<br />a9�een� maY require the �g� h�er to make P�Y�m �9 �Y �uroe of fur�ds thet 1he rt� Ins�uer
<br />rr�y t� avaflable (wrdc� msy indude tunds obtatned from N�rtgage Ins� prertdtuns).
<br />Aa a nesult of �eae agreemerrts, Lender. arry purchas� of the Note, another lnsurer, any reinsur�, anyr othar
<br />entity, or any effiliate of any of �e foregofng, map recelve (dUectly w lrtdirectly) arrrounts that derive irom (or mfght l�
<br />d�acterimd as) a portton of Borrouae�'s paymerds for Mortgaga Inmuanrs, in axchange for sFraring � modffying the
<br />martgaga ir�surer's risk, or reducing losses. If such agreement provides that an eifiltate of Lender �ke9 a ahare of the
<br />tnsurers risk in exchange for a share of the premiums paid to the Insurer, the ar�angement Is often temted "capttve
<br />reinsurance.' Further.
<br />(a) Arry sud� agreements vu�l not affect �e amounts that Borrower has agreed to �y f� MoKgage In�urartce, or
<br />mry other terms of the LAan. Such agreemerds wlll not in�rease the amo�u�t Barrower will owe for AAortgage Ineuranee.
<br />and they wUl not entitle Borrower to a��yt refund.
<br />@) My such egreements wlil not aRect the rights Borroxrer has -�t any - wtth �spect to the �ortgage I�aura�
<br />�mder fhs Hom�mers ProtecH� Act of 1898 or ar�r other (ew. These rights may includa the rigM to rer�iva certeln
<br />e�losurea, to request end abtaln cancellalfon of ti�e Mortgage lnsurance. to have the Mortgage Insurance tarrtdnat�d
<br />sutomaEketyr, andJor to recefve a refund of arry Mortgage Uasurance premiums that were unesmed at the time of su�
<br />ca�ellation � termh�atlon.
<br />11. r4ssignmert of NRsaellarteaus Proceeds; Farfefture. All IdUscsllaneous Prooeeds aze hereby assi�,l to end
<br />ahat! be pald to L�der.
<br />If Uts Praperty ta darriaged, such N�soeflar�eous Piooeeds shall be applted to restorat[on or repatr of the ProperlY� �f '
<br />the restoradon or r�alr Is economically feasible arfd Lenders seca�rriy Is not lessene�. �ring such repatr and
<br />restora@on pe�i�, Lend� shafl Fmve ihe right to hold such AAi�laneous Prar�ds uMll Lend� F�s F� � oPAo��fY
<br />to fnsp�t st�it Praperty fo er�sw+e the work Ftias l�een crompleted to Leridera sstlsfactlon� P�ovided that sudt btspaction
<br />sltall l� untlertafoen prompUy. Ler�de.� may pay for the repalrs � restoratton In a stngle disbursemerrt or tn a�des of
<br />.. .. Progreas Paymerds as the.work Is cflmpleted. .Unleas an agreement.ts made In w�iting .orAppUcable.Law.requfres
<br />Interesl to ba patd on sucH Miscepaneous Proceeds, Lender shaq not bs required to pay Borrowar any tnterest or
<br />eamh�gs on such Npscallaneoua Proceeds. If the restoraBon or repair is rtot economically feasible or Lender's securRy
<br />would be lesaened, the M[scellaneous Proceeda ahaq be appQed to tl�e suma secwred by lhig Security lnatrument,
<br />whether or not then due, wrih the excass, if arn+, paid to Borrower. Such Npscellaneous Proceeds sha0 be appliad in
<br />the crder provlded for In Secdan 2.
<br />In the event of e total tak(rtg, destrucHon, or loss in vatue of the Properly, the AAisae�l�eo� Proc�ds shail be
<br />e�ptled to the sums s� by thts Seauii�r instrument. whether or aot then d�ae� with the exoess. if any+. pald to
<br />Bcrrower.
<br />In the everd of a pardal taldng, destruction, or loss in value of ths Prop�ty In which ihe fair market value of �e
<br />Property hrtmadiately before the �rtla! feking, destructtsan, � I� in value Is eyusl to or greater fhan fhe amount of ifie
<br />siuns seaired by thts Seatutty Instrumerrt immediately before the parttal taking, destructlon. or I�s in value, unless
<br />Borrow� and Lertder otherwlse sgree fn w�itlng, ihe surr�s s�ured by thls Security Instrurtrent shaA be reduced by the
<br />amour�t of tha Misc�lane�s Procee�ds muNiplied by the following iracUon: (a} the total amaurt af the surrw �cur�
<br />_ tmmedtabsly bef�e the parNal faking, desVuct[on, � bss in value divided by (b) the fair market vaiue oi the Properiy
<br />tmmediatey before the partial taldng, destrucdon, ar I� In valua Any tratanoe shall be patd fo Bor�wer.
<br />. In 1he ever�t of a partlal takl�, deslnucticn, or {ass in vaiue of the Property in which Uie fair market velue of tl�e
<br />Fraperty lmmerflateiy bafwe the partlal takfng, destrucbion, � I�s in value !s lesa than the amourt oi the surr� sad�ed
<br />irtunedietely beTore the partial taking, destructton, � toss in value. ur�ess Barrower and L.ender otherwise ag�ee In
<br />wriNng, the llAtsoe(teneous Prooeeds shaU be eqs�fie� to �e � sec�uecf by this Security Instrument whether w nat the
<br />surt� ar� then dus.
<br />If the Property [s abaruto�d by Borrower, ar If. after notice by L¢nd� to Borrower thet the Op�[rg Perty (es
<br />deflned in the naxt esrdern�) offers to rt�ake an award to setde a dalm for demages, Borrower fails to respor�d to
<br />Ler�er within 30 days after the date tl1e notice is gtven. lender Is euthorized to collect and epply tl�e N6sccxaUeneaus
<br />Pra:ee�a e[�er to restoratlan or repalr of the Property � to ttre sums saciued by this Secucity Instrument, arheti�►er or
<br />not then due. 'Oppos[ng Party' means the Uurd party tliat owea Borrower Mlacellaneaus Procaeds ar the party agai�t
<br />wFwm Borrower has a rlgM of ac:Uon [n regard to N�lanecus Prooe�s.
<br />Borrawer ahall be in default iP arry ac�lon or pra�eding, whether dvp or cximinal, is beg� that, in Lenders
<br />Judgment, could result in TorFetture of the Property or othsr matedal im�lm►er�t of Lenders Interest in the Prope�ty ar
<br />rights imd� fhis Sec�ity Instrument. Borrower can aue such e default and, if acceleration F�,a occurred, relnstate as
<br />provid� tn Sedion 18, by causfng the acdon or prac�d��g to be d�niissed with a rul'mg that, in Lender's Judgmer�t,
<br />predudes forfeiture of the Properly or other material impalrment of Lsrnie�s interest [n the Properly ar �ighte ta►der this
<br />Seauriy Instrument. The procse� ot any award or daim for d�nages that are afbibutable to the impairment of
<br />Lender's intereet In the Properly are hereby a�lgned and shall be pald to Lender.
<br />A[I Miscellaneflus Prooeeds thet are not appQed to resto�attan or repair oi the Properly shaA bs applied tn tlie order
<br />provided for in SecUon 2.
<br />12 Bonower Not � Forb�ratoe By Lender Not a Vlfaiver. E�Qenslon of the Ume for paymer�t or
<br />mod�cafton of amortlzaitfan of We sums aecured by this Security Instrument granted by Lender to BoROwer or arry
<br />Sucx:es�r In Irderest of Borrower shap nat operate ta relae� the IlabUity of Borrower or �ry Suc�ssors In Intarest of
<br />Borrower. Lender shaA nat be requir� to commence procesdings ageinst any Sua�sor In Urterest of Barrower or to
<br />refuse to extend tlme tor peyment or othe� modlfy amorttzatlon of the stuns secured by this Security Ittistrument by
<br />reason of any demand made by the origtnal Borrower or any Successors 1n Interest of Borrawer. Any forbearance by
<br />NEBRASKA-Sb�gle FemAy-Fannfe Mae/FreddEe �Aac UWiFORiIA IN3TRUAAENT Form.3028 1/01
<br />Rage 8 of 10
<br />