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'?, . <br /> n��Y;i <br /> w� -..-... � . <br /> .. '�df.. ,.. . _ if <br /> i'�� . �'. `-� . <br /> . � . .. .,r�•�M• <br /> i 17. Tr�nN�r ot th� Property or a B�n�ficlal Int�rpat In Borrowor. it all or any part ot ine Proporty or , +,,,_,�,;;;�;��- <br /> I an Interost In It Is sold or tranalwred (or il e beneOclai Inlerest In Borrower is sold or trunsterred and Borrower Is not e n�tural ' ^��'M"'�'�"�"`'�� <br /> y •t-?.',•d�; �+x;;;` <br /> iporaon)without lender's prlor writton conseM, Lender may,at Its optlon, requlre ImmediAte peyment In full of ull sums secured by .r . .;, <br /> � Ihls Security Inslmment. Howevor, thls optlon sh�ll not bo exerclsed by Lender H exe�cise fs prohibitod by Iederel law as of the i�i;.; <br /> ' dalo at lhfs Becudly Inatrutnent. ' _ <br /> , tl Lende excrcises thls option, Lender shall grve Borrower notice of acceleration. Tho n�tice shuli provide a period o! not , <br /> loss Ihan 30 deys lrom Iha date the notice Is dolivered or mefled within whfch Borrower musl pAy all sums socured by this� - <br /> 3ecurily Inaln�ment. Ii Borrower fells to pay iht�se oums prlor to thu expiratian o1 thls period. Lender may invoko any remedles.� <br /> �I permittod by Ihts Security Instrument wfihoul lurther notica or demand on Bortower. ' <br /> , � 1 B. BOtfOWar's Rlght to R�1�lt�t�. If Borrower meets certain conditions, Borrower shall have the right lo have .;. <br /> enforCement o} Ihls Socurlty Instrumr,nt discontlnued at any time prlar to tho earlier ol: (a) 5 days (or such other period ae� �'�';- <br /> eppticable lew mey spacify for roinatatemanq belore sele oi Ihe Property pursuant lo any pov�er ol salo contninod In this Securiry =_ <br /> Inatrument: or (b)entry ot a �udgment entorcing lhls Security Instrument. Those candillona are ihat Borrower: (a) pays Lender a _ <br /> , ....-a' sums which lhen would be duo ur�de►ihis Security Irstrument and the Note es It no acceleration had occurted; (b) cures an� . _ <br /> .� dNault of eny other covenant or aflrewneNe: (c) pays ell expenses incurred in enforctng lhls Securiry Instrument. Inciuding, bu ,, � <br /> not Iimiled to, raesonable attomeys'fees; and (d)takes such actton as Lender may reasonably requlre to essure that the lien oQ d!�•;4.._� . <br /> thls Security Instrument, Lender'a rights In lhe Properly end Bortower's obligation to pay the sums secured by this Securlly <br /> Instrument shail contlnue unchanged. Upon reinstatement by Borrower, this Security Instrument end the obligatlona secured • ��� <br /> hereby shall remeln tuuy eflective ae it no ecceleretion had occurred. HoH•ever,thls rlght to relnstato shall not eppty in the case �,.:,,�,;' -- - <br /> ' .i��;:�- <br /> ot accderatlon under parngraph 17. ''-"" <br /> 19. Sal• of Note; Change of Loan Servtcer. Tne No►u or a a partlal interest In tho tvo�e (together with thls ��"�f:--- <br /> Security Inslrument) may be sold one or more times without prior notice to Bortower.A sale mey resull in a change In the entity ; ';:�;`--- <br /> (known as ihe 'Loan Servicer`)that collects monthly payments due under the Note and this Security Instrument. There also may ' ,'a,¢;;;� <br /> be one or more changes of the Loan Servlcer unreleted to e sale of the Note. H there is e change ot the Loun Servicer, '•='ij9r�' <br /> c..:�s . <br /> Borrower wi0 be gtven wrltten notice of the change in accordance with paragraph t4 above and eppAcablo law. The notice will -_:-- <br /> st�to the name and address of the new Loen Servicer and the eddress to which payments should be made. The notico wiil also �{;;,._ - <br /> : contein any other Infomiation required by appticable law. "1° <br /> �.«__='�- <br /> 20. Hazardous Substanees. Borrower shall not cause or pertnit the presence, use,disposal, storage, or release ot �,�� <br /> � eny Hezardous Substences on or In the Properly. Borrower shall not do, nor allow anyone else to do, anything attecling the �-�-• <br /> Property th�t is N violation oi any Environmental Law. The preceding tivo sentences sheli not apply to the presence, use, or <br /> storage on Ihe Property of small quantities of Hazerdous Substances ihpt are generally recognized to bo approprinte to normal �,-- <br /> residential uses end to maintenanoe of the Property. _ <br /> 8orrawer shali promptly grve Lender wririen notice of any Investigatlon, cialm, demand. Iawsuit or other action by any <br /> Y govemmentol or regulatory agency or prlvale party involving the Property and any Hezardous Substance or Environmentnl Law of <br /> whloh 9ortower has actuai knowledge. if Bortower leams, or is notifled by any govemmental or regulatory authority, that any <br /> removal or other remediation of any Hazerdous Substance aftecting Property Is necessary, Borrower shall prompty take eli - <br /> � necessary remedai actions In eccordance witFe Envlranmental Law. <br /> Aa usM In ihis peregraph 20, 'Hazardous Subatences' aro thooe substt�nces defined as toxla or hezardous substances by __ <br /> Environment�l lxw and the following substances: gasollne, kerosene, other flammable or toxic potroleum products. toxlc <br /> pesticides end herblcldos,volatlle soNents,meterfals contalning asbestos or tormaldehyde,and redioactive materinls. As used In <br /> peragreph 20. 'Environmental Law' means lederal laws end laws of the Jurisdictlon where the Property is looated that relate to <br /> heakh,safery or envkonmentai protectlon. <br /> NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS.Borcower and Lender furiher covenant and agree es tollaws: <br /> � 2t. Acccl6r:tlan; Reasesclles. l�ene!er shall c�ive notice to Borrower prior to acc�l�ration <br /> • tollowing Borrower's breach of �ny covenant or agreeme�t in this Security Instrument (but nut , <br /> prior to �ccder�tlon undsr paragraph 17 unlass appllcablo law providoa oth�nnico). Th� natics <br /> ., ehall sp�ciiy: (a) th� default; (b)tho actlon requlred to cu►e the dofault; (o) a d�te, not I�ss ttun <br /> • • 30 d�ys irom th� dat� th� notic� is glvan to Borrowor, by whlch th� dafault must b� cured; and <br /> � " {-"� (d) that failure to cure th� daf�ult on or b�fore tha date spec(fied in ths notics �nay rosuR in <br /> ;; r acc�l�ratlon of th� sums s�cured by this S�curtty In�trument �nd sale of tho Prop�rty.The notico <br /> ' '�:'.�r shali further intorm Borrowsr of tha right to reinstats after acc�l�ratian and the �ight to br➢ng a <br /> " �'� cou�t s�ction to aseort th� non-sxistRnc� of s default or any other defense of eorrow�r to <br /> � accdoratlon and sals. If tha dehuk Is not cured on or betore the dato spociflod In thn notice, <br />'"� L�nd�r �t ke optlon may require immedlato payment in fuli of all sums escured by this Seourity =: <br /> Instrument without further dsrm�nd and may i�voke the power of sale and any other remedies � - <br /> �=�,,:;, .. : parmittod by applicablo law. Lend�er ahall be entitled to collect all expensqs incurred in pursuing - <br />_":""-';;.` th� r�m�dlu provid�d in this pArag►aph 21, Including, but not Ilmited to, rsasonable �ttomoys' � <br />��:�•�:�. faea and coat6 M titl� evldonr.e. �'��-� <br /> �, If tho power of sala Is Indoked, TrusYee afiall record a notice of de�fault In each county in __ _ <br /> which any part of tho Prop�rty Is located and shall mall coplos of such notica In tho manner .� � _ <br /> � preacrib�d by �pplic�ble law to Borrower and to the oiher peraons proscribad by applicable law. `M— ____, <br /> Attar th�tim� requlred by applicabto law. Trustee shaN give public notice of sale to the persons :z����Y <br /> � �nd In th� mann�r prescribad by applicable law. Trusteo. without demand on Borrower, ehali sell - - -�_- - <br /> the Property at public auction to ths h�ghest bidder a4 the time and place and under tha torms RF�``._- <br /> � d�signat�d in th� notiae of sale in one o� more parcels and In any order Trustee dete�mines. ' �`;a�.��+.�+a:r: <br /> ' Trustss rreay postpone sale of all or any parcel of thd Property by publlc announcament at the •''�`'�°�`` <br /> .....,�.�,-- <br /> � � time and lac� of an reviousl sch�dul�d eale. l.ender or its desi nas ma urohsse the • '�?^•"- <br /> P Y P Y 9 Y P ti .`r. • r�..a,. <br /> , Propsrty at�ny salo. '`�,��i:', <br /> Upon �ecsfpt of paym�nt of ths price bid, Trustee shall deilvor to the purch�ser Trustee's � , „_. <br /> ' j de�d conv�ying th� Prop�rty. The recitals in th� 7rustee's desd shall be prima facie evidenee of .. <br /> � thw truth of th� statemsnts made thereln. Trustoe shall apply the p�oceeds of the sale In the <br /> � — following order. (�) to all cost� end expenses of exercising the powsr ot a�ie, end ine saie, <br /> Inaluding th� payment of the T�ustee's fees actually incu�red, not to excead th�ee <br />- °Yo of the principal amount of the <br />_ nots at the tlme of the declaration of default, and reasonable attorney's fees as permitted by law; <br /> (b) to all sums secured by this Security Instrument; and (c) any excess to the person or persons <br /> legally entttled to it. <br /> � i �,�,,.i�a,;,,..� �.�„ a .�.. �_ �, , <br /> . � <br /> � <br /> � � <br /> � V7114 i <br /> -� I <br /> � <br />