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<br /> 5. Hazard or Praperty I�surnnce. Borrowcr shull kccp thc improvements naw cxlsting on c�rcafccr erected on thc
<br /> Property insured uguinst lass by fire. hnzards included within thc term "rxtended coverage" and any otlicr hniards, including
<br /> ftoods or flooding, for whir.h Lsnder requires insurance. This insurunce shAll be mnintained in ihe amounts und for the periods R
<br /> that l.ender requires. The insurance carrier providin�; the insurance shaU bc clio,en by Sorro�rcr subjert m l.ender's nppmval
<br /> which shall not be unrcasonnh�Y w�thhcld. If Hnrrower fails to maintAin caverugc describai abnve, I.r.nder may, at I.cnder's
<br /> option,obtuin coverage to protect Lender's rights in the Property in ac�ordunce with purogruph 1.
<br /> pIl insurancc palicies und renewals shull be acceptable to I.ender und shull include u stonct.►rd martguge clnuse. Le�xicr
<br /> shall have the right to hold thc pc�licics utxt rcncwuls. It'Lendcr reyuires,Borcowcr shull pmm{�ly givc to l.endcr idl reccipts af
<br /> paid premiums and renawal noticcs. In the cvcnt uf I��ss,&�rrowcr shail givc prompt nuticc tc� ih¢ insurunrc currier und I.cnder,
<br /> L.endcr may mukc prcx�f oi losti if n��t madc pmmpUy bY &�rrowcr.
<br /> Unless Lc�xler and &�rrower��thcrwitic ngrcc In writing, insur��nce pnxceds shull he upplird to reyt�mUiun ur rcpair of thc
<br /> Property dumugcd. iP Qic restarution ur rcpuir Iti ccon��mfcuHy fcusiblc nnd l.cndcr'+sccuri�y h n�t Ic�+rncd, If ihc restor�dion�►r
<br /> rcpair is nnt ccunomicully fciiriblc or l.ciKlcr'� +ecuriry would lx� Icsscncd,thc insuruncc pn+cml�ehull hc uppltcJ�o tlic hu�iig
<br /> xcured by this Security Inrtrument, whethcr ur n�►t then duc, with uny cxce++ puiJ tu lk�rrower. If [k�rr��wcr nbwxtons the
<br /> ProExrry. or d�KS rn�t unswcr witl�in 30 duys u noticc 1'r��m IAndcr thut thc Imurimcc curricr Iw�a►ffcr��l to ktUc u claim,thcn
<br /> l.ender muy cc�ltect tho insurance pr�xa�ls. I..eixler muy use the pr�x:eedh to repuir ur retiture the Properry or to pay sums
<br /> tiecured by this Securiry Instrument, whetl�er or not then due.The 30-duy pericxi will begin when tl�e notice i�given.
<br /> Unlcss L.cndcr and Borrawcr othcrwisc agrec in writing, any application ��f procccxlti i� principul shall nut cxtcnd or
<br /> pc�stprn•ie thc duc date of the manthly paymcnts referreJ to in puragrnphs I and 2 or chunse ihc am��unt of the paymcnts. lf
<br /> under paragraph 21 the Property is t�cquirecl by l.cnder,Borrower's right ta any insurance policies nnd proceeds resulting fram
<br /> dumuge ta thc Property prior to the acquisition shull pnss to Lcnder to the cxtent of the sums scared by this Security[nstrun.ent
<br /> immediately prior to the acquisition.
<br /> 6.Occupancy.Preservation, Maintenance and Protectton of the Property;Borrower's f.oan AppllcAtfon;Les�seholds.
<br /> Borrower shall occupy,establish,and use the Propeny as Borcower's principal residence withinsi xty duys after the execution of
<br /> this Security Instrument and shull continue to occupy the Property as Bonower's principal residenee for nt Ieast one year after
<br /> the date of occupuncy, unless Lender otherwise agrees in writing, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld, or unless
<br /> ex[enuuiing ciicums.ance: e•"•ist svhich nre heyond Borrower's control. BoROwer shall not destroy, damage or impair the
<br /> Property, allaw the Property to detetiorate,or commit waste on the Property. Borrower shail be in deCauii if wiy �f..iiur
<br /> action or proceedin8• whether civil or criminal,is begun that in l..ender's good faith judgmem could result in forfeiture of the
<br /> Propercy or athenvise materially impair the lien created by this Security Instrument or Lender's security interest. Bottower may
<br /> cure such a default and reinstate,as provided in pnrAgraph l8,by causing the action or proceeding to be dismissed with a ruling
<br /> that, in Lender's good fnith determination, precludes forfeiture of the Borrower's interest ia the Property or other material
<br /> impairment of the lien created by this Security Instrument or L.ender's security interest. Barower shall also be in default if
<br /> Borrower,during the loan applicution process, gave materially false or inaccurate informationor statements to L.ender(or failed
<br /> to provide Lender with sny material information)in conneciion with the loan evidenced by the IVote. including.but not limited
<br /> to, representatians concernin�Borrower's occupuncy of the Property as s principal residence.If this Security Instcument is on a
<br /> leasehold, Borrower shall comply with all the provisions of the lease. 14 Honower acquircs fee title to the Propercy, tha
<br /> leasehold and the fce title shnll not merge unless Lender agrees to the merger in writin�.
<br /> 7.Protection af I.ender's Rights In the Property.If Barrower fails ta perform the cove�ants and egreements contained in
<br /> this Security Instrument,or there is u Iegal proceeding that may sibniticantly affect Lender'srights in the Property (such as a
<br /> proceecling in bankruptcy, probnte, for condemnation or forfeiture or to enforce laws or regulationsj, then Lender may do and
<br /> pay for what�ver is necessary to protect the value of the Property and Lender's rights in t�e Property. Lender's action� may
<br /> include paying any sums secured by a lien which has priority over this Security Instrument, appearing in court, paying
<br /> reasonable attorneys' fees und entering on the Property to make repairs. Although Lcnder ma7 take action under thts paragraph
<br /> 7,Lender does not have to do so.
<br /> Any amounts disbursed by Lender under this paragruph 7 shalt become additional debt of Borrower secured by this
<br /> Security Instrument. Unless Borrower and Lender agree to other terms of payment, these amounts shall bear interest from the
<br /> dute of disbursement at the Notc mte und shaU be payable, with interest, upon noticc fram l.ender to Borrower requesting
<br /> payment.
<br /> S.Mortgase Insurance. If Lender required mortgage insurunce as a condition of malci�thc loan secured by this Secunry
<br /> Instn�ment, Borrower shall pay the premiums rcquired to maintain the mongage insurance in cffect. If, for any reason, the
<br /> mortg�ge insurance coverase required by Lcnder lapses or ceases to be in effect, Bonower shall pay the premiums required ta
<br /> obtain coverage substantinlly equivulent to the mortgage insurance previousl,y in effect,at amst substantiully eqt►ivalent to the
<br /> cost to Borrower of the mortsnge insurunce previously in effect, from un altema[e mort�age insurer approved by Lender, If
<br /> substantinlly equivulent mortguge insurance coverage is not available.Borcower shall pay to l.ender each montli a sum equal to
<br /> one•twclfth of the ycarly mortgage insurunce premium bcing paid by Borrower when the insurancc coverage lapsed or ceased to
<br /> be in effect. Lender will uccept, use und retain these payments as a loss reserve in lieu of mongage insurance. Loss reserve
<br /> - Form 3028 9190
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