieu in a manner.icccptable to L.ender;(n)contesl� in gaod faith the lien =___ __ ___ __
<br /> ' ' by, or defends uguinst enfurcement of the lien in. Icgal procecdings which in the l.ender's c�pinion operate to prevent the ����.;:.:_- _°.
<br /> ���':'�,; enforcemem af the lien; or(c)�ccures from thc hulder of the lien an agceement ti�tisfactory to l�ixler subordinating the lien to °�,__�__,��—�._��:
<br /> �• •.,.�--�,A--
<br /> �� this Sccurity Instrurncnt. If Lendcr dctcmiines that cmy part of the Pruperty is ruhjcct to s licn �vhirh muy atcain priuriry �rver '.1�:�.,��..�,�:�_�:
<br /> �; this Security Insn•umcnt. Lendcr mny gi�c H��TTOw�r a notirc idcntifying thr lien. Borro�►'cr+hall�stisfy thc licn or takc onc or '•:'�,:;�;
<br /> 4' more of the actions sct forth ub�ive within 10 d:+y�ul'thc giving of noticc. � �
<br /> • • '�; Form 3028 9190 ;r
<br /> �.t: :',�, � ��;; ..
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