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<br /> • ' ...,.a,n+� , ' . " . . . l�.i.!.-.
<br /> • EI;�
<br /> . �,
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<br /> � � HtHrc�ww nMy uute naGh r de1N��fl �nd rainet�te. en provlded In p�regnph 18. by causing the ection or proceedlnp to be �.�
<br /> "' ip�mu�cA wlth e ndkip IN�I,N� LwidK'e yoad I�ith detaminaQon, precludee totlNture ol the Bortower's Interest in the Propary or ,-,R!-
<br /> ,; nthM �IwMI Mn{�MMnwni nl Ih� Nnn crNiwl b/ IM� S�curlty insirumsnt or Lander'e securfty Intaes6 BoROwer ahall dso be i� cy,■�-
<br /> �����uM�� yuuowM. �puq�u ihN Irren�ppMcntlon prc�ceen, g�ve mat�rt�lfy Idee or In�ccunte In}ormetion or etatements to Lender(or ___
<br /> �hN�,�� ��� ������.i��„ �,y„�,� N�p� N��y i��H�e��H1 ydnrouUiqn) In cornecllon wilh Ihe lo�n evldenced by ihe Note. Includlny, but not ,
<br /> Iw��11nd In, r�y�ie�NnlMU�inn r•unce���mA �lm►�wNe occup�nay ol Ihe Properiy aa a princW�l resldence. If thls Secudty .
<br /> ��i��i��n���� �i ��n � �r�MM►udd �lnnower nhrl r.�,�nyiy wllh �N Ihe provinlona ot the Ihse. tl Borrower �cqulres lee title to the
<br /> 'r:
<br /> . 1 I'inpwly. liie I��rh�*1���d Ih� lee I�IIh nhNH nnl n��rpe ullleen l.ender �preee�o tho merqer In wrltinp.
<br /> � 7. wIOlMpllt»t t�l l�ndu• H�ph�� �n th� P�op��y. �� Borrower lells lo perfarm the covenante end�greements .
<br /> 1'11111MMIMi) hl Ihi� NM�.�uNy In�humM�t o► IhM� IS � IRQII �1►OGRIltNftO Ih�1 IT1�y efpnifiantly attect Lender'e dgMa In the PropeAy
<br /> � (nw h k�� n p��n nK�Mq�N� hMnti�upl�.y P���I'�le. fm cnndemnellan or fo�lMUue or lo enlorce lawe or roguiattons),then Lendor may �
<br /> . ,#S �tn �n�l ���y tnr whNl+�v�+ �. IIM.Me�ANIy IU {n„Ir.�l Ric vNun nl Ihn Propr+ty end Lender'e Ngh1a In the Property. Lender's acUons �
<br /> • ' i�My Nu MuM (�NyMip Mny emn� nRCU�MI by � I�i wh�ch h�n puorfly over lhle 3eeurity Instrument, eppearing u� court. peying ' _
<br /> �M�,,,�,+wM �wnnn�l�la Mllun�yy�' M«r �n�) e!�dn�Mq���n Ihe lhnp�xiy to nwkn rnp�iro. Aithough Lender msy teke actiun under thlu paregr�ph
<br /> J. (N�i�NN dur� nul I�MVe In�In nn .:
<br /> v���� Iu�y �muwda eMMUu�n+�l hY I M��M► under pu�{Naph 7 eh�U becoma addiUOnel debt ot Borrower eecured by thls Security Q !'-
<br /> � Innlnnnn�il IInIM�e H:�unWH sml I.in��M� Np�� ��� ����►M terme �I pAymenl, thnse amounte shell bear Interest Irom the date af
<br /> 1110I111(lIM11M11 111 IIIM N��1N I�IX MII�I NII�N(IN{I�ywl�ll.WI1M If11Mf1A1,upon notice Irom Lender to Borcower requeating pnyment � `;
<br /> �, Mp11Q� I��ur�a�� �� �-���w+ ���N�kpct mo�tpaao insurence ay 9 conditl�n of mnkhig tha Ioan secured by this .,_
<br /> !i�:u�Ny Innliun+�r:l iinnuwM MhN1 p�y IhN piMtN�im� rmp�ked lo m�inlaln lhe moripage InsurenCn In eHect. If, ta�ny re�ean,the w �-
<br /> ' ��'. muH{MUh Ni�uisn�K �•��rMr�ll" ��M�M��(�Y �•NIdM I��Itl�s O! CIl�riRH to be In eflecl, 6ortowsr shall puy the premiums requlred to ,
<br /> ublrNi cnvMM{pr nu1�+t�nll�lty niMi�v�l�nil tn Ihn mmlqnpe Inenrence prevlousiy In eHecl.at a coat sunatantiatly equlwlent to the f,�
<br /> ;' �; cunl to Hunnwn+ u1 Ihe nu��t{�npn Hinw�nce ��rnvlou�ly In Mfeat, Irom an dlemete mongago Inaurer �Pproved by Lender. II
<br />^ euqetadf�Ny MN�ro�k+d III�N1�{yh NI!lIIINIII:M IXIVM/Qe I;f I101 �VNIUbIE, Borrower shdl p�y to lend�w e�ch monlh s eum equal to �'.._�
<br /> � � ons twMllh ol thn y�xry nHH1pNy�M�+w�n�,�Ur��m beMip p�id by Borrower when Ihe Ineur�nce covenpa lapaed or ce�sed to =
<br /> ��� ��� ,�M;� ������ W� ��r���, une�n�1 iel�ln �he�e p�ymente �s • loas reaerve In Weu o1 mortqnge Insurence. Loss re�erve
<br /> " p�ymMile m�y no lunper I�s�w�NiwN1, �1 Ihe optlai a1 I.b�der. II mnngMqe InsurRnca coveraye(In lhe eraount and for tho pm1od ___
<br /> � � ih�t Lenti�►rng�k��) piuvNNn1 I�y Nn N�eurM ���ovad by Lendur wg�ln becom�s�vu'�ble �nd la obtalned. Borrower sh�ll pay
<br /> Ihn premlume �NKIMed ti� m�1MNNN� modpNQ�ina�u�nce N� etlect, or to provlde e lose roaarve. un1N the requlrement for mortgage _
<br /> Innurena�«�d�ki �r,ct��dnnce wMh Ntry w�fllei �prsemmil b�tweM�FJorrower md Lander or appllcable law. �_.�-
<br /> 0. Insp�etlon. I.N�dM nr Itn �Winl m�y m�M� rNROn�ble NitH�e upon and Intpectlona of the Property. Lender shell give i:_
<br /> Ba�row�r naUc��I Ihe tlme o1 or p�l�x In �n W�nper,llim spedlylnq rs�eon�hle ciuse tor the Inepection.
<br /> 10. C011dN1111t�t1011. ilin{NOr,xRrl�of �ny Nw�rd or cl�xn lor�m�qes, dl�ect or coneequentN�l, In connectlon wlth any ��--
<br /> oaidmxidinn or ntha InkN�u ol eny IMiI al 11►e Prapmty. or tor convey�nce In Ileu ol condemnatlon, �ro hereby aeniyned e�d �.--
<br />° ah�M be poW lo LendK
<br /> In Ih• want oi � told trNM�(� of thn f'topMty. Ihn proce�ds ah�ll be �ppNed to lhe eums securad by thls 8ecu►ity
<br /> Inetrum�nl, whMhM or not the�i �ki�, wHh �ny eRr.rnn nxld to Borrower. In Ihs event o1 s partl�l t�king o1 the Property In whlch _
<br /> • ' Ihd I�k rr�rkN vdu� 01 Iha IhopMty Imn��N�lalY ANl�ea iJ�n t�Mfnr� Is eq��el to or prelw than the �mount ot ihe aume secured
<br />� �r �h=� ��rn� !n_�,.��,� �..p.�.nr b�lu�r Ihr teNhin. unlKes porrower �nd Lender othsrwise egree In writing, the euma
<br /> aeound by Ililu SscurNy �n�UUm«il eh�M b�rnduced bY the emount ol lhe proceed�muNlpNed by the followinp inctlon: (q ti�s
<br /> i.W•' • ' tat�l�mount nf Ihn eum� ��cu��d knn»d1�1dy hNore Ihs t�kln�, dlvlded by (b) ths IUr ma►ket value of the Property Immedistely
<br /> 17""'�=- � beiars lt�n tnkhip, Any b�4nce ehdl I�e��kl to BanowM In Ihe event oi � p�rtlal takin4 01 lhe Property In whloh the falr market
<br /> �,....�„,
<br />���:'�:�`; velw o1 the PropMy k►xnW�t�Fy h�lae Ih�I�kN�q Ie Nbe Ih�n Ihs �mount ol the sums secured knmedl�tely beforo the uking,
<br />--•`;r-,'•''•�.� uM�u Bortow�r �nd I.�nda othuwu� �prN In wrNlnp m unlee� �ppNc�bN I�w olherwlse provldes, the proceeda ehaH be
<br />,_` !R;�• • applled to th�Rum�a�curM by Ihl��cudry Imlrumanl whNhn ur nol Ihe eume�re Ihen due.
<br /> -- - �.,
<br /> z._�.,s:"�: II the f�opaty le �bandunM by Bwrowa. a N, dl�x notic�by Lender to Bonow�► th�t the condemnor ottero to meke m
<br /> �� •� rw�rd or eMt1� ■ clrkn lor d+urrpr�, Bonowa I�IIe lo nspund to Lendar wlthln �0 d�ys �fter the date the notice Ia plven,
<br /> r•^�'�,:,"� Lendv le wthorized t� coNect �nd �{�1y Ih� �xocerdf. �I He optlon, ellher lo r�alaatlon or rspalr ol the Property or to the -
<br />-��:_L_=:�_'� suma secur�d by thlu Securty Inetnim�nl, whelhM or no1 Ih�n dw.
<br /> - --`�'�'?Q� Unlaa L�ndar �nd Bo�rowe othNwl�e aprN Ni w�11M��. �ny tppNcatlon o? proceafs to prk�clpd shaN not extand or
<br />�-"""
<br />