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20i��41�� <br />6. OCCUp811Cy. Borrower shall occuPY, es�blish, and use.ihe Pmperty as Borrower's pnnc�pal residence <br />within 60 days a�itar the ex�uxeon of this Security Instrument and s#�all continue to axupy the Property as <br />Borro�ver' s prtnci�l residence for at least one year after the clate of occupancy, uniess Lender otherwise <br />agrees in writing, which cons�t shall not be unreasonably withheld, or unless extenuating c�rcumstacsces <br />exist which ars beyoad B�rower's conh�oi. <br />7. Preservation, MaFntenaru� and Pr�ect�n of the Praperty; Inspect�ns. Borrower si�aU not destroy, <br />damage or impair the Property, allow the Property to deteriorate or cornm%t wasta on the Property. Whether <br />or not Borrower is residing in the Property, Borrower stiall maintaui tiie Property in order to prevent the <br />Property from detenoratmg or decreasiag in value ciue to its vondition. Unless it is determined pursuaat to <br />Section 5 that repair or restoration is not economically feasible, Borrower shail promptiy repair the Properiy <br />if daanaged to avoid fiurther detenoration or damage. If ins�uance or condemnation proceeds are paid in <br />conn�tion witdt damage to, or the takiag o� the Property, Borrower shall be respo�ible for repairing or <br />restorin� the Property oniy if Lender l�as released proceeds for such purposes. Lender a�y disburse proc�ds <br />for the repairs and restaratian in a single payment or in a senes of progress payments as the work is <br />c�mpleteci. If tqe inswrar►ce ar candemnation proce�ds are not sufficient ta repair or restore the Property, <br />Borrower is not relisved of Bonower' s obligation far the completion of suct► repair or restorahon. <br />Lender or its agent may nmice reasanai�le entries upon and inspections flf the Property. If it has reasoaable <br />cause, Lender may inspect the interiar of the �mpravements on the Property. Lender shall give Borrower <br />not�ce at the time of or prior to such an interior inspection specifying such reasonable cause. <br />6. 8orrower's Lo�n Applicatlat. Borrower shall be m default if, duriag the Loan applic�Uon pra�ss, <br />Borrower or any persons or entities acting at tha direchon of Bonower or with Borrower's imowledge or <br />cons�t gave materially faise, m�sleading, or inaccurate information or statements to Lender (or failed to <br />provide Lender with �terial inforn�ahon) in conne�tion with the Laan. Matenal repr�entations include, but <br />are not limited to, r�resentations concenung Borrower's ocxupsncy of the Propaty as Bonower's principal <br />reside,nce. <br />9. Prot�tlon of lender's Interesi In the Prop�rty ar�d Rights Utuier th� S+a�uity Instr�meM. If (a) <br />Borrower fails to gerform the covenants and agreements contauied in this Seta�rity IffitrumenC, (b) there is a <br />iegaf praceeding that uught significantty affect Lender's mteaest in the Property and/or nghts under thia <br />Secunty InsWment (such as a proceeding in banlQUptcy, probate, for condemnation or farfeiture, for <br />enfforcement of a liea which may attain priority over thie Se�urity Inshutnent ar to �farce laws or <br />regulations), or (c) Borrower has abandoned the Praperty, then Lender may cio and pay for whataver is <br />reasonable or appruprcata to protect Lender's interest tn the Property and rights under tlnis Security <br />Instrument, including protec�ng and/or assessin� the vaiue of the Property+, and securing and/or re�pairing <br />the Property. Lender's actions can include, but are not limited to: (a) paying any sums secured by a lien <br />which has priority over this Se�unty Insmim�t; (b) appearing in court; anu (c) paying reasonable attorneys' <br />fees to protect its mterest in t�e Property and/or r�ghts under this Security InsWment, inciuding its secured <br />posirion in a banla�uptcy proceeding. Se�uring the Property includes, but is not lim�ted to, entering the <br />Property to make repairs, change locks, replaca or board up doors and windows, drain water &om p�pes, <br />eliminate building or other code vioi�tions or dangerous conditions, and have ufilities turned on or off. <br />Although Lender may talce action under tivs Se�on 9, Lender does not have to do so and is aot w�der any <br />dnty or obligation to do sa. It �s agr� that I.ender incurs no liability for not taking any or all actions <br />authorizeci under this Sectioa 9. <br />zaoozesaao <br />NEBRP.SKA-SU�gte FamilyFennre MealFred�e Mac t1PUFORM tNBTRUMHdT WiTH MERS <br />a�� �� �a� s��� <br />o vsa� <br />Form 3038 1/Oi <br />VMPBA(NE� 11106) <br />Page 8 oI 19 <br />�� <br />