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<br /> , ` t erected on the ��-_
<br /> I S.11sznrd or Pro(x�'ty In.vunnGO. Borrower shall keep the�lmP�`dW co c age" ��y o���rds, including ��.�
<br /> Property Inaur e d �g�i u a t l o s s b y f►r e, d a x a r d a i n c l u d e d w l t h l n t h c
<br /> flooda or ftooding, for whiGh Lendat nqulnes insurance. 'i'hb insurince ehall be malntalned 1n the amounte An d for t h e p e d o c l s
<br /> thit Lender requircs. The inaursnce casier if%d�Wer fails t maintaln coverage deac bed abo ebLender mayc at Lendare
<br /> which shill not be unreasonably whhhald
<br /> optlon.obtaia coverago to pmtect Lender'e rights In the Property in accordana wich paragrnph 7. _
<br /> All lnsurance policins and ren�wnin shall be accepnblc to Le�►der�nd ahall inciude a siandard mortgage clnuce. l.ender . .
<br /> „. .� a h d l h a r e t t t e d g h t t o hold tha p alicias and renewale,IF I.ender rcquire:..Qonowcr ehnl!promptly give co Lender all receipts ot `'.`1^'
<br /> �� pild premtuma and renewal notices.In thn event of losa.eonower shol l g fve promp t no U c e t o t h e i n s u r a n c e c a r r i e r and I.ender. _`
<br /> l.ender mny makc proof of loss tf not made promptly by Borrower• ";,
<br /> �.,,,�„� Unless I.ender and Borrower otharwir�e agree in wridng,insurance praceede sh�ll be applicd to restoration or npair of tho �.
<br /> pcoperey damaged,if the restoration or repair ls economically feasiblc ar►d l.ender'a sccuriry is not lessened.If the mrotatian or ���°_
<br /> � � npair !s not economically fsasihla or Lender'a security would be lessened, the ln�urance proceeds gbal�be applied to tho sums _�.
<br /> secured b� thia Securiry Inanument, whother or not then due, with anY eacess p�id to Bonower. lf Borrower abauclans the eR_
<br /> r� property,or dnas aot aaswer within 3(1 dnys�notice from Leuder that the insurance cuder has offered to settlo a claim, thea h:
<br /> Lender may collcct the Inswance proceeds. i.eader may use the pracads to repalr or rescore tho Propercy or to pay swes
<br /> 3 ��
<br /> �;' secured by thic Securiry lnsuument.wh�sther ar not tden due.The 30-0ay period at11 be8�a w'hen the notice is given. —
<br /> " Uoless I.endor and Boaower otherwise agra in writtng, any application of proceeds to principal shnll noc extend or
<br /> `� ments nferred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 os change the amount of the payments.lf
<br /> • ,�: pnatpone tUe duo dato of tha monthly pay
<br /> �. under parsgraph 21 thn Pc'operty ia acquired by Lender.Borrower's dght to any insurance pollcios and pmceede tesultti►g fr°m �
<br /> damage to the Property prlor to the acquisition shall pass[o Leader co the extent of the sums sc�ured by this Security Instninuat
<br /> immediacely pdor to the acqulaition. �y� , i,e�seholds.
<br /> 6.Occupancy,Prese:'vnt�on,Malntenaace and Protection oi the Pro Borrower s Loan Appltcat�on:
<br /> gorrower sbnll occupy.establish,ind use the Property as Borrower'�P��ower'slddn f al nsideace for ata leastivne yeu afler
<br />• thig Stcvr}sy Insuument and shall continue to occupy the Property P P
<br /> .��`" the date ef aecuPanaY�unlgss Landar otherwise agrces in writ'vag,which consent shall not be w�reasonably witLheld, �r��
<br /> extenuuing circumstnnces exist wbich are bayoad Bormwer's conuol. ��w��wer �haIl be in�defaul�t i any forf�iture
<br /> � pmpe�ry, allow the Proparty to detcriorate, or �►�►W�t in Le depr�'a�ood faith JudBm�nt could result in forEeiture of tha
<br />, , actian or ptocading, whetber clvll or crjminal. is begun 8
<br /> ` pcopeny or othenvise matedully impair the lien created by this Seciuity Instniment or Lender's securiry intarest. &�rrower m�y
<br /> __ � ��ch a dnfaul[and reinstate,as pmvided in paragraph 18,by causing the action or proceedin8 to be dismissed with a nslina
<br /> � � . ¢hat, in Lender's good fnith determination, preciudes forfeicure of iva F�armc�:.r'� ia�wr�_s! �n�� ?mPGm ar other mPfEmi�l
<br /> _n
<br />�:. �:� '.:` impaim�ent of the lien created by this Security Instrument or I.eader'e security interest. Borrower shnll alta be+n defaul�if
<br /> � gorrower,dnring the loan application process.Save mated�lly false or tnaccurate infoimation or statements to I.ender(or failod
<br />;�;i,;, �; �: to provide Lender wlth aaY maurial information)in connecdoa with the loan evideacod by the Note,including,but nat limlted
<br /> "'c°"� of the Pro as a princi al residence. If this Securiry 1nstcumeat i�oa a
<br />-���;,,,:._ :: to, rePr�s�ntatioua conarning Borrower's occupaacy I�rtY P
<br /> ;:,u�;r�S,° l�ase�O�d� go�W« �►all comply with all the provisioa+ of the lease. If Borrower acquires fa titlo to tho PropenY,��
<br />��`�:'; leaselald�ad the fa tida shall aot merge unleas I.eader agcecs to the merger in writing.
<br /> Y;'�°: '' 7,protecdon ot Leader's Itighk�in t6e PropertY•If BorcoWCr fails to perform the coveaant�and agt+ecmenta cunt�ia�d In
<br />=""'"`' . �is Sxur(ry Insm�ment, or then is a legal proceedin8 thet may aignificantly affect Lender's rights in the Propetty (such u a
<br />�;��:;.t
<br /> 1'":��;�•� procading in bankruptcy, probate, for wndemnetion or forfeiture or to enforce laws or regulations), then Lender msy do un
<br /> �•_�:� pay tor whatcver is necessary to protxt the value of the Property and Leader's rigdta in ths Property. I.ender'a actions may
<br /> include paying eny sums secured by a lien which has prioriry over this SecudtY Inst�ment. appeufn$ in court, paying
<br /> �4�"� ��� to make re airs. Althougb I.ender may take acaon under this parag�Ph
<br />=��.,�:�!j� reasonable�ttorneya'fas and entecing on the Pmgerty P
<br />���� 7, Lender does not have to do so.
<br />_=�,-�„� Aay amounts dlsburaed by Lender under this parigraph 7 shall become addidonal debt of Borrower aaxured by this
<br />�,;r����� Secudty Tnstrumeat. Unlcss Borrower and Lender agne to other terms of paymeat. these aznounts shall bear intcrest from the
<br /> =�':,�:� date of diaburaermnt at the Note rate and sha11 be payable, with lnterest, upon nodce from Lender to Bonower requating
<br />=.ry�,� payment.
<br /> -���F"�;.. 1. MortQa�e Insuranca If Lender required mortgage insurance as a condition of making che loan eecural by this Security
<br />��"�:�� Instn�ent, Borrower shall pay the premiums cequiretl to mnintain the mortgage insuraace in effxt. If. for any re�son�t1z�
<br /> �ir; ,
<br />�`�,_ mon e insurance coverage requlred by l.ender tapses or ceases to be in effect,Bocrower shall pay the pnmiwns re9ui to
<br />�'r �' obtan�c,overage substantially equivalent to the mortgage insuranco previously in cffcet, at a cost aubstantially equivalent to tho
<br /> }_. .
<br />-;,,;r,:.=:.�?;,�` cost to Borrower of the mortgage insurauce proviQUSly ia effect, from an alternate mortgage insurer approved by I..ender. I
<br />:•` z�:�., � � substantially equivalent mortgage insurance coverage is not available,Borrower ahall pay to l.ender each month a sum equal to
<br />.,•:
<br />�. � oae•twelfth of the yearly mortgaga insurance pnmium being paid by Bonower whan the insuraaco coverage lapsed or to
<br />�': be in e.`:xt.Lender will acapt,use and retain these payments as a loss reserve ia lieu of mortgaga insurauce. Losa reserve
<br />-. Form 3028 B/90
<br /> . . hp�9 ot 6 INtIM�:
<br /> ' � �•BRINEI�as+s�.ox
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<br /> ____�...__. -__.61 �
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<br /> . piq.M 12/96
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