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201204�1�� <br />Any amounts disbursed by L.ertder under this Section 9 sball become additional debt of Borrower secure� by <br />this Security 1nsm�ment. These amounts shall bear interest at the Note rate from the date of disbursement <br />and shall be payable, with such interest, upon notice from Lender to Borrower reyucshng payment. <br />lf this Security Instrument is on a leasehold, Borrower shall oomply with all tqe provisions of the lease. If <br />Borrower acquu�es fee titte to the Property, the lea.sehold and t�e fee title shall not c�ge uniess Lender <br />agrees to the me.rger in writing. <br />1 O. M ort�ag� Insuranoe. If Leaidea r�uired Mortgage Insurance as a condition of maldng the Loaa, Borrower <br />shall pay the premiums required to maintain the Mortgage Insurance m effe�t. I� for any re�sson, the <br />Mortgaga Insurance coverage required by Lendar ceases to be available Gom u►e mortgage insurer that <br />previously provided sucb insurance and Bonoaer was reqiured to malce separately des�gnated payments <br />toward the prerniums for Mortgage Insurance, Borrower shall gay the premiums reqttired to obtain coverage <br />substanttally equivalent to the Mortgage Insurance previously m effe�t, at a cost substanhally e.quivalent to <br />tt►e cost to Borrower o£the Mortga$e Insivance prev�ousiy in effect, from an alteroate mortgage insw�er <br />selected by L�der. If substantially ec�uvalent Mortgage Insurance coverage is not available, Borrower shall <br />continue to pay to Lendear t6e arnaunt of the separately designated payments tqat were due whea� the <br />insurancs covera�e ceased to be m effect. Lend� will accept, use and retaui these payments as a <br />non-refundable toss reserve in lieu af Mortgage Insurance. Such loss reserve st�all be non-refundable, <br />notwithstanding the fact that me Y..oan is ultimately paid in full, and Lencier shall not be required to pay <br />Borrower any interest or earnings on such loss reserve. Lender can no longer req�wre loss reserve payments <br />if Mortgage Insurance coverage (in the ar�unt and for the period that Lender re�mres) provided <br />�rer salected by L.ender again i�ecomes available, is obtained, and Lencier rec�wres separateiy desi�ated <br />payments toward tlie preuuums for Mortgage Insurance. If Lender required Mortgage Insurance as a <br />condition of making the Loan and Borrower was reqwred to macce separateiy designated payments toward the <br />premiums for Mortgage Insurance, Borrower shall pay the premiums required to maintain Mortgage <br />Insurs�nce in effect, ar to provide a non-refimciable lass res�ve, �ntil I.eader's requirement for Mortgage <br />Insurance ends in acx;ordance with any written agreement betwan Borrower and Lender providing far such <br />termination or until termination is requtted by Applicable Law. Nothing in this Section 10 affeats <br />Borrower° s abligat�on to pay interest at the rate provided in the Note. <br />Mortgage Insurance re�mburses Lencfer (or any entity that purcl�ases the Note) for certazn iosses it may incur <br />if Borrower does not repay the I.oan as agre.ed. Barrower is aot a party to t�e Mortgage Insuranc�. <br />Mortgage u�surers evaluate their total riak an all such insurance m forc� from rime to time, and may enter <br />into agreements with other parhies that share or modify their rists, or reduce losses. These agre�ements are on <br />terms apd c�ditions that are �tisfactory to the mortgage insurer and the ot�herparty (or parties) to ti�ese <br />agreements. These agr�ments may require the mortgage insurer to make payments using any source of fimds <br />that the mortgage insure,� may #�ave availabla (which may include funds obtain�i &am Mortgage Insurance <br />premiums). <br />As a resWt of these agre�nents, Lencler, any purchaser of the Note, another insurer, aay reu�surer, any <br />oth� ea►t'rty, or eny afliliate of any of tiie foregoing, may receive (direr,tiy or ind'u�t1y) amounts thac <br />derive from (or might be cparacterized as) a portion of Borrower's payments for Mortgage Ins�rance, in <br />exchange for sharing or modifying the mort$age insur�' s risk, or reducing iosses. If such agreem�t <br />provides that an �liake of Lender takes a share of the uisurer's risk m exchange for a share of the <br />premiums paid to the insurer, the arr�gement is often termed "c�ptive remsurance." Furtner: <br />2200263440 <br />bfEBRASKA-Single FamilyFmmle Mae/f�eddia Msc UMIFOAM IN5TRUMENT WRH MERS <br />Wokar�e Kluwer Fir�eewial Smvkas <br />D VBANE <br />Form 3038 1lOt <br />VMP6AtNE1(11061 <br />�emn <br />�� <br />
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