<br />ffie imposad � BOrrov� or the Property t�+ a�ndominlum assoctaUon, homeowners assodation or slmUar
<br />organ(�tton. •
<br />(� ��r� T w�hfch� s htii�a t�hrou�gh � e f e�c4+onic te�rmin�ale teeeplm�n ci E��r�ie �mpu% � m�ag��iet�c
<br />ta� so a,a to oNer. fistruct, or authha�e a ftnanaal ins4tuGton to debit or cred�t an accaunt Sud� term indudes, but ia
<br />not dmited to, po[rrt-of-sale transfers, automated teDer maohine trar►�dians, transfers 3rdttated by tefephone, wlre
<br />transfers, and automated clearb�►ghouse #ransfers.
<br />{L) °Escrow l�ms' means those items that are deacn'bed in Sedion 3.
<br />(Alf) "N9sw1laneo�e P�" mearre sny compens�atton, setdemant, award ot damages, or proc�eds paid by a�ry third
<br />party (other than lnsurance proceeds paid under the coveragea described [n Section 5) for. (I} damage to, or desdvcNon
<br />of, the Property; p1) c�ondemnallon or other taldng of all or anp part of the Proper{y; pii) �mreyance [n Aeu of
<br />�ndemnadon; or {iv} miarepresentat[or�s of, or omisslons as to, the value endtor condittan of the PmperEy.
<br />(N) "kAartgape I�icancer" means i�urance protecUng Lender agelnst the nonpayment oi, or detault on, the Loan.
<br />(0) °P�lodic Payment" meana the regularly schedu]ed amourrt due for (1) pdnclpal end irrterest under the Note, plus {tt}
<br />any amour►ts �mder Section 3 of thia Secu�tiy Instrument
<br />(P} °ItEBPA" means #he Reat Estste Settlement Procedures Act (12 U.S.C. § 2609 et seq.y end its impl�merrtirtg
<br />regulaflon, Regulatfon X(24 C.FR Part 3600), as they might be amended from Bme to tEme, ar any additionai or
<br />sacxessor legislatian or regutaHnn that govems fhe �me subJect matter. As t�d In this Seaulty Ins4vment, 'RESPA'
<br />refers to ap requfrements end restrictions thet are imposed In regerd to e°federatly related mortgage losn' even tf the
<br />L.oan does not quapfy as a Yederafly relaYed mortgege laan" under RESPA.
<br />{Ll) �Sucoes�r in Interest of Borrowe�' means any party that has taken tiEl� to fhe Properiy, whether or not that party
<br />has assum� Borrowers obUgatians under the Wote and/or thls Security Instrurr►ent
<br />_ . . ... TRANSFER OF REGHTS IN TFIE PROPER7Y • � � . . . . . .. . ... . ... . .
<br />Thi.a Secur�fy Instr�ment secur�s to Lender: (n the repeyment of the Loan, and aU renewals, extensia�s ar�d
<br />modiflcations of the Note; ar►d (i� tt►e �rfortnance of Borrowers �vanants arid agreemeMs �mder tFifs Security
<br />InsirumeM and the Note. For this �rpase. Barrower hrevocably grants and c�rn►eya to Truatee, in trust, with pawer of
<br />sale, the following des�ed property lacated En the Counly of HALL_
<br />Reai Property tax idanttflcatlon number Is 400386503.
<br />which currerrtiy has the addt�ass of 308 RFNEE ROAD, DbNIPHAN, Nebraska 68832-879T (°Properfy Address°j:
<br />TOGETHER WITH aA ti�e Empravements now or hereafter ered� on t�e proparty, and all e�ame�s,
<br />ap�atenences, and flxtures rtow or hereafter a part af the properly. All re�la�melds and eddfttons shall also be
<br />covered by this Secwily Instrument Ail of the toregoing 3s refarred to in fihis Secxuity Instrument as the "?roperty."
<br />BORRQWER COVENANTS that Borrower is lawfulfy setsed of the esffite hereby cornreyed and has the �tght to
<br />g�ant and convey the Property ertd that fhe Property ia unencumbered, excep! for encumbrances oF record. Borrower
<br />warranta and w19 defend generaQy the tide to fhe Properly against all clafms and demands, subJeCt to any
<br />encumbrant�s of record. '
<br />11iIS SECURITY INSTRUMENT cambines uniform covenants tor nafloneE use and non-unlf`orm �venants w[th
<br />Iimited variaticns by judsdtctian to canstltufe a unttorm security inslrument wvering �ea1 property.
<br />UNIFORNE COVEI�IAANTS. Borrower and Lander �venent and agres as foUows:
<br />9. Payrr�ern af Prir�lpei, trmereat. Esn+o,n► tc�rrB. Prepeiyrrm�t t��arges, �a IaEe l�arcg�s. sorrower shau pay
<br />when due the p�iincipal of, and hrtere� on, the debt evidenc�i by the Plofe and any prepaymer►t ct�arge9 sr�d Eate
<br />charges due iu►der the Hote. Barrow� sf�ll alsfl pay funds for Escraar liems purauent to Sedbn 3. Paymerrts d�
<br />undsr tl►e NotB and this Securiiy Instrument sha0 I� rrmde In U.S. cxure�y. Howaver, if any check or o�er Instrument
<br />received by Ler�� sa payment urtider the Note or this Sscurity Instrument is retumed to Lender un�1d, L� may
<br />�uEt�a that eny � aIl subsequet�t payments due under the Wote and thi& 38CUrity Inst[ument be rt�d8 in one or rnanB of
<br />the fo9owing tortns, as selected by Lender. (a) cesh; {b) money order, (c) cer6fi8d check� bank chedc, treasure�s check
<br />or cashier's cttieck, provided ar�+ such chedc ie drawn upon.an insfftuBon whose depns�s �e insured by a federal
<br />agency, U�strumerrtallty. or entity; ar (� De�nonio Funds Transfer.
<br />Paqmenb are deerr�d r�eived by Lender when r�(ved at the lopti� designated in the Note or at such othsr
<br />location as may be deslgneted by Lend¢r in ac�rdanc� with the noSce provislorrs In Sedian 15. Lsruler may retum
<br />a� �yment or par8al paymerrt if 1he payrtnant or partlal paymeMs are Ins�fficfent to bring tlte Loan current L�►der
<br />may accept any paymer�t ar partlal payment insuffident to bring the Loan current, wlthout wahrer of any rfights
<br />hereunder or preJudfce to its rights W refuse suah paymerd or pardal payments in the future, but Letxler is not obQgated
<br />to a�1y such paymarrts at the 8me such paymerrts are aq:epted. If each Ped�tc Payment !s apptted as o! its
<br />�h�luled due date, theR Le�mler �aed nat pay tnterest an uneppUed funds. Lender may hold such unapptled funds urrtB
<br />NEBRASKA-SinB�e Fam�Y-Fann3� A�aefFreddPe Mac UNIFORM UdSTRUB�ENT � Form 3028 7101
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