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2�i2����� <br />r�eri�. L�r rrmy Ir,va�e any r�r�edres ps�rnftfed tsy this s�uri�ly �nstnmtara wrtnouc furrher rro8cc� or aerrmtd on <br />Borroeaer. <br />49. Borrn�+uer's li�t to Relt�be � ilooelesation. If Sortower meets c�Kafi �tlons, B�r+�u�er shap Fiaw9 <br />the �igM W ha�e enf�tt of this �r I� dtsr�rtlrwed et any tlme prlar ta tF� earliest of: (a} five days <br />b�or� sa�e of the Properiy pursuarn to r�ny power of sale cor�tained in Uils S�m'iy Ins6'umer� (b) such o�er pe�iad as <br />�ble mlght s�ecify for the tennlnatlon of Borrou�r's right to relnstat� �{c) eritry of a Judgment enfordng <br />this 3ecudry Instrumant. Those condNior�s are that Bonower. (a) pays Lender aA sw►�s which then wouttl be due under <br />. thEs Security Fnshvment and the Nlote as If na ac�lera�on had occurred; (b) our� any default af ar�y other covenants <br />or a�reemer�ts; (c) pays ap exper� incurred In this Security Instrument, Including, but not Umited to, <br />reasonable altorneys' fees, property inapecNon and valuation fees, and o#�er fess lnc�ed for the pur� of protec°6fig <br />Lertder's i�terest In the Property and rights nnder this Secu�ityr Instrumen� ar►d (c� takes suc�► adlon as Lender may <br />reasonably require to assure that Lende�'s [nferest in the Pmperty and righta �mder thls Se�ty fnstrument, and <br />Borrower's ablE�ation to pay the sums secured by tlds Securlty Instrumant, sF�ll c�ntinue unchanged. Lend� may <br />require that Barrowar �ay sud� reinstatement sums and exparte� In one ar more oi the foqowing forms, as selecx� by <br />Lander: (a} c�; (p} money order, (c) certified check, bank check, treasure�s cheak or cashier's check, provid�E arry <br />� check Is drawn upan an institution whose depos[ts ars insured by e federal egancy InshvmentaUry or enUty; or (d} <br />Eledranlc Funda Trensfer. Upon reimstatemert by Borrower, thle Securky Ir�strument � obagatEons secured hereby <br />shet! remaln fully eftect[ve � if no acxeleration had occurred. However, thls rtght to relnstale shall not apply in the <br />c�se of aacslera6on under Sea6ion 18. <br />20. S�le oP 1� � oP Lt+an S�vtcei; IvoBae af G'ri�noe. The Note or a pa�kial 66►ttere� in tl�e Note <br />(together with tfifs Sepirfy+ Instrument) c�n be sold or� or more timss writhout pdor notls� to Borrawer. A sale mlgM <br />�esult irt a change in the entlty (known as fhe °Loan 5erolce� that capects Perio�c Payments due under the Note and <br />thts Secmity Instniment and performs ather mortgage loan servidng obl4gaUons under the Note, this Security <br />.. . ..Inshument, and Appltpble Law. There al�.might.6e one or more changes oi the Loan Servicer unrelated to a sals o! .. .. <br />ttre Note. Ii there Is a cJ�ange of the Loan Servicer, Borrower will be given written notice of the c�ange whlch wql state <br />tlre name ar�d address oP the new L�n Senricer, the addr� to whfch paymeMs shauld ba rt�ade and any otl�er <br />InformeUon RESPA requ(res In cormecti�on with a notice of transfer of sarvlcing. If the Note Ts sdd and Utereafbar the <br />L,�ut is servic� by a Loan Servic�r other than the purcNaser of the Nate, the mortgage loan servicing obttgations to <br />Borrower wlll remain with the Loan Servtcer or be transfeRed to a successar Loan Servlcer and ar� not �sumed by the <br />Note pcvcheser tmlags otherwise pmvlded by the Note pu�dteser. <br />Nalther 8orrower �ror Lender rr�y �mmenc�, joM or be Jomed to any judidel acction (as either an ind'nrcdual Gdgant <br />or the member at a olass) that arises irom ths otl��r party adiona pursuartit to thts Sec�dty Instrumen# or that atleges <br />that ihe other party has bresched any ptpvisian of, or ar�y duty owed by reason of, this 3ecurity Instnunent, until �ch <br />Bomower or I.endar has notlfled the othsr party (wifh such notic� given in comptiance with the r�uirements of Sectlon <br />15) of such ett�ed breach and a4[orded the other party hereto a reasanable period after the gtving of auch not1� to <br />take corTect(ve action. If ApplYcabte Law provides a time period which must e� before c�rtaln action can be taken, <br />thet time peri� w61 be deerr�d to be reasonable for �rposes of this pevagreph. The nofice of acxeleratlon and <br />opportuntty to caire given to 6orrower pursuant to SecGon 22 and the noSce of aooeteration given to Borrow� pursuant <br />to SecHon 18 shaU be deam�i to �#isfy the notice and opportunRy to take coRedive acUon pravisiona of thfs SecBon <br />20. <br />21. F�Claas �oea. As �ed in thfs Sectlon 21: (a) °Hazardous Subslanc:gs° ara those subs�s <br />• defirt� es fox� ar Mazard�a subatances, pollut�nts. � w�astes by Envlronmental Lavv and fhe foUowing eubstartce� <br />gasoUr�, kenoserte, other flammable or toxic �oieum produc�s, loxiC p�tiddes and herbEddes, volatlle solvents, <br />matettals conffifning asb�st� or fommldehyde, and radioadlve materfals; (b) "EnWronmerrtal Law" means federal laws <br />and laws of the juriadiction where the P�erly is located that relate to health, safeiy ar ernironmentat protectEon; {c) <br />'Ernlronmental Clearwp' indudes any respor►ae action, remedlal action, or removal actton, � defln�i in Ernlronme�l <br />Law; and {d) an 'Envlronmerital CondHion• means a cor�ditton that car� cause, �ntr3bute to, � otherwise t►igg�r an <br />Etntironmental CIeanup. <br />8orrow� shall not cause or permft the presence, use, dlsposai, storaga, or releass of arry Hazardous Substa�es. <br />a threaten to releese any Hazardars Subsiances, on or in the Properly. Borrow� shall nat do, �r aUow erryane else <br />to da, any#ting eftecttng the Property (a) that ls in vio[ation of arry Envtronmertal Law, {b) whEch creabes an <br />Emimnmer�tal Gonditian, or (c} whfah, due to th� presence, use, or re1�e of a Hazerdous Subetance, creatss a <br />oondfHon that advecaety affects the value of the Properly. "Che precedirtg two senQenc�s sha0 nat spply to the <br />P�esence. use� � storage � tha Rroperly of smetl quaniiHes of Naz�dous Suastanc�s that are generally r�ognfzed ta <br />be ap�ato to nonnel resldantial �es and to maintenance Of ttre Pmperiy (lnduding, but not Omited to, F�rdaus <br />au�tanc�s In �nswner produds). . <br />6ornrvrer shap prompUy give Lend� written notice of {a) anyr lnvestEgattan, c[aim, demar�d, Iawsuft or othsr actlon <br />bY �Y 9avemr�nta! or regulatorp agenc3+ �' P�� PHKY lrnrolving the Properiy end erry Hazardous Substance or <br />Enviranmental Law of which Borrower has aclual knowledge, (b) any EnvtronmeMal Cond'�ton, inctudtng bot not limibed <br />to, arry apqM9� �eaWn9, discherge, release � tlueat ot release of any Hazardous Substanc.e. and (c} any cfl�ition <br />c�used by the presence, use or relea� of a Hazardous Substance whtch adversely effects the value of the Proper[y. lf <br />Borrower leams, or Is rtotffted by any govemmental or regulatory authority, or any private partyr, that any removai or <br />other reme�ation of any Hazardous Substance aftecting the Property is neceasary, Borrawer sha0 promptiy take all <br />necessary remedial aclions i� acxordance with EnvUonmental Law. Mothing herein sha0 create any obagatlan on Lender <br />far an Envlranmental Cteanup. <br />NBBRASKA�S[ngle Fam�y-Fannle RAaelFreddie 69ae UNlWRM lNSTRU89ENT Form 3028 1101 <br />i�age 8 of 70 � <br />