<br />Borrowar malc� paym�nt to lxmg the Laan curre�t. If Barrow� does r�t do � withEn a reasonable pedod of Wne,
<br />Lender shall either applq such funds or rstum them to Borrower. if not applled eariier, s�ch ftmds wUl be appAed W the
<br />outstanding principal balan� under ihe M1tote immedlately priar to �orectosure. No offset or ciaEm which Borrower mlgM
<br />have now or in the future agatnst Lender shall reHeve Borrawar from maWng payments dae imder the Note and thia
<br />Secur&y Instrument or performing the cwvenants and agreaments secured by this Secur(ty Inetrumenk.
<br />2 App�dian aP P� ar Rnoeecls Except as otherwlse d�saribed in fhis Secdon 2, eq paymerrts axepted
<br />�d epplied by Ler�der shaA be applied En the following order of p�iority: (a)lrrteresf due under the Note; (b) pdndpal due
<br />under the Mote; (c) amounts dus under Seation 3. 3uc� payments shell be appAed ta eac� Pedodtc Payment In the
<br />order in which ft I�came due. Any rerr�b�dng amounts shaEl be appfied flrsf to late charges, sscand to any other
<br />amounts d� under thls Seourity instrument, and then to reduce the pdndpal balance of the Wote.
<br />I! L�der receNas a payment irom Borcower for a deUnquer�t Pedodic Peyrnerrt which Includ� a suffider�t amaurd
<br />to pay erry late c�ge due, Ute peyrt�ent mey be �pllad to the delinquant payrr�rrt and the late dtarga. If rr�re than
<br />one Perio�c Payrnent is ou�tanding, LeMer maY aPP�Y �Y PaY�t reoedved frorn Sormwer to the �epayment of the
<br />Petiod[c PaymenLs If, and to the e�dent that, each payment can be paid in ftill. To the extent thst arry exces9 exists
<br />after U�e paymertit is eppQed to the full paymerrt of orte or rt�s Periodic Payr�nts, such ex�cess may be apFlled to any
<br />late dtatges due. Volunta�Y Prepaymer� shaU be applled fl�sE to eurY P��� ��9es arid then as d� in the
<br />Note.
<br />Anv appltc�ma� or payments� tnsu� p�noeeas. or nl6scenar�o� Pr�o� to princi�t due unaer me Nate st�au
<br />not e�Qend or postpor�e the due daYe, or change tl1e amount, of the Period'�c Paymenta.
<br />3. Fu� far � Iter�s Bonower shall pay to Lertder on the day Perio�c Payrnen� sre due ur�der the Ptote,
<br />ur�t[I the Note Is �id in fuU. a sum (the 'Funds°j to prflvide for peyment of amounts due for. (a) taxes �d essessme�nts
<br />and other itema which can attaln prlorlty over thls Security lnstrument as a fien or encumbrance on the Properly; (b)
<br />leasehdd paymerds or ground renffi on the Properiy, If any, (c) Aremlums for any and at� ir�uranoe re4uir� by Le�er
<br />._.. .. . uRder Sect[an 5; and (d) MartBa�e {r�wuance premlums, If any; or eny surt�s°payabte by Borrawer•to Lender in 11su of�tha
<br />payment of Martgage Insurance premiwns En accordanc� with the provlslons of Secfian 10. These Items eae cal�ed
<br />°Escrow Items " At arEgination or at arry tlme dudrtg the term of tt►e l.oar►, Lender may requhe that Cammunity
<br />Assodation Duae. Fees, and AssessmeMs, if arry, be escnowed by Borrawer, ar� such due,s, fees and ass�ssments
<br />shaQ be an Escrflw Item. BoROwer shaU promptly fumish to Ler�der all notices of amourrts to be patd under this Sectlon.
<br />Borrower shaU pey Lend� the Funds for Eacrow Items unless Lender welves Borrower's obligadon to pay the Funds for
<br />eny or all Escrow Itema Lendsr may wafve Borrower's obligation to pay to Lender Funds for any or all Escrow Items at
<br />arry tima. My such waiver may only be in wdUng. 1n fhe event of such wafver, Borrower sha11 pay directly, when end
<br />where payable, the amounts due for arry Escrow ltems Tor which paymerit oi Funds has t�n walved by Ler�der artd, if
<br />l.ender tequfres� shap fumtsh to Lendar reaeipts evidend� �ch payment within such Hme period as Ler�der may
<br />require. Borrower's ob5gatio►t to make su� payments and tn provide re�ipts shafl far atl purpos� be deerr� to be a
<br />owenant and agreement cmntained in this Sectiuity InstrumeM, as the phrase `covenant and egresment° is us� in
<br />S�tlon 9. If Bormwer �S obligated to pay Escrow lbems direcUy, pursuant to a we(ver, arid Borrower Palls to �y U�e
<br />amount due for an Escrow Item, Lender may exerase Its rlghts under Sectlon 9 and pay such amount and Borrower
<br />shsil then be obl�sted w�der Sectton 8 to repay bo L�dsr arn+ such ar�urt. Lerr�r rr�y revoke the wa(ver as to arry
<br />or a11 Escraw Items at any tima by a r►otice ghren fi accordanae wtth Sedton 15 and, upon such revocatlon, Borrouver
<br />sfr�U �y to Lender atl Funds, and [n such emour�, that are then requir� under this Sectlon 3.
<br />Lendar may. at arry time. �pect ar� hald Fimds in an amount (a) sufflcEerrt to permft Lender to apply tha Fu�s at
<br />the thne spedfied under RESPA, and (hj not to ex�ed the maximum amount a fender ear► requEre under ItESPA Lender
<br />shaA esQmate the amount af Funds due on the basis of current data and reasonable estimates of expendltures of future
<br />Escrow Items or oth�nnrise in accordance with Appficab[e Law.
<br />The Funds shali be held In an Instltuflon whoae deposits are h�sured by a federal agency, instrumentaQty, or entity
<br />{indvding Lender. It Lerxler Es en instttu�on wh�e deposlte are so insured) or M any Federat Hor� Loan Bank Lender
<br />s�fiaq apply the Funds to pay the Escrouv Items no later fhan the tlme s�iflad und� RESPA Lendar ahep not c�arge
<br />Bortawer for hold{ng and appryfig ths Funde, annually analyrJng the escrow acc�unt, or varifying the Eacrow Items.
<br />unless Lender paps Borrowrer interest on the Fwds end Appliceble Lew permtts Lander to make sucb a d�arge. Untess
<br />an agreemer►t Is made in writlng or AppUcab(e Law requlres interest to l� paid on 1fie Funda, L�der ahaU not ba
<br />required to pay Borrower any Enterest or eamings on tlie Funde. Bomower end L�rsder c�n agree in writing, hawever,
<br />that lnter�t shaU be pald on ttro Furtds. Ler�er sheli gNe to Borrower, wtthout charge, an anwal aa:ounting of the
<br />Fwxis as requfred by RESPA
<br />If fhere is e s�upl� of Funds held in escrow, as defined under RESPA, Lencisr shap account to Bcrrov�er for the
<br />exc�as fimds in ac�ordance with RESPA. If there is a shortaga of Fwx[s held in escrow, as defined under RfSPA,
<br />Lender shall notliy Borrower as requlred by RESPA, and Borrower sheEl pay fo Lender the amount necsesary to make up
<br />the shortage in accordance with RESPA, but in no rr�s than 12 morrthly payrt►erds. If thare ts a daflcien�y of Funds
<br />i�d in ascrow, as defined undet RESPA, Lender shep notify Borrower � reqatred by RESPA, end Borrower sha[I �y to
<br />Ler�der the amount necessaty to malce up the deficiancy in accordance with RESPA, but in rro rtmr+e ihan 12 mordFily
<br />��
<br />Upon paymerrt (n full of all sums seaued by this Sewrity Ir�etrumerrt, Lender shaA promptly refund to Bomawe� any
<br />Fur�s F�Id by Lender.
<br />a. Q�ges uens eomawer snan pay sn taxes� asaessments� charges, thtes, and imposlt4ons attribufanta to the
<br />Properiy whiqh can aHain prinriiy ov� thla Securriy Instrument, le�ehold paymeMS or ground reMs on the Proper[y, lf
<br />am, and Cortununfty Aesoclation I�es, fees, a� �ssessments, If any. To the extent thst fhese ]fems sre Escrow
<br />NEBRASKASingle Famfly-Fann[e MaeJFreddig Maa UNtFORM INSTRUAdENT Form 3028 1/01
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