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2�12�3��� <br />Lender in exerd�n9 �Y �9M a rernedy i�tuding, wltliout Iimitatlon� Ler�ers � of paymer� fram thtrd <br />P�. erititl� or 3uo�s In lnteresY of Bomo�u� a' in amoursls less tt�n U�e art►aint tNen due, st�l not be a <br />waiver of or �ude the exerase of any right or remedy. <br />93. Ja�d erd Seuerat UabBHy; Co�lgr� Sluooessars arol Assigng Band Botrower covenaMs artd agree,s thet <br />Borrowers d�igatiops and pab0fty shal! be' joint and sev�al. However, any Borrower who co-slgr� this Securlty <br />Ins6umant but d�,a not exeaate the Note (e °c�signer"x (a) is caeigning this Seaarity I�,tnntrent only bo mortgage. <br />9rart and oonvey tl�a co-signer'� interest in the Property und� tha terms of tl�1s Sewrfty l�trumenk (b) Es nat <br />Bo ��can � to e��dand, rrwdtfy, � ar mefce e�iny �accammodatlona with �to the terrr� of this�Secuv�y <br />lncstrumert or the hfote without the �slgners oansent <br />Sub�ed ta the provisions oP Se�lon 18, arry Su�sor in lrtterest of Borrowe� who � 8arcow�rs <br />ablfgatlons und� thfs Security Instrumerd En writlng, and Is approved by Lende.r, shall obtafn a!I of Borrower's rights ar� <br />beneRts under this SecurRy InsUvmeM. Borrawer shatl r►ot be released from Borrower's obflgatlons and �abifiiy tatder <br />th!a Seauiiy Instrurrtent unless Lender agrees to such rele�e in w�ittng. Tha ocvenents arxl agreements of ihls <br />secxxmty �nsaurnent shea bina (exoept as provided fn s�uon 20) end aenenc tne sucoes�rs end ass�gr� of Ler�er. <br />74. Loen (�ar�as Lender may charge Borrower tees for aervices perPormed in cronnecUon wltFi Borrowe�'s <br />default, for the purpose of protecUng Lender's tnterest ln the Propsriy end rights under tfils Secur(ty lnstrument, <br />includirtg, but not Ifmited to, attomeys' fees, properiy InspecUon and valuation fees. in regard to arry other fees, the <br />al�ence af expr�s authority in fhis Security Instrument to charge a spes�flc fee to Borroawer shap not t� conshued es e <br />prohibltEon on the charging of euch fee. Lender rr�y not charge fe� that are expressly pmhPblted by this Sec�rfly <br />Instrumert or bY APpllcebte Law. <br />If the Lc�an Is subje�t to e!aw which set4 ma�dmum I�n c�ar�, and that lerov is fmally ir�terpreted � that the <br />lnterest or Wher loan dtaiges ooll��d or to be collected in wrussctlon wlth the Loan exc�d tt� permitted Amlte, then: <br />.. _......(a) any char�ge shap ba reduoed by the amourrt r�ary to recf�e the char+� to ti'�i permitted Gmi�� and {b) <br />arsy sums alrea�r colle�ted from Borrower whtch eoo�ed� parm�ted Omtts will be refunded tn Borrouver. Lender may <br />c��se to maks this refund by redudng the principal owed under the Note � by rr�Wng e�red peymert to Borrower. <br />Ii a refur� reduces principat, the reduction wlll be treatsd as a partial prepaymsnt witiiout ar�y prepaymerit change <br />(whether or rro! a prepayment charge is prov�ded for imder the Note�. Borrower's acceptance of arry suc� refund mads <br />by direct payment to Borrower wrlll oonsUtute a waiver of arry right of actlan Bor�ower rc�[gM have ar�ing out of sud► <br />overcharge. <br />1S. Notioes. AIl rrotloes g[v� by Borrower a Lend� ln w�edion with tlUs Sec�uity Ir�strument muet be (n <br />wrifing. Arry noUce to Bormx+er in aonnecUon wlth tlils 5ecurity Instrument shall be deemed to F�ve been �ven to <br />Borrouver when ma[I� by fi�st dass rnaA or when actuaily delivered to Borrowars noUcs add�esa it �nt by other <br />mear�s. Noiioe w any ane Borrowar shall cronsdtule n�ice to all Borm�nre�s wltess Applicabls Law express(y �cprires <br />otFrerwise. The nottce address shaq be the Propsrty Addr�s �u►less Borrowoar t� de�signatsd a subatltute nottce <br />addr�ass by notfce to Lander. Borrower ahall promp�y noUfy Ler�dar of BorrowePS cl�nge of address. If Lend� spedflee <br />a praceciure far reperUng Borroarers change of addr�s, tFren Borrower sltaq anEy report a chenge of addr�a through <br />that sp�i8ed proc:edure. There may be onfy one deslgnated notice addtess under ttds Secur�y I�ment at any one <br />Sme• Any notice to lendar sha0 be g'roen by delivering ft or by mafling ft by flrst dass ma0 to Lernier's address stated <br />her�ein uNess Lender has de�gnated another address by notice to Borrower. Any �Hce In connectlon with this Security <br />Instrument shali not be deertred to hava be� ghren to Lender un�7 actually received by Lendar. if any notice reqvired by <br />m�s sec�u�y ir�srrumern is a�so requtred urtder Applfcabte �aw, u,e ApAUcaeie �aw re�uo-8me� wtu saesry tne <br />correspo�ing requhert�ard undar this Secx�Nty instrument <br />� s . C,�ou�Nng Law. &a�r�ity; �tes a� Co�truc6on Th� Secudty Instrument sheA be gnvemed by federal law <br />end the lavu oi fhe jurisdidian En wh(ch the Prope�ty Is located. AI[ rights and abligattans c�tained in this Security <br />Instnanent are subJect to any �reyuiremerds and Ilmitadons of Applicable Law. Appacabfe mfght expQcttly or <br />impltciUy aliow the parties to agrea by contract ar it might be silent, but such stlent� shaA not be c�rtstrued as a <br />prnhlbitlon a�irtist agreement by cantreck in the ever�t that arry providon or r�se ot this Secudty Instrument or the <br />f�lote c�r�cts with Appliwble Law, sud� aoniUct ahal! not atfact other provlstana of thfs Security Inshument or the <br />IVote whlch cxin be given effact wtthout Ihe contllcNng provlston. <br />As us� in this Seairity Instrumer�k (a) words of the ma�ultn� ge�er shal! mean and Enc�ude correspor�ing <br />neuter words � words of �e faminir� �nder; (b) words in the singular shall mean and Mdude tha pIUral and er&:a <br />versa; a�i {c} fhe word 'mey' ghre�s �[e discxetlon withouf arry obtlgatlon to take erry adlon. <br />77. Barra�n�s Copy. Borrower shall be gtven ane cropy of the Note and of this Security I�trumert. <br />18. Tr�sFer of the Properiy or a Henefldal IrRer�t [n Borrower. As usad tn thls Sedlon 18, °Interest in the <br />Properly' means any I�al or beneflcial interest in N1e Property, inctuding, but not Iim3�ed to, thosa benefidel inter�sts <br />trensferrad M a bond for deed. conVact for d�ed, installmert �les contract or escrow egreement, the Mtent of whEch fs <br />tl�e transfer of tltle by 8ormwer at e future date to a purcfiaser. <br />If aq or any part of the Praperly � any Irderest in the Properiy ts sold or tran.sferred (or If Borrower Is not a�furai <br />person �d a benefldal Interest in Borrawer is sofd or transfeRedj wfthout L'enders prior written conserd, Le�sder rteay <br />require immediate payment ]n ftdl ot all sums sac�aed by thfs Security Instrument However, thls opUon st►all not be <br />e�oerc�ed by Lend� H such exerc[se ia prohiblted by Applicable Law. <br />If Lender �cerdses thls option, Lender shap gJve Sorrower notice of �laradon. The notice shaR provide a period <br />of not �ss than 30 days from �e date the rtotice is given in ar�ordance with Sectlon 15 wlth[n which Borrower must <br />pey ap suma secured by Fhis Securlty instrumerrt. If Borrower fails to pay th�sse sums prior to ihe expiration of tlils <br />NEBRASKAS�ngle FamU�Fanc�Ee MaelFrsddie Maa UM�aRI►1 INS7RUMENT Form 3A28 9107 <br />Paga 7 af 10 • <br />
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