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: <br /> .. , . , ��; <br /> � . . . . .. <br /> ' ._ . .. . .., e..c.tKN.r`t'�:",`•i�Iit1f1%cM�.�:4Y�y,z�..n�:. ' , � ,. ' u ' <br /> .. .,�. � -- . " .s�N�,.. <br /> , • g7-- ��.� <br /> . 146'�l3S <br /> ' pAyrne�u m�y no longer be requlred,at the optlon of mortgege insurance covarage(inUie amount and for che pedod _�±r : <br /> thnt Leeder requln�)provided by an insurer approved by Lender ag�in bccomea availabla and is obtained.Borrower shall pay <br /> the pnmiuma rcquired to maintain mortgage lnsurance in effect,or to pmvldc a loss reservo,until tlie requlremen�for mortgagc <br /> insuranoe enda ia accardinco with any written agrament betwcen Bonower and�Snder or applicable luw. <br /> 9,lnepectlon. I.�nder or its agcnt may make reasonable entries upon and inspoctions of the Property. L.Cnder shall give <br /> � Bomower notico�t the time of or prlor to an inspection specifytng reasonable cause for the inapection. <br /> 10. Condanrtatlon. The proceeds of eny award or clalm for d�uneges, direct or consequcntial, in a�nnectlon with any <br /> conclemnation or o�her taking of any part of the Property,or for conveyance in lieu of condemnatlon, are hereby assigned nnd <br /> :� shall be p�ld to Lender. �,':` <br /> !n the event of a total taking of the Property,the proceeds shall be applicd to the sums secured bv�his Securiry Instrument, 'r� <br /> wheeher or aot then due, with any excess Qaid to Bonower. la the event of a paniul taking of che Property in which the fair � - <br /> ,.•�.-�� muicn vslue of the Property immediately before the taking is equal to or greater t4an the amount of the sums secured by this �,� <br /> • Securlty Instrument immediately bcfore the taktng,unlcss Bonower and l.eader otherwlse agree in writing,tha sums secured by �,�- <br /> : this Sscuriry Inatrum�nt shall be reduced by tbe amount of the pro�cteds muldplied by tho foUowicg fracdoa; (a)the tot�l _ <br /> amount of tho sums secured immediately before the taking. dlvided by (b) the fair market vatuc of thc Property irnmediately _— <br /> before the taking. Any balance shall be paid to Borrower. In the event of a partial taking of the Property in which the fatr ,,; <br /> ' � merketvalue of tho Property immediatcly befora the teking is less than the amount of the sums secured ima�ed.ia�ely befon the F�__ <br /> a' talcing,wiless Borrower and I.ender otherHiso agree tn writing or unless applicable law otherwise provides, the proceeds shnll _ <br /> " be applled to the sums secured by thls Secui'.�y Instniment whether or not the sums are chen due. <br /> �. It ttio Praperty ie abandoned by Borrower, ot if, efler nocice by Lender to Borrower that the condemnor offers to make an <br /> � ��• awasYl or setile a claim for damag�s, BoYro�ver feils to respond to Lender within 30 days aftsr the date the nott�:e ls given, � <br /> Lenderls authorized to collect and apply the procads, at its option,either to restoration or repair of tho Property or to the sums <br /> secured by this Securlry Instrumeat,whether or not then due. <br /> llnless Lender and Boaower otherwise agree in writing, any application of proceeds to prtaclpal shall not eztend or <br /> " postpone the due date of the monthly payments reternd to in pazagraphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of such payments. <br /> `- Il. Borrower Not Released;Forbe�rance By Lender Not a Wetver.Ex[ension of the time for payuxat or modification <br /> � . '�' of a�mrtization of tho suma secumi by this Securiry Insuuzneat granted by Lender to any successor in interest of Borrower shall <br /> , not operate to release che liabiliry of the ortginal Borrower or Bonower's successors in intenst.Lender shdl not be required to <br />� comrnnce prnceedIngs ageiast any successor!n interest or refuse to extend time for payment or othenvise modify amortization <br /> oi the swns secured by this Securlry Inscrument by rcason of any demand ma�io by the orlginal Borrower or Borrower's <br /> • succtuore in lnterest. Any fotbearance by Lendet in exerclsing aay right or remedy shall not be a weiver of or pnclude the <br /> cxa�cfx af�t�ri;ht or r�mtd;. <br /> IZ. Succesaors and Assigns Bound; Joint and Several Ltabllity; Co-signers. The coveaanu and agreements oi tiiis <br /> ' Secuclty lnstn�ment shall bind end benefit the successors and assigns of Leader az►d Boaower, subject to the provisioas af <br />'=:.. paraBreph 17. Borrower's covenants and agreements shall be joint and several. Any Borrowcr who co•signs t6is Security <br />�tyr*,,:,�'r:��� ., Instnunent but does not execute tho Note: (a) is co-signing this Security Instrument only to mortgage, grent end wnvey that <br /> `; .s.,;,'.�• Bosmwer's interest in the Property under the terms of tGis Securlry Insttument; (b)is not personally obligated to pay the aums <br />�: �� `''`' secuttd by this Security Inauument;and(c)agrea that Lender and any other Borrower may agrce to exund,madiPy,fo�r or <br /> .;�:•:.1::�;a <br /> �'�•°°�""" uualce�ny eccommodadons with regard to the terms of this Securiry Inatrument or the Note without that Borrower's conaent. <br />��:.� <br />"'"�''� . 13.Loan Charges. If the loan secured by this Securtry Instrument ta subject to a law which sets maximum low ges. <br />:,-.vr� aad�6at law Ia fu�ally intecpreted so chat the intcrest or other loan charges wllected or to be collected in con�eccion wittt tho <br /> ���� �f���'"�' loan excad the permitted limica, then: (a)aay such loaa charge ahall be reduced by the amount necessary to nduce the charge <br /> .. ;�,.. <br /> �«�- to ttw permittod limit;and(b)any sums already collectal from Borrower whlch excaded permitted limits will be nfunded to <br />,;,Y;�3. Borrox►er. Lender may choose co make this nfund by reducing the principal owed under the Note or by maldng a direct <br />==:`s-T:t� paym�at to Borrow�r. If a nfund reduces pdn�ipal, the reductioa will be treated as a partial prepayment wlthout any <br /> z_Td��:�I.f prep�ymeat charge under the Note. <br />=-°��� l�i.Notice�.Any nodce to Bomower pravlded for in thiis Securiry Instrumeat shall be given by deliverfag it or by malling <br /> --•��• Addreas <br /> y'�.;�� It by ftrat class mail unless applicable law requins use of aaotber method. The nocice ahall be directed to the Propecry <br /> or any other acldnss Borcower designates by aotice to Lender. Any notice to Lender ahall be glven by first class mail to <br />�`�::� Lender'a address stated herein or aay other address Lender designates by notice to Borrower. My notice provid�d for ia this <br /> _. x'`sa..:y�r` <br /> Security Instnunent shall be damed to have been givea to Borrower or Lcnder when given as pmvidal in this paragr+p • <br /> ----��� I5.Governin� Lsw; Seversb[Hty. This Securiry Insuument shell be govemed by federal law and the Iaw of the <br /> -`�� � ' JurIsdictton ia which the Property is located. In the eveat that any provision or clause of this Securlry Instrumeat or the Note <br />�.�:-'r"�_ � contllcts with applicable law,such cantlict shall not afixt other provisions of this Securtty Inseniment or the Note which can be <br /> " '"'"''�" ' ; glven offect without the�onflicting provision. To this end thc provisions of this Securlry Instrument and the Note aze dxlazed __ <br />�a4�•�.�:�;.. -- <br />_�°-:;x ��': : to lxaeverable. -- <br />_--. . ' "' 1�5.Borrower's Copy.Boaower shall be given oae conformed copy of the Note and of this Securlty Instrument. _ <br />_ Fam9026 9190 __ <br />�� <br />: . . �•BRINEI issi2�.o2 ►1p�4016 IMW�: — <br />- � <br /> ._ - ��', �': <br /> .. �. n <br /> ��� �. <br /> -. � <br />_ - � �(12N.fne IL96 ` <br /> i <br /> _ I <br /> I <br /> — i <br /> I _ I <br />