<br />Iterna, Borrower &haD pay fhsm in the rr►anner pr�ided tn Sectfon 3.
<br />Bmr� sf� P�P�Y ��Y �n which Iras priorlty aver thts Seciuily Instrument unless Borrower. (a)
<br />� in writing to the paymerd of U�e obllgatlon seaaed by tha Iten tn a martirrer aar�ptable to Lender, but aniy so I�tg
<br />as Sorrower is performing such agreemen� (b) �ntests the tlen En good tefih by, or defends agatnst enforcemertt of tEre
<br />Uen in, lagai proceedings whlch in Lender's opinion operate bo prevent the enforc�ment of the 6en while those
<br />�r+�s are per,d�r,� but w�Fy urtd! suCh proCeedEngs are Conc:luded; or (c} seaues from the holder of ti�e Ilen an
<br />agresment saHsfactory to Lender subardinatlr�g tiie llen to thts Secudty Instrum�n#. If Ler�er datermirias fhat ar�y part
<br />of the F'�aperly Is subJeot to a Ilen whioh aan etfein priorlEy ovar this Security Instrument, Lender may giv� Borrower a
<br />natloe iderrttfying the {Pen. Within 'i 0 days of the date on whicF� that noHce Is glven, Borrower shed satlsfy the qan or
<br />take a�e or mo�e ot the actlans aet torth above tn thls Ser�ion 4.
<br />Lend� rr�y requine Borrow� to pay a one-Bme charge for e� estete tax veriHcatfon and/or repardng servEcre
<br />use� by Le�er in com�ecdon wtth ihis Laan.
<br />5. Pinperty Insuranoe, Bompwer st�A keep ihe improveme�rts nouv e�dstlng ar hereafter areded on the ProperLy
<br />b�svred �ainst loss by flre, F+a�ds included w�ltin the term °extended wverage' and arry o#her hazards induding, but
<br />not k�ed to, eartl�qu�ces and floads. for which Lend� requtres insurance. Thls insurarx:e sha� be malntairred In the
<br />amourts {Induding deduc�ble levels) and br the periods that Lender re�uU�. What Lend� requir� purstrant to the
<br />preceding sardencas can s�mr�ge during the terrr� of bhe Loan. The tnswance carri� pnovidir�g the ir�surenoe sha0 be
<br />chosaq by Borrower subjsct to Lendefs r[ght to disapprove Borcower's choice, which right sha� not be exerc�sed
<br />umeasorrabty. Lender may requ3re Borrawer to pay, In connacflon with fhts l.oan, eithar. (a) a or►e-tlme d�ge for flood
<br />m�ne defertntrra8on, csrttfication and tracking servk;ea; av (b) a one�ime charge for flood mrte detemtlnati� and
<br />cerd@t�tEon servi�s and subsequent chargaa each Ume remappings or �milar cJ�anges acexir a+hEch reasarrebly m�ht
<br />eHed sudi determtnatlon or ceAification. Borrower shafl a�so be r�por�lble for the payment of any fees Imposed by
<br />t�e Federaf Eme�rgenry Management Agency in connectEon with the review oi any flood �ne determinaUon resulHng
<br />..........from an objectEon by Bornower. . . . . . - . . . . . .
<br />.. .... . .... .... ._... .... .
<br />If Borrower fails to maintaln any of the coveragea described above, Le�er may obffi1n [nsurarrcs coverege, at
<br />Lend�r's op#ion and Borrower's exper�. Lender is umder no obpgaation to purchase any pa�ticufar type or amount of
<br />caveraga. Therefore, such caverag� shaA cover lsndar, but mlgM or might not �otect Borrower, Borrowers equily in
<br />�the Properiy, or the contents of the Property, agaMst any risk, hazard or Ilabipty and mlght provide gr�ater ar [esser
<br />t�ape @tan was previously in effecL Borrower aciviaHAedges that fhe cost of fhe ir�uance covera� so obtained
<br />might slgNftcantly exreed the cost of lnsura►�ce that Borrower could have abtatr�ed. Any amounts disburs� by Lender
<br />w�der U�is 3ecUon b shatl ber.ome additlona[ debt of Borrower se� by thls SecUriiy Inshumert. These amo�uits
<br />sMalt bear interest at �e I�lots rate from the date of disbursement aruf shan bs payable, wlth suCh interest, upon notfce
<br />trom Lender to Borcower requesting payment
<br />All insurance poUcies r�uired by Lender and renawals of such policles ahaA be aubJect to Lender's right to
<br />disapprove such poQdes, sha0 lr►dude a atandard martgage clause, and shall name Lernier as mortgagee ar►d/or as an
<br />adcG6ane� 1� paYee. L�d� shaq F�e the right to hald the palid� �d renewal cartificates. [f Lender requires,
<br />8orrower sF�ll promp8y gtve�to L�der ep rec�ts of peld premiums and renewal notic�. If Bortower obtefr�s arry form
<br />of 9r�suran� covarage, not othervvlse reqtilred byr Lertder, for dart�ga to, or destructlon of, the Property, such policy
<br />slisB Irniude a standard mortgage dause aad sha0 name L�der as rrrortgagae and/ar as an addt8anal loss payee.
<br />In the event of loss, B�rower shaR g(ve prompt notice to the insuran� carrier and L�nder. Lender may make
<br />proof of tt�s if not made promptly by Borrower. Unless Lend� and Borrower atherwise agree in writing, any Ins�sance
<br />proc�eds, whether or not the �mdertyfng Insurance was requlred by Lender, shaA be applted to restoraUan or repatr of
<br />the Praperty if the restoratiort or repair Is economlcaqy feasEble and Lender'9 securlty !s not Isssened. During aud�
<br />rep� ea�d �estoraUon pedod, L�der �al1 }�ave the dght to hold such Inauranc� procaeds untll Le�er has had an
<br />opporhmEty to inspeot such Properiy to enaure the work t�as been cbmpleted to Lenders satTsfactfon, provided that
<br />suc� inspectfon shaU be undertalcen prompUy. Lender may dlsburse pro�eds for the repairs and restoratian in a stngle
<br />pc�ent ar In a series of pragress paymants as the work is completed. UNess an agreement [s made in wrftlng or
<br />Appf�le Law reqelrea tnterest to be pald on such insurance proceads, Lender shaU not be required to pay Borrower
<br />any tnterest or eamings on such proceeds. Fees for pubtic edJustera, or other third perttes, retalrt�d by B�r shaV
<br />noi ba pe�d out of the insuraru;e pra�eds and shaA � the sole abligaHon of Borrower. If the rastaatlon or r�alr !s not
<br />ecanomlcaly feasible or Lends►'s �rity �uld L� I�sened� the insurdr�e proceeds shati be appll�i to tF►e surr�
<br />seaued by this Seatriiy Insbtmlert, whether or rrof then due, with the excess, ff any, pafd to Borrower. Such
<br />lnsurar�ce pr�s ahall ��Aed In the order provlded for in Section 2.
<br />{f Barrower aaandans ths Properly, ter�r may flle, neg�ate av►d seftle arry awailable insurance dalm and related
<br />matters_ If Bortow� does not re,spond witltin 30 days to a notice from Ler�er that the ins�nance carrier ha.a affered to
<br />settle a daim, then Ler�er may negot�te and settla the olaim. The 30-day period wtp b�in when the notics i� gfven.
<br />tn effher event, or if Ler�der aaquires fhe Properly under Secdon 22 or otherwise. Borrower her�sby a�igns ta Le�er {a}
<br />Borrawer's rlghta to ar�y insurance pra�p.ds in an amount not to exceed fhe amowrrts un�id w�der �e Note � this
<br />Security Ir�sLumen� ar� (b) any other of Borcower's righf� (other than the rlght bo arry refund af uneamed premturt�a
<br />paid by Borcower) under aD Insurancc� poqdes c�rtng the Praper[y, inso}ar as such rights are applir�ble to the
<br />ooverage ot fhe Propar[y. Lender may uss the fnsuran� proceeds eitl�er to repeir or resbore the Property � to pay
<br />amotmta un�id under the Idote or this Sacurity Instrument, whether or nat then due.
<br />& Occupa�+. Borrower sha9 �cuPy. �b6sh, and use the P�+operiy as Borrower's princlpai raaider�cewlfhln 60
<br />days aRar the ex�don of Uils Security I�strument end shali conthwe to oca►py the Property as BoROwers princtpel
<br />resider�ce for at leas# ons ye� efter the dats of occupar�.y, uNess Lender otherwise agrees in vrriNng, whlch wraerd
<br />NEBRASKA �ngle FamAy-Faruile bAaelFreddle Mae UNIFORNI 1NSTRU�AENT Fom► 3028 9167
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