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<br /> �, TU(iBTHSR WITH�II the impr�vvcmants naw or here�Rer erected on the pmperty,and all casemenu,appurcenaaces,and ,�_.____
<br /> ,�.Tr.,.,--
<br /> fixtures now or hereafter a pnrt of thn pr�}x+rty. All replacement� and additiorta shall alsa be covered by thfs Securlty �,.;.,�,
<br /> . Instrument.Aq of the fongoing ia refanc+�d to in�hiN Securlty Inatcument as the"Property." . ,.��..,.
<br /> aORROWBR COVENANTS that Ban4wor is Inwtully seiaed of the cstate hcroby conveyed and has the rlght to grant and
<br /> convey the Property and that tha Pro�rty Is unoncum6ered, except for encumbranccs of record. Borrower warrancs and will , . _
<br /> defend generally the titlG to thn Aroparty against all claima and domands,subject to any encumbrxncea of record.
<br /> `I THIS SECURITY 1NSTRUM�NT combines uniform covenanta far nntlonal use and non-unifottn wvenan�s with liinited :.y.���_�,'.
<br /> variations by jurlsdiction to constin�te a unifnr�m Eecuricy lnatrum�nt covering rea!property.
<br /> _� UNIFORM COVENANTS. 8anrowor and Lnnd�sr covenant end agra as follows: � ;a.�r.�
<br /> �� 1. Payment oi Prlaeipal add Intetest; R'epRymert ond I.ate Chac'ges. Bonower shall promptly pay when due the •:'�.,:°
<br /> prinoipal of aad lnterest on tha dabt evidenced by the Note and any prepayment and late chazgcs due under thc Note. '�?�,.'-'=-M=
<br /> 2. F�nds[or Taxts tnd Le�ur�ace. SubJect to applfcablo law ar to a wdtten waivcr by l.ei�der, Borrowcr ahall pay to __
<br /> �' Lcader on the dny mantbly paymente are dua undor tha Note,until the Note in paid in full, a sum("Funds')for:(a)yearly ta�ces _ �
<br /> and assessments which may attnin prionity ovQr thiR Security Insmin►enc ag a lien on the Praperty;(b)yearly leasehold paymeata ,��-�__
<br /> �� � or gmund nnca on the Propertyt if any; (e)Yeurly hnzard or propenY insurance premiums� (d)Yearly ilood lnsurance premiwns, t �,�-_
<br /> if any; (4)yearly mortgage insuranca premluma,if any;and (�any sums payable by Borrower to uader, in accordana with �..,--
<br /> � the provisions of paragraph 8, !n linu of tha payment of martII�ge insurance premiums.These items are cnlled'Escrow Items."
<br /> �"'� L.ender may. at any� time, collnct and hald IFunds in an amount not to exceed the raaximum amoune a lender far a federally P
<br /> �; related mortgage lo�n may require for Rorrower's escrow account under the federal Real Estate Se�demeat Procedures Act of =_--
<br /> ., �1 1974 as amended fxom rime to tim�, 12 U.S.C.Section 2601 et seq. ("RESPA"),unless another law tYiat applies to the Funds
<br /> �.� seu a lesser antouut. �f so, Lcndar may,at anY time,collect nnd hold Funds in an amount not to eacad the lesser amounL T _
<br /> LendCr may estimute�he au►ount of FundF due on the basis of cuaeut data and reasonable estimatta of eupenditures of future
<br /> �� Escrow Iteu�s or o�e.,�wise in accordancc wlth applicable law.
<br /> The Funds sh�ll be held in an institution whose deposits aze insured by a federal agency,instmmentality, or entity
<br /> ' (including L.ender,if Lender is such an inatitutiou)or in any Federal Home Loan Bank.Lender shall apply the Funds to pay thc
<br /> Escrow items.I.ender may not charge Borrower for holding and applying the Funds,annually analyzing che escrow accouat,or
<br /> e
<br /> . � verIfying the Escrow Items,unless Lender paya IIoaower lnterest on the Funds and applicable law permiW Lender to maks such
<br /> ' a charge.However, Lender may require Bortower to pry a one-time chazge for an independent real estate ca�c reporting service
<br /> � usod by Lender in wnnxtion wlth thia loan, unless applicable law provides othenvise. Unless an agreement is raade or
<br /> . applicable law requires interest to be paid,L.ender shall nat be required to pay Borrower any lnterest or earnings oa the Funds.
<br /> Borrower and I.ender may agrce in writing. however,that interest shall be paid an the Funds. Lender shall glve to Borrowcr,
<br />- = wi'u`,�ut c6argc, a�:umua: °.^��'an'•i�o ^f th� Funda, showing cr�dits and debits to the Funds aad the pucpose for wh�ch eacb
<br />'.� debit to the Funds waa made.The Hlmds en pled�ed a�add3UOna1 sxurlty for all sums secured by t61s Security instrumeai.
<br /> ��'' ' � If the Funds held by 1.ender eaceed the amouats permitted to be held by applicable law,L.ender shall account to Borrower
<br />;'��'; ,r::i; for the excess Funds in aceordance witt►the rWuirements of applicable law.If We amount of the Funds held by Lender at u►y
<br /> `n;?.i�r,•�+r,:. � time!s not sufficleat to pay the Fscrow Itema whea duo, Leuder ma,y so notify Borrower in writiag,and,in such ca�e Borrower
<br /> y}:.�.:�w;+.. shall pay to Lender the amouae necessary to make up the deficiency. Borrower shall malce up the deficlency in no more tbaz►
<br />-_;�:;�~r`t, � twolve moathly paymenta,ac I.�nder's sole discretloa.
<br /> ��A"' Upon payment ia ibll of all sunos secund by this Secucity Insuument. Lender shall prompdy refuad to Borrower my
<br /> -�,i,�'.`••;�r�. .
<br />�,;,,;,;M�;°• Funds held by Lcader. If,under paragraph 21,Lender shall acqutre or sell tt►e Property, Lendcr,prior to the acquisition or e
<br /> '�= of the Propcccy. shall apply any Funds held by Lender at the time of acqui9ltion or sale as a credit egaiast the sums secured by
<br />=:�";.-�^ this Security Insm�mcnt.
<br />�,:.-:.•• ',;�
<br />-�r��ti: 3.Applicatlon oi Pwyments.Unleu applicable Inw provides otherwise,all payments received by Lender under paragraphs
<br />�.�.�� 1 and 2 shall be applied:first, to any prepayment chargca due under the Notc; second,to amouat�payable under paragraph 2�
<br /> 3;�:�:� tbird,to interest due;fourth,to prlacipal due;and last,to eny late charges due under the Note.
<br />���.;� 4.Charges;Liens.Borcower shall pay dl ta�cea,ass�ssments, charges, fines aud imposit�ons atuibutable to the Property
<br />=.Z:i�'Ty),:r�'
<br /> y.��,d"��,y�,., : which may attain prioriry ovor this Securlry Insttument,and leasehold paymenta or ground rents,if any. Bonower sh pay
<br /> 3J"'"�`��'�' � these obligations in the manner providod in paragrapb 2. or if not paid ia that manner.Bonower shall pay them on[ima directly
<br />�:;;;;���+� ��
<br /> �r,. , to the person�wod payment.Borrower shall prompdy fumish to Leader all notices of amounts ro be paid uader this paragrap •
<br />'+�.t;,y��. If Borrower makes thes�payments direcdy.Horrower ehall prompdy furnish to I.eader recetpts evidencing the paymentn.
<br /> —•-���;��;:; Boaower shall promptly diacharge any lien which ba�priority over this Securiry Instmment unless Borrower:(a)agrew in
<br />_��a�' writing to the payment of the obligation sxured by the liea in a raanner acceptable to Lender; (b)cantesta in good faith the lien
<br /> �.�
<br />�.-�-�•«�,� <i by, or defends against enforcement of the Ifen in, legal proceedinga whtch in the Lender's opinion operate to prevent e —
<br /> �, .»�s,�ti,.. .
<br /> -��,�.... enforctment of the lien;or(c)sxures from the holder of the lien an agrament satisfaccory to l.eader subordinating the lien to
<br />� - ��"" ' this Savdty Instniment. If Lender detetmines that any parc of the Property is subjcet to a lien which may attatn priorlry over -
<br />,�;���:,�, .,.
<br /> � ' �'�' thia Security Insuument,Lender may give BoROwer t notice identifying the lien. Borrower sball setisfy the lien or take one or _
<br />.i�.. ...
<br /> • • more of thc actions sct forth above within 10 days of the giving of notice. _
<br /> Form 3028 9I90 �-
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