<br />shaA not be tmr�sor�bly wltrtheld or ur�� eoa�u�tr� �ra,r�rar� �t w�,i� ��yona eorrowar8 �oi.
<br />7. Pre�vabiaw, Mlair�r+au�oe ard Pea�ecBan af the Property. lr�pedlor� Sorrower shaq not destroy, darr�ge or
<br />Impair tl�e Praperly, aRow the Properly to defertorate or commn waste on the Properly. Wheiher or not earrower �
<br />resl�ing in the Fmparly, Bairower shaB mafitaln tha Properly in ard� to prever►t the Property Trom de�d�ating or
<br />decaeasing in vafue due to its c�nd�ian. Un1�s It � determfned p�nsuartit to Secfilon 5 fhat repalr or �storation is nat
<br />economically feastble, Borrawer sheA promptly repah the Properiy if dart�ged to avaid further deterio�etion � dertsaga
<br />tf Insuranos or oondemnatton pr�ds are paid in Connectfon wlth da� to, or the taWng of, the Prope�#y+, Boirower
<br />aha9 be resportisibls for repeiring or restoring the Property only if Lender hes released proceeds f� such purposes.
<br />Lender may disburse proceeds for the repalis and restora8on in a single payment � in a series of progress paymen� as
<br />the work is c�mple#ed. If the lneurance or condemnatfon proc�ede are not sufficlent to repefr or restore the Properly,
<br />Borrower is not relieved of Borrower's obQgaUon for the compfetlon of suofi repetr or restoration.
<br />Lender w tts apent may malc� reasonabla enMes upon and b�apections of ths Properly. 1t it has r�scrnable cauae,
<br />Lender may Inspect the inte�ior of ihe improvemerds on the Property. Lender shaEl gfve Borrower notice at the tirne of
<br />ar pdor ta such an intedor Inspection spedfying suah reasarrebte cause.
<br />8. 8orrowars Lwn AppllcaHan. Borrower sha0 be In defaui# tf, dur3ng ihe Loan appllc�tion process, Bo�roraer or
<br />arry pe�san� ar errtftles acting at the dSrection of Barrower or wiEh Bomower's knawl�ge or conser�t � matedally
<br />false, misleading, or Inaccurate i�ormadon w s�tements to Lender (or failed to p�ovide Lender with materiel
<br />infamatlan) In connectlon vsrith the Loan. [Naterial representaii�'�s Mdude, but ar� not Umtt� to, represerdetlons
<br />wnoertting Borrowe�'s az�apancy of the Properly es Barrowers principal resfder►c;e.
<br />8. PaaGecHan a� L�nclers Ir�ba+e�t in the A�apeety �d IigFds llnder 8is Seasily Ir�rnent If (a} Bcrrow�r fatls
<br />to perFarm the � aral agreements aarrtained in thfs Secxirity lrutr�merd, (b) tt�s Is a legal proceeding that
<br />mlght signlRcsntiy affect Lertrlars 1Merest in the FMaperty endlor �ighta under this Secudty lnstrument (such as a
<br />proc�eding In bankruptc�r, probate, for condemna8on ar tortelture, for enforoement of e �en which may etta[n p�tority
<br />... .. ... _... ... ovac thla Sec�Ity Insuument or W. enfarce laws .ar regu�aUons), or (c) Borrower has abandoned the Property.. tl�en
<br />f�nder may do and pey for whatever is reasor�ble or appropdate to protect Lenders interest In the Property artd rights
<br />und� thls Security Instrument, induding protectlng arui/or asaessing the value of tha Praparty, and securing and/or
<br />repafNrig ih� Propertp. Lender's actlons can include, but are not dmited to: (a) payhig any sums secured by a Itsn which
<br />has pdortiy ower this Seaui#y I�trume� (b) aPpe�r►9 In cbur� and (a) RsY�9 rea�nable attomeys' fees to protect its
<br />interest in tlte Property and/or rigiNs under this Secudty InstrumeM. Licluding ke �cwrad paai8on in a bantwptcy
<br />proc�eeding. Seauing the Pro�rly Indudes. but ls not Umit� to. errtering the Property to rt�ke repalrs, cfrange locks,
<br />re�laoe or b�rd up doors and arindow�s, dra[n wate� Trorn pfpes, ettrrdnafe bu(lding or othsr wde violatlons or dangerous
<br />�roditions, aru! hev� ut[UtTes tumeri on or off. Although Lender may teke acUan imd� fhis Sedion 8. Lend� does nat
<br />have to do � and is not under ariy duty or obUgatlon to do so. It is agreed that Lender lncurs rro IlabUtty far not takir►g
<br />any or a4 actians authorized wtder this Sec�ion 9. '
<br />Any amowrts d�butssd by Ler�d� under thb Sectton 9 at�all beoome edditEonat debt of Borrow� seaued by this
<br />Sec�Hty Instrument These amour�,s st�U bear ir�terest at the IVote rate irom the date oi disbursameqt arxi shaall be
<br />payable, writh suctt Grterest, upon notice from Lend� to Borrawer requesUng payment
<br />If tt►is Security Instrumer�t ls on a le�ehotd, Borrower shall comply with ail the provisEons of tt►e lea�. If Sortower
<br />acqulres fee title to the Properly, the Iessehald and the fee title shaA not mer�e unless Lender agreea to the merge� in
<br />wridrtg.
<br />10. Mo� � IT L�d� reqedred Mortgage lr�oe � e con�tian of r�Wng the Loan, Sorrower shaq
<br />pay the pr�miums requhed to meintatn the Morfgage Irisurance !n effect If, for arry reasan, the Mortgage ir�suanoe
<br />covera� requlred by Land� Ceases bo b8 aveilable from the mortgage lr►s�er tt�at previously provided such insurance
<br />and Bomcwer was required to make separebely desigr�ated paymer►� taward the premiums for MorEgage Insu►artce,
<br />eorrower shaQ pay ttre prem9ums requlr�i to obffiEr, coverage substenaelhr eyulva�erd to the nnortgage utisurance
<br />P��h' in effect, et a cost substanUstJy equ�firalerd to the cost #o Borrower of the Mortgage Insuraiioe prevtwsiy fi
<br />effect, from an attemate martgage Ir�ur� �lecked by Lender. If substanUally eq�aivalert Mvrtgage Ir�.swan� cov�rage
<br />is not a+naUabte, Borrawer sha� canbnue to pay to ls►�er the amourrt of tha s�parately designated paymerrts that were
<br />due when the Insurance ooverage ceased to be in effect Ler�� wip accept, use and retatn these p�ymerrts as a
<br />non-refimdable ioss resenre in 6eu of AAortgage Insurance. Sudt loss �ve ahall be nan-refundable, notwlthstanding
<br />the fact that the Loan ls ultlmately paEd (n tuil, and Lender shaA nat 6e required to pay Sorrower any interest or earnMgs
<br />on such loss reserve. f.eruler r.an no longer requlre loss reserve payments li Matgage Ensurance cov�age pn tl1e
<br />amount arrd for the pertod ihat Lender requires) provid� by an Insurer sel� by Lender agein beoomes available, la
<br />obtafnad. and Lend� requires separately designated payments loward the premiums for Mortgage Insurancs. If Lender
<br />required Mortgage Insurance as a conditlon of making tlre Loan ar� Borrower was required to make sepaiatoly
<br />designffied payme� taward the premtums for Mortgage Insuran�, Botrower shall pay the Fuemiums � to
<br />maintafn Mortgage Insurarroe ln effect, or to provide a non-refundabte loss reserve, until Lenders requirement for
<br />Morigage h�surance snds En a�rder►� wfth erry wrftten agreement between Borrower and Lend� provlding for �
<br />termination or ur�tll terminatlon fs requlred by Applicable Law. Nofh[ng in this Saction 10 affec� Borcowers abQgadon
<br />to pap lnterest at the rate provided in the Note.
<br />Mortgaga Insurance reimbura� Lend� or ar�+ en8ty that purchases the Note) for certain losses it may lr�wr if
<br />Borrower does not repay the I.�u� as agreed. rrowar 1a not a party to the Ma�gage Insurance.
<br />Mortgege insurers evaluffie their total Hsk an aQ such Insuranr� in force irom tlme ta t[me, and may er�ter into
<br />agreemerds with othet parties thet share or modtfy tfielr rfsk, or r�uc�e t� These agreemerda ere � tem�s and
<br />coeMitions that are �tisfacfory to tlls mortgage insur�r and the other party {or parties) to these agreemer�. These
<br />NEBRASKA Single Famqy-Fannle R&se/Freddie AAae UrUFORRI iNSTRUdAE�IT Form 3028 9/01
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