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2�12041�9 <br />{a) Any such agreEments w[ll not aff�t the amoants that Borrower has agreed to pay for Mortgage <br />Insurance, or any other terms of the Loan. Suclt agreements will not increase the amonnt <br />Borrower will owe for Mortgage Insur�nce, and they will not entitle Borrower to any reiand <br />(b) Any such agreEments will not affcct the rights Borrower has - ff any - with respect to the <br />Mortgage Insurance under the Homeowners Protection Act of 1998 or any other law. These rights <br />may inclade the right to receive certain dfsclosures, to request and obtain cancellation af the <br />Mortgage Insurance, to have the Mortgage Insurance terminated automatic�lly, andiar to receive <br />a refund of any Mortgage L�sarance prem�ums that were unearnal at t6e time of sach <br />cancellation or terminaUton. <br />11. A.sslgr�nt of AA i�ellaneous Rroc�tis; ForFelture. All Atiscellan�us Proce,e�is are hereby avsigned to <br />and shall be paid to Lenaier. <br />If the Property �s damaged, such Miscellaaeaus Proceeds shall be applied to restoraUon or repa�r of ttie <br />Froperty, if khe restoration or re�ir is economicaUy feasible and Lender' s security is nat lessened. During <br />such repau and restoration �riod, Le�der shall have the right to hold such Miscellaneous Proceeds until <br />Leader l�as had an apportunity to mspect such Property to ensure the work has been completed to Lender's <br />satisfaction, provided mat sucn inspection shall be undertatcen promptiy. Lender may pay for the repairs and <br />restoratton in a sin�le disbursement or in a seMes of progress pay�nts as the work �s completed. Unless an <br />agreement is made m writing or Law reqwres mterest to be paid on such Miscellaneous Proceeds, <br />Lencier shaEt not be requucxl to pay Borrower any interest or earnings on such Miscellane,oas Procceds. If the <br />restoc�ation or repair is not economically feasible or Le,s►cier's sec�u�ity would be lessen�, the Miscelianeous <br />Proceeds shall be appliecl to the sums se�ured by this Sccunty Instrument, whett►er or not then due, with the <br />excess, if any, paid to Borrower. Such Miscellan�us Pra�s shall be applied in the order provided for m <br />Se�tion 2. <br />In Che event of a Wtal taking, d�tntctioq or loss in value of ttie Prop�ty, the Miscellaneous Proceeds shall <br />be applied ta the sums secured by this Se�urity Instruvient, whet�er or not then due, with the exces�, if any, <br />paid w Borrower. <br />In the event of a partiai tatcing, destruction, or toss in value of the Property in which the fair market value of <br />the Property imme�iateiy before the gazhal taking, destruction, or �oss in vaiue is equal to or greater than the <br />amount of the swns s�ued by tlus Security 7nslrument uYmnediately before the partial taking, destruction, or <br />t�s in value, unless Borrower aad Lender othervvise agree m writing, t�e sums se�ureii by this Security <br />Instrucn�t st�all be reciuced by the amount of the Miscellaneaus Prooeeds multiplied by the following <br />fraction: (a) the totat amount of the sums secur� itt�iately before the partial taldng, d�truction, or loss <br />in value divided by (b) the fair market vatue of tne Properly imme8iately before the'taking, <br />desiruction, or loss in vaiue. An}+ balance shali be paid to Borrow�. <br />In tthe event of a partiai taking, destruction, ar loss �n vaiue of the Propeity in which the fair maricet vaiue of <br />the Property immediately before the partia► taking, d�truction, or loss in vaiue is less than the amount of the <br />sums s�ureci immediately before t�e paztial takipg, destruction, ar ioss in value, unl� Barrower and <br />Le,nder arherwise agr� in writing, tne Miecellaneous Proceeds shall be applied to the sums sc�ured by ttus <br />Security Instrument whether or not the sums are then due. <br />If the Property is abandoned by Borrower, or if, after not�ce rby Lender to Borrower t6at the Op�sing Party <br />(as defined in tha next s�tence) offers to make aa award to settie a claun for damages, Borrower fails to <br />respond to Lendex within 30 days aftsr the date the not�ce is given, Iznder is authonzec9 to collect and apply <br />the Miscellaneous Procceds either to restoration or repair af tiie Properry or to tha sums secured by this <br />2200253440 D VBANE <br />NEBRASKA-9ingle Family-Fenme Mae/freddia Mac UNIFQRM INSTRUMENT WRH MERS Form 3038 1AD1 <br />VMP �l VMPSAINp (1105) <br />Wokera Kluw� Flnendel 8ervkas Page 10 of 17 <br />�� <br />