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• �T��}y <br /> 'Y111F . <br /> �� ]l� <br /> •'. � ! .. . .. . ��. . . '��'Wi' � '� �t• . . <br /> l•. <br /> . • ' 1.d— <br /> TQCiETHER WITH all the Improvements now or hereafter erected an the praperiy. and all easements, appurtenencea, end ��u;'.-��-'�� <br /> ilxtures now or hereerier e psA of the property.All repiacements snd edditlons shall also 6e cov�rad by this Secudty Inatrument. �,.�: .�k:±F_ <br /> Ali ol the loregoing Is relerted to fn lhls Securily Inatrument es the 'Property." ' <br /> BORROWER CQVENANTS that Borrower Is Iewluity aelzsd o1 the estate hereby comeye,d nnd hps the riqhl to gra�tit and t'•,� <br /> c�nvoy tho Property snd that the Property is unencumbered, except for encumbren�es ot rocord. 8orrawer wnrrants and wdl <br /> defend generaly the title to the Property againal all clalms and demands, sub�ect to any of rncord. <br /> THIS SECURITY INSTRUMENT combines unllorm co�enAnts lor national use and nan•unitorm covvnanis wilh Iimitod� <br /> variatlons by jurlsdictlon to conatHute e unllorm security Inatnunent cov�rinp real property .� <br /> UNIFORM COVENANTS. 9orrower end Lender covenxnt end n4ree ns foYows� <br /> 1, p�ym�nt ot Principal and Int�r�st; Pr�paymsnt and Utw Char�es. Elotmwor shNll promptiy pny whon� � . <br /> due tho pdncipal ol and Imeresl on the debt evidenced by lhe Noto And eny prapaymt��t nnd latc+chnrpes du� under►he Note. � ._, <br /> 2. Funda ter Tax�s and Insuraace. sua�ect�o applicablo iaw or tc�ri wp1►tctn wa�vnr by I.EK�dY*•Borrower shell pey <br /> to Lender on the day monthty payments ere due undar the Note, until lha Natc+ �s pa�d �n AiY. a sum ("Fw�ds')lor. (a) ye��y � .. _ <br /> taxes and assessments whlch mey attaln pdority ovor thls Secwiry InsUUment ea a Ile� on the PrApe►ty. (b) yearty leasehold � ,. 1 ,q- <br /> ,ti,b+�^�" ea hazerd a�property Innurnnce prnm4im4: (d) y y ������ <br /> earl Aood Inaurance .�: <br /> � payments or ground rents on the Property, il eny: (c:i y �Y �'�;��'._: <br /> premlums,il any; (e) year ry mo rtga g e I n s u r a n c e p r e m l u m s,i f a n y: a n d (�en y sums pa yr.blo by snrrnh�e+ ta l.ender In accordance _Y� <br /> with the provislons of paregraph B, In �eu ol tho pAyment of martgage insurnnre pn3mlums. These ftt+ms arfl called "Escrow Q � ,t.�;,;� <br /> Items." Lender may. at eny Ilme, collect and hold �unds in an emount nnt ta exceed thn maxlmum amPUnl o lender lor a <br /> ' tederally related martgage loan may requtre tor Bortownr's escrow accvunt undc�r lhe federal Real Estett+ SetUament Procedures '�,�f:�'`_� <br /> Aat oi 1A74 as amended from time to tima, 12 U.S.C.�2601 0l snq. ("A[SPA"�, unlass anather Iew tht�t epplies to the Funds .� __ <br /> spta p 6�sser amounl. 14 so, Lendar mey. at any tlme. aollect and h�ld Funds In nn amaunt nat ta exceed the lesser amount. ,�;=_ <br /> Lsndcx mey estimate the amount ot Funds duo on Iha besis of curraM datA and reasont+ble estlmates oi expendltures of tuture <br /> Escrow Ilums or otherwise In accardanGe with appUcable law. `-� <br /> The Funds shAll Ge held in an Institution whacn deposits nre msured by e fadcaral agency inslrumt�tH!�y. or enUty(including •'�Z�a. <br /> Lender, it Lender is such an institutfon)or in any Federal Home Loan Bank. Lendc+r sh�ll epply th�Funda ta pay the Escrow _�rT__ <br /> Items. Lender may not charge Bortower lor holdin�and applying the Funds,annunly enaty,ting thn escrow account, or verilying �_____ <br /> tha Escrow Items, unlesa Lender pays Bortower Interest on lhn Funds and applicabl� It,w pnrm!ts Lender to make such a � <br /> .��. charge. However. Londer mny requke Bonower to pay a one�tlme chargc+ for an independent reMl estate tax reponing service ``_' _ <br /> used by Lender In connection with thls loan, unless appUcable Isw pravMns othonv{sa. Unless an agreemenl is made or —__ _ <br /> • applicable law requfrns interest to be pald. Lender shall not be requfred to pay BoRrnner any intcirest ar eamings on the Funds. <br /> „� Bortower and Lender mey agree in writing, however, that intorest sha0 ba paid on lhn Funds. Lender shbN gNe to Borrower, —_ <br /> '� wlthaui charge, an annual accounting oi the Funds, shawing crndita and debita ta thn Funds a�d the purpose for which eaah <br /> dchlt ta tha Funds was mad9. Tha Funds nre pledged es adddlanAl security for ell sums aecurod by the Securiry Instrument. <br /> � ''•� H the Funds held by Lender exceed the amounts perm?ttnd to be held by epplicable law, Londer shall eccount ta Bortawor _ <br /> �� tor ihe excess Funds In accordance with tho requkements of eppliceble law. If the emount oi the Funds hHd by Lender at any <br /> time Is not su�clent to pay the Escrow Items whon due, Lender may so nolHy Bortower in writing,and. In such case Borrower — <br /> shall pay to Lender the amount necessery to mak3 up the deticiency. Bortower shau make up the deflcimcy in no more than — <br /> tweNe monthty payments,at Lender's sole dlscration. <br /> Upon payment In tuu ot ell sums secured by this Security InsTrument. Lender sheli promptty refund to Bortower any Funds <br /> ;;_•',t� held by Lender. If, under paragraph 21, Lender shall acqufre or sell the Property, Lender, prlar to the acqulsitlon or sele ot the <br /> - - �'�:�:�;r , rroperty,shan appiy aiiy Furds hc�d by L�r.dtY s!lt�e t!me nt nequl�8inn er sW�e as a crediY against the suma secured by thls <br /> Security Instrument. <br /> 3. Application of Paymonts. Unless appYcable law proNdes otherwlse, all payments received by Lender under <br /> t'„� paragraphs 1 and 2 shall be appued: first,to any prepayment charges due under the Note: second,to emounts payabie under <br />- '..,,�.;• pnrpgraph 2;thlyd,to Interest due;fourlh, to principal due: and last,to any late charges duo under the Note. <br /> �'`�'':� 4. Chargas; LIY11s. Borrower shell pay all taxes, assassments, charges, ftnes �nd impositlons aqdbutabte to the <br /> .,:. . <br /> Property which may attaln p�iority ovar ihis Security Instrument, and leaoehold payments or ground rents, R any. Bortower sha <br /> ' pav these obUgationa In the manner provided in paragraph 2, or it �ot pald in that manner, 6ortowar shall pay them on time <br /> '- �-�"'. dlrectly to the peraon owed payment. norrow�� ahai{ N�a���FL;tu�'.�h!� Lende� en �ntlr.p� of nmounts to be pald unde►this <br /> paragreph. If Bortower makea these payments di►ectly, Borrowor shall promptly (umish to Lender receipta evidencing the <br /> payments. <br /> Bortower shall promptly discharge any uen which has prlority over this Security Inslrument unless Borrower: (n) agrees in <br />�,, `• wrlting to the payment of the obllgatlon secured by the flen in e marmer ecceptable to Lender; (b) contests In good taith lhe <br /> .��;wa;.. Ilen by, or defends agalnst enfarcement of the Iien fn, legal proceedings which In the Lender's opinlon ope►ate to prevenl the <br />-'=���. = enlorcemant of the lien; or (c) securea trom the holder of the Iien nn agreement satisfactory to Lendo►subo�dinating the Ilen to <br />=�•#'` thls Security Instrument.If Lender determines ihet any part of the PropeRy Is subJect to a Ilen whlch may attaln prtority over thls <br />�;°��'_'t �•F• � Security Instrument, Lender may give Bortower a notice Identllying the uen.Borrower sha0 sattsly the Ilen or take one or more of <br />—• the actions aet torth ebove withln 10 days ol the glving ot notias. <br />�" ' S. Haz�rd or Prop�Ny In�uranc0.Bortower shall keep Ihe improvements now oxisting or hereafter erected on the <br /> -�'"' " ^ Properry Insured ageinat loss by flre, hazards Included withln the tmn 'extonded coverege" anG eny other hnzards, Including <br />;f;.?� �• � floods or tlooding,for which Lender requfrea Insurance. Thls Insurance shntl be malntained In tho amounts and tor the perlods <br /> - that Lender requlres. The I�surence cerrier praviding the Insurence shalt be chosen by Borrowor subJect to Lender's approval - <br /> -_���,:.�T, whlch shall not be unreasonnby wfthheld. If Bortower fafis to malntaln coverage described above, Lender may, at Lender's <br />-`�;5�+.;.�.°, optian,obtaln coverage to protoct Lender's dghts In the Praperty In accordence with paragraph 7. _ <br />_:"�N'�• • All Insurance poticles and renewals shell be acceptable to Lender end shell include a standard mortgage clause. Lender <br />- ""' shall have the right to hold the poilcles and renewais. It Lender requlres.Borrower shall promptly give to Lender all recelpts ot <br />�'� •`" peid premlums and renewal notices. In the event o1 loss, Bortower shall give prompt notico lo the Insurence carrler and Lender. — <br /> - � � . Lender may make proof of loss If not mede promptly by Borcower. � <br /> Unless Lender and Bortower otherwise agree In writing, Insurance praceeds shall be aqplled to restoratlon or repalr of the <br /> • Property damaged, if tho restoratlon or repalr is economlcally teasi6le end Lender's securtry is not lessened. It 4he restomtion or _ <br /> ��-•� repafr Is not economically teasible or Lender's secu�iry would be lessened,the insurnnce proceeds shall be applfed to the sums ___— <br /> ''�' � secured by this Secudry Instrument, whether or not then due. with eny excess paid to Bortower. It Bonower abandons the <br /> • '' Property, or does not enswer within 30 days a notice from Lender that the Insurenco cartier has ottered to settle e claim,then =�r--_- <br /> Lender may collect the Insurance proceeds. Lender may use the proceeds to repalr or restore the Property or to pey sums ,,Y�=r_ <br />- secured by thls Security Instrument, whether or not then due. Tha 30day penod will begin when ►he notice Is givun. ;,,��,:'_ <br />' � Unloss Lender and Borrower olherwise agree In writing, eny appMcation o1 proceeds to prtncipnl shall not extend or :I�_ <br /> , postpone the due date of the monlhty peyments relerred to in peraqaphs 1 end 2 or r,hange tho nmount o(tho payments. If .,; <br /> ; � under paregreph 21 the Property Is acqulred by Lender, Borrower's right to any insurance pollcfes and proceeds re�ulting irom � ^;F,;�;=. <br /> damage to the Properry prtor to the acquisitlon shall pass to Le�der to the eMent ot the sums by this Security Instrument ' "� <br /> Immediately prior to tho ncquisition. �, <br /> 6. Occupancy, Preservation, Maintenance end Protection of the Property; Borrower's Loan <br /> .�..,o......w., vo Rn.rnwu'e ndnrJonl rasfdLN1C0 Wlthln t. <br /> --_-- ApPtICBtIOfli �saseno�ds. Borrower snan occupy� CDtPUiio�, a.-�:::�� ........,....., -- ---•- - - -- <br /> slxty days after the exocutlon o1 this Security Instrument end sha�contlnue to occupy the Property as Borrowor's principal <br /> resfdenco tor at least one year after tha dato 01 oecupancy, unless Lender otherwise egrees in writing,which conaent shall not <br /> be unreasonabty withhHd, or unless extenuating circumstances exist which are beyond Borrower's control. Bonower shell not <br /> destroy, damage or fmpal�the Property, aAOw tho Property to deteriorate.or :,ummit waste on the Properly. Borrower shall be In <br /> default 11 any lorfeiluro ectlon or proceeding, whether civfl or criminal,Is begun that In l.ender's good faith judgment could result <br /> in torleiture of the Property or otherwise materially impalr the Iien crealed by this Security Instrument or Lender's seauity interest. <br /> F 1176 lM(�itFJ)1 �-iQ�'r„1 5 y � I <br /> , 1 <br /> i <br /> ?7�14 ` <br /> i I <br />