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. �r;` . . , .. ' ;_�`f c �'. <br /> .+i� � . . . � . . . 1..'.;t. .. <br /> � .. �- - ..aurt.:. - . . .. <br /> • 1,"' �, � f .. .. .;i+•r�ari�ia�M'�Y , �� r �;�.,_ <br /> ... ..� ..�.:re�ni�lR��... . " . . . _ ._.:�-'. <br /> '�y :t7�••__--,...'��r.-�—. <br /> � 17. Transt�r of thv Property or a Bmoflclal Interest in Borrower. ►t au or any pert ot the Prnperty or '� '�'u���*�==�, : <br /> . ,,.,�,, :, <br /> � • any Interest In It Is sold or tranaferted (or If a beneHclal Interest In Borrower lo sald or transierted and Borrower la not a natural "�''+�•�"�`�?'"` -; <br /> person) without Lender's pdor written conamt, Lender may,et Ita option, requlre Immedlate pttyment In tull of all aums secured by � ., .;�'f;�`.`.�'�,;�;��;-; <br /> lhls 5ecurity Instmment. However, this optlon shall not be exe�cisod by Lender il exercise Is pruhlblted by(ederel Iaw as ol the <br /> date ol thls Security Instrument. � <br /> II Lender exercisee tNs option. Lander shell glve Bortower notica ot acceteretlon. The notica shali provide a pedod oi not �; '' �'� <br /> lesa then 30 daya from the dete lhe natice ia delivered or maYad withfn whlch Bonower must pay all sums eecured by this . . ' _ <br /> Securtty Instrument. If Bortower ialls to pay these sums pdor to the oxplratlon of thls perlod. Lender may Invoke any remedies <br /> permifled by thls Security Instrument without}urther nolice ar demand on Bortower. : <br /> 18. 80�►OW�r's Right to Rolnstato. Ii Borrower meets corteln conditlons, Bortower shall have the right to hev� <br /> � enlo�cement ol lhis 5ecumy Insirument diswntinued al any timo prlor to the eadler ot: (a) 5 days (or such other perlod as .�. :• � _ <br /> appliceble law may specNy lor relnstatement) before sale of the Property pursuant to nny power of sele contained in this Security � , .,��yi r�' <br /> ,,:.....��' Instrument; or (b)entry of a judgment enforcing this Security instrument. Those conditlons are that 8onower: (a)pays Lender all .,' ,.�:,�.�;,.<r.�; <br /> � .' , �; .�i,y, <br /> sums which then wou'd be due wider this Secunty Instrument end the Note as if no acceleration had accurred; (b) cures any ;pu,.,s,�4,;� <br />- ; default o1 any other covenent or agrceemenls; (c) pays all expenses incuned in enlorcfng this Secudry Instrument. Including, but �.°�c;.'��'.�'s;;`'?!"""— <br /> not Ilmited to, reasonable attomeys'fees: and (d) takes such acNon as Lender may reasonably requlre to assure that the Ilen oi hi ::tl�'���%°-�'� <br /> n.�.a.J;— <br /> � tA(s Security Instrument, Lender's dghts in the Property and Borrower's obligatlon to pay the sums secured by thls S3curity �' %1�.:s==-�"' <br /> Instrument shall Continue unchanged. Upon relnstatement by Borrower, this 3ecurity InstrumeM and the obligetions secured �,tri��:'_ <br /> hereby shall remaln tully elfeetive as if no accelefation had occurted. However,this rlght to relnstate shaY not apply In the case � ?!a'!' <br /> of acceleration under paragraph 17. � <br /> •��.4�ti,, <br /> ;;�� :, .:=- <br /> 19. Sale of Note; Change of Loa� Serviaer. The Note or a a partial Interest In the Note (together wfth this 'r��'';`.•', <br /> Security Instrument) may be sold ona or more tlmes wlthout p�lor notice to Bortower. A sale may resuft In a chenge In the enUry . 'f'"•` <br />' (known as the'loan SeMeer')that collects monthly payments due under the Note and this Securtty Instrument. There also may W�<�.•-- <br /> be one or more changes of the Loan Servlcer unrelated to a sate of the Note. if there Is a change of the Loan Servlcer, _ <br /> Bonower will be given written notice of the change In accordance with paragraph 14 above and appiicable taw. The notice will --= <br />