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<br /> TOOETHER WITH �Y the Improwm�nte now ar hereatler erected on thy property, and all easemenle, appurtenances, and _T_
<br /> � • tixturos now or herwfter� p�rt n1 the property. All rspl�cementa �nd additfnns shall aiso be covered by�hls Securiry Instrument. ��
<br /> u.�LL;
<br /> ' All of the toregoing la relered to In lhl�&�curlly Indrum�nt�e the'Property.` ;�,-
<br /> OORROWER COVENANTB ih�t Qortower le I�wtully ndied o1 lhe estate hereby conveyed end has ihe dght to grant and
<br /> . convey the Property and Ih�t tha Prap�rty le uneiicumbered, oxcept for encumbrances oi record. Bonower warrnnts end will
<br /> detend genernliy tha tltle lo the Prope�ty���Inet all cl�lmn �nd demends,eubJect to any oncumbmnces oi reoord.
<br /> ' THIS SECURITY IN9TfiUMENT combines umlom� coven�nta for natlonel uae and non-uniform covennnts with Ilmlted
<br /> varletlone by Judedlcllon to oonelltute�unilann eeourity Inetrument covedng real property.
<br /> UNIFQRM COVENANTS. Borrower aid l.ender coven�nl�ncf npree es foilows:
<br /> 1. P�ym�nt of Prinalq�l �nd Int�nst; Pr�p�ym�nt �nd l.�ts Charges. Borrower shaH pramptly pay when
<br /> due ihe princlpal 01 end interest on the debt evldenceA by ihe Note end eny prepayment and late charges due under the Note. �
<br /> � 2. Fund� for T�K�s wnd In�urana�. Sub�ect to appllcablo law or to a written wniver by Lender, Borrower shell pay �
<br /> �� to Lender on lhe dty manthly p�ymente �ro due under the Note, until ihe Note is paid In Tull,a sum ('Funds") for. (a) yearly _,,---
<br /> ��„4. taxes and asseasments which msy eqaln prtorlty over lhla Security Instrument as e Ilen on the Propeny; (b) yearly leasehold �
<br /> wti�w.,;,*, paymentrs or ground rente on the Property, II any; (c) yearly hazard or property Insurance premlums; (d)yea�ly ilood Insurance
<br /> , premiuma, II any: (e) yeady mortgage Inaurmce premluma, It eny; end (�nny sums payable by Borrower to Lender In accordance � �;..
<br /> ' ' with the provlslons of puagraph 8, In Ileu oi the payment of mortgage Insurance premiums. These Items are callod "Escrow �-F
<br /> ��- Items.' Lender mey, at any tlme, coliect �nd hold Funds In on amount not to exceed the maxlmum amount a lender for e
<br /> ,'`'�''"'� federally rolated mortgage loan may requlre (or Borrowrr'e escrow eccount under the Tederal Real Estato Seltlement Procedures
<br /> .. Acf ol 1874 as�mended Irom time to tlme, 12 U.9.C.�2801 et seq. ('RESPA'), unless another law lhet applles to ihe Funds �
<br /> � �' �`•i;: seis a leaeer amount. II so, Lender mey, �t eny time, collect end hold Funds in an amount not to exceed the lesser amount. w ,;; _
<br /> '�''��' ' �': Lender may estlmate the amount ot Funds due on the basla of cu�Te�t data end reasonable estlmates ol expendftures of tuture � -
<br /> Escrow Itoma or otherwlse In eccordance wlth appllcabie law. ��
<br /> . , ..•':�.;"�� The Funda shall be held In an Inetitutlon whose depoalta ere Inaured by a foderel agency,Instrumentality,or entity(Including -
<br /> �° Lender, 8 Lmder Is nuch an Institutlon) or In any Fedenl Home Loan Bank. Lender shali apply the Funds to pay the Escrow �°Y
<br /> ,,'it�_ '=
<br /> �::��: Items. Lender may not cha�pe Bortuwer for holding md apptying the Funds, ennualy analyzing the escrow account, or verilying _
<br /> the Escrow Items, unloaa Lender paya Bortnwer Intereat on the Funds and appllcable law pertntts lender tn make such a `
<br /> charge. However, Londer may requlre Borrower to p�y a one-time oherge tor an Independent real estate tax reporting servlce i
<br /> � used by Lender In aonnectlon with thla loan, unlese appllosble law providea othervvise. Unleas an agreement is made or �'`
<br /> � `,� '• appYcable law requlres Nterest to be pald, Lender eh�ll not be requlred to pay Borrower any Interest or earninc�s on ihe Funds. Y
<br /> ,,,''� � Bortower and Lender nwy agree In wdqnp, however, that Interast shall ba pald on the Funds. Lender shall give to BoROwer, �_
<br /> without cherge, an nnnwl accounting o1 the Funde, ehowing credits and debita to the Funds end the purpose tor which each
<br /> '�,j,:�-� debit ro the Funds was made. The Funda ue pl�dqed ss sddiqonel security for aA sums secured by the Security Instrument. ��=
<br /> • • �'•�� II the Funds held by Lender exceed the amounte permitted to be held by appllcable law, Lender shell account to Borrower
<br /> for the excess Funds In aacordanco with the requlrements of epplicable lew. It the emount ot the Funds held by Lender at any
<br /> "'! time Is not sutflcient to pay the Escrow lteme when due, Lender msy so notity Bortower In w�ting,and,In sueh case Bortower
<br /> ,�;:'� • shaq pay to Lender the amount neceaeary to mrke up tho deliclency. fiorrower shull make up the defklency in no moro than
<br /> tweNe monthly paymenta,at Lender'n note discretlon.
<br /> ' Upon payment In fuY of ail auma secured by thls Security Instiument, Lender sheli promptly re(und to Borrower any Funds
<br />' .�_ii_ - held by Lender. If,under peragnph 21, Lender ehell ecqulro or sell the Property, Lender, p�ior to tho acquisfllon or sale of the
<br /> ' .�`•�'°�°���,',�;., Praperty, shall apply nny Funda held by Lender�t the time of�equlsitlon or s�le as a cretlit egainst tne sums secured by ihis
<br />- Secudry Instrument.
<br /> , ���`: 3. Applieation of Paym�llb. Unless epplicable Iaw provlde� otherwl�e, all payments recelved by Lender under
<br />-`��'.'�`,_;:'?.:,�� 1'� pareQraphs 1 nnd 2 shd be applled: Nrst, to eny prepeyment cherpee due under the Note; second, toamounta payable under
<br /> ' �,:.,'::.:_' > paregreph 2; third,to inixest due;touRh,to princlpal due;�nd laet,to�ny I�te ohupes due under the Note.
<br /> �; 4. Cha►gel; LlOtls. 8nrtowa ahnll pey ell taxea, aaaessmenta, ch�rqea, flnes end Imposlllons ettrlbutable to the
<br /> "��:'�°: Property whlch msy nttaln prlorUy over thls Security Instrument, and le�aehold p�ymmte or ground renta,it eny. Bortower ahall
<br />'_',,;;j,_;�,�� pay these oblipations In the msnner provlded In paragreph 2, or If not p�ld In th�t manner, Dortower ehall pey lhem on tlme
<br /> direcUy to the person owed payment. Bonower shall promptly fumish to I.ender dl notices ot emounta to be pnid under thls
<br /> '��;;,,,;;,,� , paragraph. If Borrower makea these peyments directly, Bortower sh�il prompty fumish to Lender recelpts evidencing the
<br />_ ..�, ,�� payments.
<br />_ '^_.',:��;,,, Borrower shall prompty discharge eny Ilen which has pdority over thla Secudty Instrument unlass Borrower. (a)agrees In
<br /> _—�;},_, writing to the payment of the obllgatlon secured by the Ilen In a menner accepUble to Lenda; (b) contests In good fafth the
<br /> ..=ry�--_ ilen by, or defenda ageinst entorcement of the Ilen in, legal proceedings whlch In ihe Lender'a opinlan operete to prevent the
<br /> - enlorcement o(the Ilen;or (c) secures hom the holder of the Ilen an egreement ettistactory to Lender eulaordinating the Nen to
<br />—.. this Eecurky instrument.If Lender detertnlnes that any part oi the Property Is subJect to� Ilen which m�y atteln pdo�ity over thls
<br />- .L�,'1�. � Secudty Instrument, Lcsnder may glve Bortower a notice identflying the Ilen. Barrower shau satlafy the Ilen o�t�ke ona or moro of
<br />°�-"'��'i the ectlona set forih abovo within 10 dnya of the qiving of notice.
<br /> _-;i� �. •
<br /> s;�.,�;�, • 6. Huard o� Prqp�rty Insuraoce. Bortower shnll keep the Improvements now existing or hereaRer erected on the __
<br /> ;��j;;' Property Insured egainst loss by fire, hazards Includod within the term `extended covereqs' end eny other hazerds, Includtng
<br /> ° '"�_:�•;�� � iloods or ilooding,for which !ender requires Insurance. Thls Insurence sheli be malntelned In the emounts end for the pedods ._._
<br /> ;;,:::,•,•_�t.
<br /> �,.;,,•� ,�,; thet Lender requlres. Tha Insurance carrler provlding the Inaurence ehell be choaen by Borrcwer eubJect to Lender's appravai
<br /> whlch shell not be unreasonebiy wfthheid. It Bortower fella to malntdn covenps deacribed �bove,Lendct msy, at Lender's --
<br /> `�5, � optbn, obtain coverage to protect Lender's rights In the Property In accordance wllh panqr�ph 7.
<br /> ` �; All Insurence pollcles end renewals shall be acceptebie to Lender and eh�ll Include • atandard mo�tg�ge clatuse. Lender
<br /> :.'�,� r shep have the right to hold the policles and renewals. If Lender requlrea, Borrower ah�ll prompty give to Lender sll receipts of
<br /> -��� :;i"..�,`"�` pald premluma end renewal notices. In the event ot loss, Bortower ehell give prompt notice to the Insurmce carrler and Lender.
<br />-"'' �,� :�"� • Lender may make prooi of loss Ii not made promptiy by Borrower. _
<br /> •� . ' , , �i. Uniesa Lender and Borcower otherwise agree In writing. Insurence proceede ehall be epplled to re�toratlon or repair of the
<br />- :{ Property dameged,if the restoretion or repalr Is economically feaslble end Lender's securily le net lossened.If the restor3don or —
<br /> , �, repalr is not economlcelly teaslbie or Lender's secudty would be Iessened, the Ineurance proceeda shal be�pplled to the sums ��:
<br /> secured by this Secudty Instrument, whether or not then due, with eny exceso pNd to Bonower. II Bortower dbendons the =_
<br /> " .. Property, or does not en�wer wRhin 30 days e notice irom londer that the Insuronce c�rrler h�a oHered to serile a claim,then
<br />' Lender mey collect tho Insurance proceeds. Lender may use the proceeds to repatr or restore lhe Properly or to pay sums
<br /> ' � � secured by thls 3ecuriry Instrument,whether or not thon duo. Tho 30•day perlod wlll begln when ihe nollce Is glven.
<br /> • • Unless Lender and Bortower othervvlse agree In writing, any eppllcatlon oi ptoceeds to princpel ehall not extend or
<br /> poslpone tho due date of the monthly payments referred to In psregraphe 1 end 2 or chenpe the emount ot the paymontcs. It
<br /> �.. under paragraph 21 the Property Is acqulred by Lender. Borrower's rlght to eny Ineurance pollclaa nnd p�oceeds resulting irom
<br /> 1�yJ . damflge to the Properry prlor to the acquisitlon shall paes to Lender to the extent o1 the sume by thla Security In�tn�ment
<br /> f� � ' Immediately pdor to the acqulsition.
<br /> ------ ----k�� C Awnur��nnu D�acaninllnn Mnln�ananne ntl[� Pret�C��Ot1 of th� Pron�rtv: Borrow�rb L08fl ,''�-
<br /> _._.____._____.__..__,_i. �.• ��v..�..�.��1� � .���.���.�..� ...�...-��..�..__ _.._ _
<br /> ' ..:1 Applicatlon; Leaeeholds. Borrower shall occupy, establlsh, and uae lhe Property ea Brnrower'a�principal resldence wlthin
<br /> , { slxty days afler the executlon of thls Security Instrument and shail contlnue to occupy ihe PropoMy na Borrower'a principal
<br /> � resldence tor et least ane year after the date oi occupancy, unless Lender otherwlso egreos In wrlling,whlch consent shell not
<br /> ; be unreasonably withheld, or unless extenuating clrcumatences exlst whlch Aro beyond Borrower'e conlrol. Borrower shell not
<br /> � doslroy, damage or impalr the Properly, allow the Property to detertorato, or cornmlt waalo on 11ia F'roperty. Borrower shall be In
<br /> defeult H uny foNeiture actlon or proceeding, whether cIvII or crlminnl, Is bogun thet In Lender'o pood Inllh �udpment could result
<br /> In fortefture of the Property or otherwlse materially Impatr tho Ilen crontod by Ihis Sacwity In�Uument ar lender'a eocudry Interost.
<br /> � F1316.LMu(1/9� �'�0''T"� `' .j. .�
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