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<br /> _ ��ti� n. ' _-
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<br /> .r�--
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<br /> . ,_....�.�i,�_
<br /> Bortcwer may cure such e dotault and reinstate,as pro�ided In paragraph 18, by causing the actlon or proceeding to be ,r,_'_.��
<br /> ,.,.*.•.:•-:v-=-
<br /> dismissed wfth a ruling thet.In tender's good lafth determinatlon,precludes IoAeilure of the Bortower's Interest In the Property or T _��, V!
<br /> other mpterlal Impelrment o1 the Ilen creAtad by thla Security Instrumenl or Lender's securiry interest. Bortower shall elso be !n ., �; z; � �ry
<br /> eve material lalso or Inaccurate Infarmatlon or s�etemonts to Lender(or , :�*�;�:.
<br /> dnfaull II 8orrower, dudnp the loan epplicatlon process, g N � ufW •�
<br /> lo�led lo pravida Lendor with any matvrlal Informallon) In eonnecllon with the Ioan avidenced by ihe Nole. Inciudinq. but not
<br /> i Ilmlted to, representatlons concemtng Borcower's occupancy ot the Property os u pnncipul residence. II this Security
<br /> I I��strvment Is on e leasehold, Bortower shall compty wilh all the pro�islons o1 the leaso. N Borrower ncqulres tee title to the
<br /> Pioperty. Ihe leasehold and Ihe tee title shall noi merge unless Lend�'f Boeower tlallsm to peAormtthe covenants end agrcementsV
<br /> 7. Prot�ction of Lendor's Rl�hte in the Property �
<br /> contelned In thls Securlly Instrument, or there Is e legel proceeding that may significantly nflect Lender's nghis in ihe Property' �
<br /> I (such as a proceedin fl In benkrupiq. probata, for condemnetian or torlelturand Lenderosce Ih Ssl o i�e9P(oPertv tLendersdact ony •
<br /> � : do and pRy lor whelever is necossary te protect iho vnluo ol the Properly 9 earin in court. payfn� . `-•
<br /> ' may Include payfnp any sums secured by e lien which has pdorfty over this Security Instrument, app 9 Lr�4iI.':::
<br /> ,,,,,,.,.�' �� reasonable ettomeys' fees and entering on the Property to make repalrs. Although Lender may take ectlon under thls paragreP� r:, _
<br /> •Nk . 7.Lender does nnt have to do so. ._-ti�•�,_•-�-
<br /> � Any amounta dishursed by Lender under peregraph 7 shall become additional debt af Borrower secured by this Securit}� rr.:}�_
<br /> Instrumenl. Unless 8orrower and Lender agree to other terms ot payment, these amounts shall bear IMerest irom the date f�i �':.•,•,kG.-._
<br /> disbursement al tha Note rete and shall be payeble,wilh interest,upon notice lrom Lender to Borrower requesting payment. , �•• ;�_�
<br /> 8. Mortgage Insur�na�. 1f Lender requlred mortgac�e Insurance as e conditlon oi making the loen secured by this � }5;=-:�_
<br /> � Secudry Instrument, Borrower shall pay the premlums required ta mainteln the mortgage Insuranca In ef(ect.It, for eny reason, the .��r���-
<br /> � �� ma�tgege Insurance covefage required by Lender lepses or ceases to be in ettect. Borrower shail pay the promlums requlred to .:;+-�
<br /> obtaln coverage substentlaly equNelent to tlie mortgage insurance prevlously In eflect, at a cost substantlally equNalent to the ;.s�A�.j.
<br /> cost to Borrower of the mortgage fnsurence previousty In eftect, irom an alternate martgage insurer approvod by Lender. If ,"�-
<br /> substantlalry equlvelent moAgage Insurance coverege Is not avaflable, Borrower shall pay to Lender each month a sum equal to ;, _„_
<br /> • one-tw�lfth of the yearly mortgage insurance premium boing paid by Bortower when the Insurance coverage lepaed or ceased to
<br /> �Vr=--
<br /> �,.�YZ� :
<br /> be in eHect. Lender will accept,use end retain these payments as a loss reserve In Ileu ot mortgage Insurance. Loss reserve ��
<br /> payment� may no lonfler be required, at the optlon ot Lender, il mortgaqe Insumncu coversge (In the amount and for the period �.7.��
<br /> ; Ihat Lender requlres) provlded by en Insurer apptoved by Lender agatn bncomes avaflable end (a obtained. Borrower shall pfly ff,,,,
<br /> 1:;:�_
<br /> �..�:
<br /> ' the premlums requlred to meintaln mortgage Insurence In eflect, or to provlde a loss reserve, unlll the requlrement tor mo gage . -
<br /> insurence ends In accordance wilh any wdlten agreement belween Bortower and Lender or applicable law. �,.=,,.f��
<br /> � ;'� 9. Inap�Ct1011.Lender or its agent may meke reasonable entries upon and inspectlons ot ihe Property Lender shall give �=--
<br /> Borrower notice at the time of or p�for to an Inspectlon specilying reaeanable ceuse for the Inspectlon. �
<br /> 10. Condsmnation. The proceeds oi any award or claim for damages, direct or consequential,in connectlon with any �_
<br /> � condemnation or othor taking of eny pert oi the Pr�perry, or for conveyance in Ileu of condemnation, ere hereby assfgned and �^ry_'
<br /> shall be pald to Lender. Iied to the sums secured by this 3ecurity �;�;..-
<br /> • In the event ot a totd taking of the Property, iho proceeds shell be app _
<br /> Instrument,whether or not then due, with any excess paid to BoROwer. In the event of a partlal taking of the Property in whfch
<br /> � the lalr market value of the Proper►y Immedlately betore the taking Is equel to or greater than the amount of the sums secured
<br /> '•--� _=_=° - Gy ih�s r..^cu:tl; ��19.f111T1Q[!t �!TlI�Pf�IY18IV before the teking, unless Bortower and Lender otherwiso agree•In writing, the/q'mp
<br />� � lotel rem unt hot he sums securredtimmeldiately belo e the taking, divlded by (b)the fairumark t vaiue of the P operty�Immedlately
<br /> � _ before the taking.Any belance shell be pald to Borrower. In the event of a parttal taking of tho Properiy In which the tslr market
<br /> � � value of tha Property immedlately betora the takkig is less then the amount of the sums secured immetliately before the taking,
<br /> s, unlesa Barrower and Lender otherwfae agree In w►iling or unless appllcable law otherwlse provid2s, the proceeds shall be
<br />�? applled to the sums secured by lhls Secudty lnstmment whether or not the sums ere ihen due.
<br />:,;'�, �` � ,� It the Property is abendoned by Dorrower, or if, after notice by Lender to Borrower that the condemnor oNers to meke an
<br /> •� ' `•- award or settte e claim for ciamayey, Iiorrawu tatls ro respoesd to Lender wNhin �n days after the dete the notice Is glven,
<br />�yl. . .
<br /> Lender Is authorized to conect and appt�r the proceeds, at ks optlon, either to restoratlon or repalr ot the Properly ar to the
<br /> . � � , ,� sums securad by thls SeCUrRy Instrument,whether or not then due.
<br />`��.,.. ;,,, Unloss Lender end Borrower otherwisa agree in wdting, sny applicatlon of proceeds to pdnGpal shell not extmd or
<br /> Y_��• : �,, postpone the due date of the monthy payments referted to In paragrephs 1 and 2 ur change the emounl of such payments.
<br /> - �" 11. Borrowsr Not R�I�as�d; Forbsar�nce By Lend�� Not a Waiver.Extenslon o�the time tor paymont or
<br /> � � :� �:' -
<br /> ^.„� :�� moditicatlon of emortizatlon of the sums secured by thls Security Instrument granted by Lender to eny succossor in Interest o
<br /> ;,ti,,,�{ Bortower shall not operato to release the Iiabllity of the origlnal Bortower or Bortower's succesaors In interast. Lender shell not
<br /> °P•.,`', '. ' be required to commence proceedings egalnst any successor In Interest or refuse to extend time tar payment or otherwise
<br /> - • modNy amortizatlon of the sums secured by thls Securiry Instrument by reason o1 any demand made by the orfgfnni Bortower or
<br />--�..� --•• . Bortower's successors In Interest. Any forbearence by Lender In exerclsing any dght or remedy sheN �ot be e walver oi or
<br /> -- " •., preclude the exercise ot any�ight or remedy. Jolnt and Sevoral L(abillty; Co-signera. The covenents end
<br />` `�'� � 12. Sucoessora and Assigna Bound; --���–
<br />