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�MNI�k . <br /> ,. ' - ��-. <br /> � . . v..�.t�1+l1?- . ' • ' ' ... '.�' , - <br /> .. . . .Mi: . . . . ' _ <br /> ...1f-L'r.'.:'_ <br /> � �v__,x� <br /> $�' ��"' 1a�'�.ri ���:::°- <br /> 17.1Ywnster ot the Pro rty or a Berteticlpl Interat!n Borrower. It ell or an f+part of thc T�roperty or any intereet in it <br /> is sold or transfcrnd(or if a b�eneficial interes[in Borrower ls sold or cransferced nnd Bonower le not a natural person) without �+`�" <br /> Lender's prior written consent, Lender may, at its option, requlre immedlate paymcnt in full of all sums sccurcd by ihis , ,r � <br /> Security lnstrument. However,this option ahall not be exerciaod by L.ender if exercisc i�prohtbitcd by fcdcral luw us of the date <br /> , of this Securfty Instrument. �-� <br /> If Lender exercisea thls optlon,Lender�hall give Borrower notire of acceleration. The notice shall provide a pertod of not �- = <br /> leu than 30 daye Crom the date the notice is delivered or mailed within which Boaower must puy all sums sccur�d by this _ti: <br /> Security Inattument. ItSorrower falla to pey theu eums prior to the espiration of this period,Lender may Invoke any cemodies .:,;;�::a;�:; <br /> ' permltted by thi�Securiry lnstrument without funher notice ur domand on Borrower. - .. <br /> 18. Borrower'�Ri ht to Relustata It Borrower meete certain conditions, Borrowor ahall havo the righe to l�AVe ,�,_��: <br /> .� enforcemeat of this Sx�ry Inatrument discontinued at nny tia�e prioc to the eurlier of: (a)S daya (or such other p�riod as •A,;�.-�-_ <br /> .�� applicable law may specity for rcinstatcment) before eula of the Property purauant to any power of sale contained in thia . ..wst_-_,- <br /> Secudry instn�ment; or(b)entry of a judgment enforcing thia Securiry instcument.Those candttions are that Bonower: (�)pays • •�'= <br /> *�^-�"�' Leader all suma which then would be due under this Securiry Insuument and the Note aa If no acceleration had occurred; (b) ,�,___ <br /> ;; cures any default of eay other covenants or agreementa; (c)pays ail expcases incurred in enforcing this Securiry Instrument, �.:�4 <br /> � lncluding,bi�t not limited to, reasoanblo attorn�ys' fees; and id)ts�kes auch action aa Lender may reaaonably requirc to usure ��,___� <br /> that the licn of this Securiry Instniment, Lendor's dghts in the Property and Borrower's obligation to pay�he sums secured by _M_ <br /> this Security Instrument shall continue unchanged. Upon reinstatem�nt by Bonower, [his Security lnstrument and the �.� <br /> '. obligations secured hereby sha11 remain fully etfectivo as if no acceleradon had occurred. However. thfs right to reinstate shall r=__ <br /> not apply in the case of acceleration under paragraph 17. <br /> +,� 19. Sale of Note; Change of LoAn Servlcer. The Note�r a partial interest in the Note (together with this Sceurlty <br /> i; Instnunent)may be sold onc or raon times without prior aotice to Borrower.A sale may result in a change in thc endty (known <br /> �� �, as We"Laaa Servicer')that collects monthly paymenta due undar the Note and thie Security Instnunent. Thera also�uay be one <br /> �, or more changea of the L.oan Sen+icer unnlated ta a sala of the Note.If then is a chenge of the Losn Servicer. Borrower wlll be � _ <br /> � givea written notice of the changa ia accordance with paragraph 14 above and applicable law.The uotice will state the name aud <br /> � address of the new Loan Scrvicer and the address to which payments should be made.The nodce will atso contain any other <br /> informatioa rcquired by applicablc law. <br /> Z0. Harr�rdou9 Substances. Borcower ahall not cause or permit thc presence, use, disposal, storage. or release of any <br /> Hazardous S'�ebstanca on or in the Property. Borrower shall not do, nor allow anyone else to do, anything affecting Wo <br /> '„1�,• Property that is in violation of any En ties of Ha7ard us Subs ances�that arcSecnerally rhecogni ed poYbe�appropriat cto normal <br /> storage on the Froperty of small quaat 8 <br /> � residential uaes and to matntenance of the Property. <br /> Borrower shall romptly givo Lender written notice of any investigatton, claim, demand, lawsuit or othcr action by any <br /> • grnemmcatal or regu�atory agency or private party involving che Property and any Hazardous Substance or Environmental Law <br /> of which Borrovier hu actual knowledga If Borrower learas,or is notificd by aay govemmental or regulatory authority, that <br />- any removal or other nmediation of any Hazerdous Stibstanee affeeting the Property is necessary,Borrower shall pmmpdy talce <br /> - _ �+���,y����g��p�����rri�cr_.yyith .F,.nvimnmental Law. <br />= ps uacd In thie paragraph 20, "Hazardous Substances" are those substances defined aa toxic or hsrzzurdaus substancxs by <br />' , . Eavimnmental G�w wd the following substances: gasoline, kemsene, other flammable ar toxic peuoleum products� toxic <br />- . ' , pesacides end herbicides.volarile solvents, ranteriala containing asbestos or formaldehyda,and rediosctive materials.As used in <br />'ti; : ; this paragraph 20. 'Eavlronmental Law" meaz�s federal laws and laws of the jurisdiction where the Property is located that <br /> ��-.:. - rclate to be�lth,safery ox cnvironmeatal protection. <br /> 3• �• � NON-UNIFURM�'OVENANTS.Borrower and Leader further covenwt and agree as follows: <br /> 't�,� 21.AccdetAtion; Ranedles.I.ender shntl give notice to Borrower prior to ucceletation[ollov►[ng BoRt�ower's breach <br />�y,vt ' ,. <br />_-;�_�N� , ot any covenant or pg�anent in thts Securtty Instrument (but not pr[or to accelerAtfon under paragrapb 17 unless <br /> . appUcable law provides otherwise). Tde notfce shall apec[t�: (s�)the default; (b) the action requtred to cure tt�e dcfault; <br />__�',:��'� (c)o date,aot les�than 30 days hom the d4te the notice Is givea to Borrower,by wbich the default must be curedi and <br /> (d)tlwt[allure to cure the default on or betore the date specitlal in the noticc may result in accdention of the cwns <br />-�' "����^ secured by thls Secudty L�atn�ment and sale of the Property. 'Phe aotice shall further inform Botrower oi th� d�ht to <br /> T_:��'„�es.�; <br /> '_,,�,,. rdmtate d�ter�xderation pad the dght W briug a rnurt�etlon to �ssert the non-existence o[s detault or any otha <br /> -f�,,�� . de[ense ot Borrowa'to accderatlon and aale.V the datault is not cured on or betore tl►e date apecifled in tho notice, <br />-=•'z7 � Lenda, at its opNon� may requfre immedlate payment in tuU oi all sums aecured by th�Securlty Instrumeat withaut <br /> -;w��,� <br /> s:.,�:�,r;_� lurtLer deuand aad may invoke the powa oi sale and pny other raaedie+permittai by applicable law.I,euder shaU be <br />=�a��,3, eatitled to mll�ct aA axpenses incurred ta pursuing the ranedies provided in thiv porkgraph 21,including,but not limited <br />_�;k.C.,, , to,reasonable attoroeya'[ees Rnd costs of title evidence. <br />=�::;��k,_�,�, It the powr.r ot sale i�tnvoked,Trustee shAll record a noNce ot detault in each county In w61ch�ny port of t6e <br />---- �• proputy t�loc�ted ond shal!mell coptes of such notice in the manner presccibed by xppUsable law to Borrowu wnd to <br /> ' �'�"` the otda person4 presedb�cl by applir�ble IAw.AtYer the time requtretl by applicable law,Tcustee sholl give publie noUce <br />-�'��+���'�"� of sale to the persona and in the msnner prescrtbed by appltcs�ble law.Trustee, without demond oa Aorrower, sh�ll sell <br />--"�:'�"1`"' the Prqpecty at pu6lic auMion W the highest bidder at the time and place and under the terms destgnated[n the notice ot <br /> �;�� sale in one or mare parcels and In eny ordcr Tnutee determines.Trustee may postpone sale o[nll or any pwrcel ot the <br />��':?"'"�`�� Property by pubUc onnouncaneat at the dme end place of any prev(ously scheduled sale. Lender or Its designee may <br />�=�`;'�.�;��_ purchasc tha Propaty at any sale. <br /> ..;s�,:A.,; <br />--- • . ;;^• _ <br /> - Fam 3028 9190 <br /> �-aRINE)��s+2i.oa P.c�s or e �nua�•: — <br />_ � �f�-__ <br />=z � �T�:i•� <br /> � Yt�l4l7._,. <br /> _ �� �,'�'v� <br /> � ?�` <br /> _ i . <br /> , 1 <br /> � � <br /> � <br /> �. ' � �02lf.Re I71% <br /> I <br /> -� I � <br /> 1 � <br /> -�-... .. . _ <br />