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All of thc foregoing is referrcd to in this Sccuriry Instrument as the"Property." <br /> � HORROWER COVENANTS that Borrower is lawfully ccised of the estate hereby conveyed and has the right to grant and . <br /> ' convey the Property and that the Propeny is unencumbered, except for encumbrances of record. Borrower warrants and will <br />:-:'t;;.' �. defend generally the tide to the Propeny against all claims and demands, subject to any encumbrnnces of recard. <br /> THIS SECURITX INSTRUMEIVT cambines uniform covenants for national use �nd non-u�iform covenants with limitcd <br />=`—_: � variations by jurisdiction tc�canstitute a uniform securiry instrument covering maf praperty. - <br /> ' UNIFORM COVENANTS.Borrower and Lender covenant und agree as follu�vs: <br /> `'i::,�..<.;'a�, <br />;:,,;�}�I.,,ii_`�`,, 1. Payment of Principa� end Interest; Prep�yment and I,xte Cha���. Borrawer shaU promptly pay when due the _. <br /> • ., principal of and intcrest on the debt evidenced by thc Note and any prepayment and late charges duc undcr the Note. <br /> 2. Funds for Taxes and Insurance. Subject to upplicable luw or to �t written waiver by Lend�r, Borrower shall pay to <br /> • Lender on the day monthly payments are due under the Note,untit the Note is paid in full,a sum("Funds")Por:(a)yearly tuxes <br /> `� `"� und assessments which muy attain priority over this Security Instrument �.5 a lien on the Propeny; (b)yearly Ieusehc�ld payments <br />-".s:,''� ar gmund rents on tnc Praperty,if uny; (c)ycarly hu�.urd or property insuruncc premiums;ld)ycarly tlaxl insur,►ncc prcmiums. <br />:''•�' '� if uny; (c) ycurly mortgu�c insuruncc prcmiums, if uny; :uxl(t� uny sums puyublc by Bc�rrowcr to I.cndcr, in urcorduncc with <br />-_?�. l.,,:, <br />-:: ,,.. .; thc prnvisions ut'puragr.�ph 8, in licu oi'thc paynunt uf nturtgugc inyuruncc pr�n�iumi. Thc�c It��its�i�-c c.dled "Escrow Itcnys." - <br /> :';:�,��.�• l.endcr muy, ui uny timr. cullcct uixi hold Funds in un um�►unt no��n cxcccd thc muximum umount u IcnJrr f�tir u fcdcrully <br />- �• • rclutcd m�mgzigc loun miiy rcyuirc far f��rrawcr'�cscrnw nrcuunt undcr thc fcdcrul Rcul Estatc SctUcment Prcxcdurcr Act af <br /> _.,,��.�� 1974�iy i►nundcd 1'nnn timc to timc. 12 U.S.C. Scction 2(�OI et scq, ("RL�SPA"),unless unothcr law thnt upplics ta thc Funds <br /> ��"+' scts u Icsticr ��mount. If so, Lcndcr muy,ut any timc, rollcct .md hnld fundti in un umount not to cxcccd thc Icsscr umount. <br /> ^� � l.endcr muy cstimute thc umount of Fw�ds due on thc basis of currcnt dutu und reasonublc cstimutes of cxpcnditures of tuture <br />-'= c a , <br /> y,"t;';'.�;• Escrow Itcros or oth�rwisc in uccordance with upplicublc Inw. <br /> �;n,. '[he Funds shull be held in an institution whosc dcp��sits urc inxured by u fcdcral agency, instrumentnlity, or entity <br />�?;;Ki � (including Lender,if Lender is such un institu►ion)or in any Federal Home Loan Bank. Lender shall apply the Funds to pay the <br /> -�r� '^• Bscrow Items.L.ender may not charge Bnrrower for halding and applying the Funds,unnuaUy analyzing the escrow account,or <br />��`i`� ve:ifytng the Escrow Items, unless Lender puys Borrower interest on the Funds and applicable Inw permits Lender to make such <br /> v��� u i:rittibc. H��wd�ci. Z.cin�ci fiitij%Pcaill►i:Giii iui�%ci 10�3d)% d Oii2'tliiic t�irlCb2 ivT u�iTiu��1i:83CAt iC:d��SiBIC tdi. TC�',Gliili3b'oCii'l.'� <br /> :_��� used by I.cnder in connection with this loan, unlcss applicable law provides otherwise. Unless an ugreement is made or <br />__--���•:.• applicable law requites interest to be paid, Lender shall nat be required to pay Borcower any interest or earnings on the Funds. <br /> --�:;��' Borrower and Lender may agree in writing. however,that interest shall be paid an the Funds. L.ender shall give ta Borrower, <br /> ^�"�= without charge, un annual accounting of the Funds, showing credits and debits to the Funds and th� purpose for which each <br />___,�"���� debit to the Funds was made.The Funds are pledged as additional securiry for all sums secured by this Security Instrument. <br /> =_ � [f the Funds held by I..ender exceed the amounts permitted to be held by applicuble law, Lender shall account ta Borrower <br /> - -- for the excess Funds in accordance with the rcquirements of applicable law. If the nmount of the Funds held by Lender at uny <br /> ---- , time is not sufiieient to pay the Escrow Items when due, Lender may so notify Horrower in writins,und,in such case Bon�o�ver <br /> = <br />