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<br /> paymcnts muy nu I�mgcn c�rec{uired,ut thc aptic�n�,t�l.�ndcr, if m���lg+i�c in�uranrr ruvrragr lin thc iunuunt and i'ur�hc peri�xl =
<br /> thut L.cndcr reyuires)pr��vidcd hy un insurcr upprovcd by l.�ndcr ugain hc�umcy nvuilaMc;uid is uht.�incd. Borruwcr shull pay _
<br /> thc prcmiums rcquind t��maintnin mortgugc in,urnnrr in rffcr�,ur tu pri�viilc a lu�. rescrvc.until dic rcyuirenunt far m��rtg�igr L
<br /> intiurancc ends in uccordancc with uny writtcn agrccment hc�wccn Ucirrnwcr a►nd l.cndcr or upplic.�hlc li��v. _
<br /> 9, lnspcctlon. L�:ndcr or its agent nr.iy mukc ruis�innhlc anricti uFxm and inspcctionn of tl�c{'ruExrty. l.cndcr shull givc -.
<br /> ;��..�� i3�xraa�cr ncsiicc at thc timc of or prior to nn in�pccticm tipccifying rea+anuhlc cuu�c tiir thc inspcetiun. -
<br /> .;,;,. � 1Q. Condemnud�n. Thc pmcccds of uny iiw:trJ nr cluim for Jumugcti. dircrt nr �croscyucrni�d, in ccmncctiun with any _
<br /> c<mdemnaticm or other tuking uf any purt of the Property, ur ti�rcunvcyuncc in licu of condcmn:ition, arc hcrchy assi�tned and
<br /> �haU be puid tc�Lender. =
<br /> In the event of a total taking of the Property,the proceedti shaU be upplieci to the sums,ecured by this Security Instntment. _
<br /> whether or not then due. with any excess paid ta Borrowcr. In�hc cvcnt of u partiul taking af thc Property in which thc fair =
<br /> • murket valuc uf the Propeny immeciiutely beforc thc taking is cquul�a or grcutcr th:m thc amoum of thc sums sccurcJ by this =
<br /> Securiry instrument immediately before the tuking,unless Borrower und l.ender oih�nvise ugree in writing, the sums sccured by °_
<br /> i' this Security Instrument shall be reduced by the umount of the proceeds multiplied by the following fraction: (a) the total =-
<br /> ?i amount of the sums secured immediately beforc the taking,divided by (b) the fuir murket value of thc Property immeciiutely '�_
<br /> ;, before the taking. Any balance shall be paiJ w Burrower. In che event ctif a partial caking of the Property in which the fuir �.
<br /> �' market value of the Property imniediately bcfore thc taking is Icss than thc amount of the sums sccured immcdiatcly bcforc the =
<br /> p;. taking, unless Borrower und Lender othcrwise agree in writing or unless applicable luw othcrwise providc;s, thc procccds shalL �'
<br /> , be applicd to the sums secured by this Security Instrument whcther or not the sums are then due. _
<br /> If the Property is nbandoned by Borrower, or if.aftcr noticc by L,ender to Borrower that the cundemnor offcrs to make an �_
<br /> nward or settle t� claim for dumages, Borrower fails to respond to Lender within 30 duys ufter the date the notice is given. ��:
<br /> I.ender is authori�.ed to collect and apply the proceeds,at its option, either to restoratian or repair of the Propeny or ro the sums
<br />